
Keep on walking



7 Years
04-15-2014, 04:23 AM

Emer was still a rather absent figure with the pack. The horrifying memories still haunted her and she was still keeping her distance from others, losing sleep with her nightmares and overall probably wasn't quite as healthy as she should have been. She was making an effort now though for her children, for a while she had forced herself to hunt, though it had become a tricky task now with the pups having grown a considerable amount making it impossible to move with the speed and agility she typically had. Fortunately some members of the pack had taken to leaving food close to her den, far enough that they didn't intrude upon her privacy though close enough that it was clearly meant for the expecting mother who could retrieve it with ease.

Since seeing Valerius had joined the pack she was slightly more at ease with moving around the lands, though uncomfortable now she still restrained from travelling too far from her den and certainly didn't want to meet too many new faces all at once. One at a time was more than enough, and in her own time as well. Perhaps one day she'd be able to confidently walk through the lands, act like she belonged to the pack, though worries and fear gripped her too much to allow her to do that for now.

For now Emer was out stretching her legs a little, taking a gentle walk around the lands, not straying too far from her den and enjoying the Autumn as best as she could. Though it was her favourite season, the awful events that had happened to her lately was certainly having an affect on even the simplest of things.



4 Years
04-17-2014, 05:39 PM

Having left a plumb rabbit a short distance from Emer's den entrance, Thor was headed back to his own den. Lately the brute had been doing a lot of hunting. It was good exercise and to be honest, the brute was concerned about his figure. It was more than just vanity; instilled in him was the desire to remain fighting fit. He couldn't do that by simply laying around. The brute craved activity. He'd even taken up running the border on occasion.

His pace leisurely, the brute ambled towards home with his head in the clouds. As was usual for him, he was thinking of the place he'd once called home. It plagued him to think that Villi and Ve were running things now. He didn't care to challenge them for that right, but it irked him nonetheless. They were too stupid to lead anything. As much as he disagreed with his father's ways, Thor couldn't deny that the brute had known how to lead. The Pack was his father's creation and without him at the head, it was nothing; just a dying beast. Maybe one day he'd go back and put it out of its misery.

A sixth sense alerted him to the fact that he was walking up on someone. He couldn't see her, but he knew it was the fae that he'd been leaving food for. Thor knew nothing of Emer's circumstances; leaving food for her was just a kindness he was extending to everyone in the pack in turn with her getting priority because she was expecting. Not wanting to startle her, he called out, "Hello?"

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]



4 Years
04-17-2014, 06:12 PM

Baldur held himself in an unusual state of calm calculation. The wind ruffled the snowy fur of the chiseled youth. Muscles were tense, limbs coiled in the anticipation of a quick snack. It was also an exercise in patient and balance, both areas Baldur needed work in and agility was also useful in sparring. Though perhaps more than anything the exercise was mental. His nightmares were back.

A soft frown marked his maw as his eyes narrowed at the thought. He and Sk?ll had plans to return to their old pack and the thoughts of it made his stomach church with fear and anxiety. Yet staying here had a similar affect on him as well. The longer the waited the more Hodr was suffering he was just sure of it! Yet he'd promised to be patient and wait for Sk?ll to finish scouting ahead while Baldur worked up the guts to tell Thor what he was planning.

A flash of fur and muscles slipped supple like a well oiled machine. Precision and tenacity drove Baldur headlong after the rabbit that was actively trying to avoid him. Tail lashing in a windmill he sought to match the creatures crazed movements as he raced across the plains. So focused on his quarry he didn't realize he'd run right into the presence of Thor and Emer. Fangs lashed out seizing the tail of the rabbit but catching only fluff.

Baldur sneezed sharply the sudden backward motion of his head contradicting that of his body as he suddenly tripped. Body flinging forward in a somersault, Baldur skidded to a stop on his back. "Ow?." He lay there for a moment, twitching before climbing to his paws and shaking the dust out of his coat. Licking the side of his mouth where he'd scrapped off some skin he turned to gaze at Thor? and a female that kind of looked like him. Baldur's head titled to the side. "What's up, guys?"




7 Years
04-17-2014, 06:31 PM

It was a rather calm walk to start with, the Autumnal coloured girl would continue on her path. Nerves of course still gripped her as she moved, though in her isolation she appeared calm for now. Unfortunately for Emer, it seemed that the peace and the apparent relaxed state of mind would not last for too long at all though.

"Hello?" Although his attention had been to avoid startling her, Emer did jump all the same. In a pack she probably should have expected to run into someone, though perhaps a combination of the hope that she wouldn't be disturbed and the fact that she typically spent all her time alone meant that the sudden presence of another did come as a bit of a shock to her. As swiftly as she was able, she would turn to look at the wolf, though he certainly wasn't anyone that she could say she recognised.

