
Stories of a healing kind



3 Years
04-15-2014, 03:01 AM

The temperature had taken another drop lately and Talvi was thankful for her thickening fur. She hadn't yet experienced all of the seasons, not in one location anyway and had no idea what to expect from Autumn and Winter here in the North but she had a feeling that things would grow cooler still, it'd always been colder here than back on her island home. She still thought fondly of the place, though the fading memories seemed so distant now.

She had finally been doing better in the pack as of late, the number of wolves was growing to be a little less daunting though she still hadn't socialised with many of them. Typically she spent a fair amount of time on her own, wandering the lands unless specifically called to do anything. She still missed her family, their absence continuing to get her down a little though she'd given up searching for them now. Even so it was still awkward to try meet others beyond the other pups of the pack, not that many of them could really be called that anymore, Talvi herself amongst that. Nearing a year of age she had grown quite a considerable amount now and barely recognisable from the small and worried pup that had arrived here after the storms.

Timidly she had first wandered around the Wash, curiously investigating the pretty patterns in the stones with Lysis who had been rather kind to the rather lost little pup. Now however she had grown used to the lands and finally begun to think herself as a part of the pack, even what part was yet to be decided. The development certainly led her forwards with a far more confident stride than before, for now she at last had developed that feeling that she did belong, that Glaciem was home.



6 Years
04-17-2014, 07:15 PM
Autumn had begun, and the weather patterns were changing in a fast rate. The smell of cold and bitterness began to fill the femme's nose, but she was used to the weather of Glaciem, since she had been there for almost a year. A smile would spread across her features as she came across a frozen body of water, big enough to be a stream with the way it weaved through the forest. Perhaps she was thinking about this place as being home now, but she still was not sure.

Sendoa was kind to her, but some males did not take kindly to her kind gestures and behaviors. Was there something inside of her that Isardis liked? He could've gotten rid of her easily with the way his pack is in numbers, and in cunning and brains. A sigh would come through her nose, releasing carbon dioxide into a form of mist, soon causing the mist to evaporate into the atmosphere.

That was when the female soon smelled another wolf close by. But, the wolf was smaller in stature, and was also, in her eyes, considered to be a pup in her eyes. As she approached, sure enough, there was a pup who also appeared to be in Glaciem. She was young, and remembered hearing her names a couple of times throughout the pack. She must be the one named Talvi. Her smile stayed upon her face as she approached to the pup, walking over cautiously as to not startle the young wolf.

"Hello," she spoke kindly to her, speaking as she sat down in front of the frozen stream and stretched, placing her head down upon her paws as her emerald orbs shifted over to the young pup, wondering what she would do.



3 Years
04-18-2014, 12:34 PM
ooc: Just a note, Talvi's almost a year of age so she's looking fairly grown up now, she wouldn't be too much smaller than Esperanza.

Although feeling far more settled than she had only a few months ago, Talvi had yet to fully meet many of the wolves in the pack. It was of course partially down to a lack of effort on her behalf, though for a while she'd only really socialised with her fellow children in the pack and a few of the higher ranking members, mostly those that had taken them for lessons. Truth be told she wasn't quite sure where to start with even attempting to get to know the rest of the pack simply figured that it would come at some point as older now she'd probably find herself needing to be more responsible and around them more.

It seemed that further meetings with the pack members would start now. Blue eyes would lift from the carved out path of marble in the earth and glance back behind her as she heard the sound of another approaching. The black woman certainly wasn't one that Talvi