It probably would have taken her a moment to reply all the same, though the main cause for ruining any hopes of tranquillity arrived as the mostly-white male crashed into the scene. Once more she would jump, perhaps even more so given the manner of his entrance. Speed she could typically deal with, though she'd be lying if she said she wasn't concerned about her pups, what if he had collided with her? He hadn't of course, and probably wouldn't have done either, though the fear crossed her mind all the same. "Ow? What's up, guys?" Although the question seemed to be aimed towards her as well, and she had yet to respond to the first male, Emer had certainly lost her words for a moment and simply continued to nervously stand in silence, golden eyes glancing between the two strange males, though it was Baldur that was her biggest concern at the moment. He may not have been running anymore, though given that he was the one that had startled her the most, well he seemed the most threatening in her fearful mind.



4 Years
04-17-2014, 08:29 PM

He'd startled her. The fae whipped around so fast that Thor had a hard time tracking her movements; one second she was turned away from him and the next she was facing him. The brute's ears lowered a notch and his tail followed. Immediately he set about apologizing. "Oh, I'm so sorr-" Before he could finish, Thor was interrupted by none other than the prince of grand entrances (the title of 'king' was reserved for Loki and all of his ridiculous flair). There was kicked up dirt, flung leaves and a somersault before the whole thing was through and the brute stared at his brother just long enough for him to take the spectacle in. Then he rolled his eyes, a big booming laugh escaping him as he looked at Emer, ready to make a joke at Baldur's expense before he saw her face. The words died on his lips and his smile faded into a look of uncertainty.

Padding over to Baldur, Thor was tempted to smack him upside the head. Baldur, you idiot, look at what you did. Instead of smacking, the brute settled on nudging; trying to subtly tell his brother to right himself and reevaluate the situation. He wasn't sure what had gone wrong, it wasn't like Baldur had come in snarling, really, he'd flopped in like a goofball. Still, Emer's attention was fixed on him and she didn't look amused. Speaking to Emer he said, "I'm sorry, we didn't mean to startle you." He wanted to crack some kind of joke to ease the tension, but nothing came to him; which was probably for the best because more than likely he wouldn't be funny and then Baldur might get the urge to smack him upside the head for his stupidity.

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]



4 Years
04-17-2014, 08:58 PM (This post was last modified: 04-17-2014, 08:59 PM by Baldur.)

He sneezed again and shook his head as he flopped down on his butt. What on earth was wrong with him today! Baldur had been feeling a little off since the morning but he'd figured it was simply because he was hungry. Food fixed everything, right?

It was then he noticed that his brothers laugh had stopped suddenly short and the other was nudging him. Her stared up quizzically at his elder brother before turning to see the fae who looked absolutely horrified as if Baldur was about to spring up and attack her right there. One of his ears flicked back as his tail tucked under his right thigh. What did he do wrong? Baldur felt suddenly uncomfortable. His body urged him to run but at this point he wasn't sure if he should try to stand so he remained right where he was, body rigid and tense.

Thor attempted to break the silence but it didn't seem to be helping. Baldur had no idea what to say either. Maybe it was time to beat a retreat and leave her alone. Just as Baldur was about to get up another sneeze erupted from Baldur's nose causing him to loose his already questionable balance and land spread eagle on his belly, a glob of snot hanging out his nose. Baldur let out a sigh that was more of a whimper, as his paw moved to wipe the mess away. He knew better than to eat it in front of a lady. "I think I just sneezed out part of my brain." He coughed lightly. "My bro's right though, we're sorry! Especially if I ruined your hunt, I guess I got a little carried away." A smile graced his maw, soft and sheepish.



04-17-2014, 09:29 PM
Amia Tulip

The lesson Cormalin had taught her was going her wonders. Hunting became much easier, allowing her to grow closer on silent paws to her prey before striking. She felt one with the earth, whole and stronger in her limbs and soul. Everything was slowly falling into place for her. She had Imena to finish her training with, Cormalin for fighting, and well hunting was blank for now. But in time she was sure someone would match up with her. A warm smile spread across her lips as her blue orbs sparkled with joy. Happily she trotted on trained silent paws, tail swaying to an even beat, head bouncing from side to side in synch.

Softly she hummed, unaware she was heading towards others. Not that humming and singing infront of others bothered her, she was just completely wrapped up in her own bliss."I don't need a lot of anything, I just need a little of everything." She sang happily till she paused, a group of three wolves infront of her. She smiled warmly at them before noting the female seemed nervous. One look at her belly explained it all. Her face glowed as she turned her attention of the other female."Ohh.. congrats on your upcoming litter. I'm Amia a healer." She said softly before looking at the males.

A brow raised at the white male on the ground. He looked silly down there. Then her eyes took in both males. Both were very handsome and she had to hold her tongue in before she started panting. Why was this pack so full of sexy males?"How's the weather down there?" She teased with a soft giggle. The tension from the other female was noticeable, Amia could only hope to break it and hope to reassure her.



7 Years
04-18-2014, 03:34 AM

It wasn't just their surprising entrances that had shaken Emer, there was something about the scent of the two males seemed somewhat familiar though she was unable to figure out why. She tried telling herself it was simply that they were members of Valhalla and yet all the same there was more to the feeling of recognition than that. Unlike the occasion she had recalled Valerius' scent, there was something about the wolves before her now that just seemed a little unnerving. Maybe she was searching for nothing, an excuse to feel so nervous, this was after all the first occasion since before her traumatic incident that she had met not one but two strangers at a time, even if both were in the same pack as her.

The first wolf had already begun to apologise before she could find her words, though the arrival of the second had interrupted him, just as he had interrupted Emer's thoughts. With only one of the males present she may have felt a little more at ease, but right now even in what was really her own home now, she still felt rather vulnerable. The first man would finish his attempted apology as a sneezing fit would fall upon what was apparently his brother before he too would contribute to the apology, though a little more casually than the brown man, perhaps it was the snot or the joking way in which he had referred to it though Emer certainly didn't feel Baldur was quite as polite as Thor.

"I... I wasn't hunting." Emer finally found her voice a little it seemed, commenting on Baldur's assumption. She highly doubted she would currently be able to hunt well at all given how heavily pregnant she was now. She was attempting to calm herself, reminding herself once more that the pair were in the same pack as she was though nerves were certainly still high.

Of course just as she was starting to somewhat settle down in the presence of Thor and Baldur, another wolf would come along. This female at least didn't startle her, though the number of wolves now gathering was certainly a few more than Emer would have liked. She probably could have coped with any one of them alone but all three together was just a little too much for the timid female.

Amia would swiftly introduce herself, as well as congratulate Emer on her pups. The mother-to-be certainly didn't wish to explain the horrific situation she had actually landed herself in and to be honest still wasn't sure how she felt about them at all. Motherly instincts had certainly begun to kick in, the den had been prepared the best she could and she had a strong urge to keep them safe and of course keep them full stop. She still felt oddly empty emotionally though, neither love nor hate springing to mind as she thought of them.

Fortunately she could skip the awkward thank you, something she almost felt obliged to give despite the confusing way she felt about all of this. Amia had turned her attention to the males instead and for a moment Emer pondered on whether she would be able to leave the three of them to talk and simply slip away. Quickly she banished the thought, it seemed rather rude and so she forced herself to stay put.



4 Years
04-19-2014, 12:30 PM

Thor's eyes momentarily closed in exasperation. He was practicing patience which wasn't an easy feat for him. Smacking Baldur upside the head was like breathing; he didn't even think about it. That he had suppressed the urge so far was a miracle because he so badly wanted to rattle whatever brains remained in his head. "You have brains to sneeze out?" he teased, doing his part to lighten the mood.

The brute's eyes opened. He wasn't sure what to make of the fae's continued silence. Maybe it would be best if he left. She obviously didn't want the company and he didn't want to intrude anymore than he had. Finally she replied to Baldur, saying she hadn't been hunting. That was good, he supposed; at least they hadn't interrupted her. Trying a new tactic, he volunteered the words, "I don't know if you need it or not, but I left a rabbit near your den."

Another fae arrived with lighter spirits and Thor smiled at her, studying her form before catching himself. He would not allow himself to be so rude. She smiled down at Baldur and asked him a question, causing Thor to snort. "I'm Thor and this," He shook his head trying to come up with the right word. "Clown is my brother Baldur. We're kinda new here."

[Image: 2z9gv88.png]



4 Years
04-19-2014, 02:44 PM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2014, 07:23 PM by Baldur.)

What did you expect to find?

Was it something you left behind?

Oh? She wasn't hunting? Baldur supposed that made sense as if finally occurred to him just how pregnant she was. She still seemed terribly off put by the pair of males and Baldur turned to look at Thor his head tilted quizzically to the side as if to inquire as to what social line he'd managed to trip over this time. While none of the Hroovitnir clan were terribly graced with manners, trained to be killers from the start, he was confident his older brother knew.

It was then another femme appeared, a cute bubbly little thing named Amia. Well at least she didn't seem to be perturbed by their presence. He smiled up at her as he answered her question. "Drafty!" His nose wrinkled and he sneezed again. "Ah sorry? grass must be tickling my nose. How are you?"

Baludr turned to Thor indignantly and stuck out his tongue to the brain comment. He was very intelligent thank you very much? he just tripped a lot. Thor followed it up by introducing him as a "clown". Baldur was about to say something as a shiver ran down his spine. He quickly set to ignoring it. Probably a chill in the air before turning back to Emer. "I'm not a clown I'm just a bit klutzy. What's your name?"

Baldur pitched forward suddenly, eyes squeezing shut at the stabbing pain that was shooting through his head. Flinching he rose carefully to his feet. "I'm sorry, please excuse me I think I must've eaten something funny. I'm sure it's nothing I'll just take a quick nap." Letting out a good natured laugh and a smile he quickly hid the pain and trotted away from the group.

-exit Baldur, luns on abscence til May 8th. sorry ><-

Don't you remember anything I said when I said,

Don't fall away and leave me to myself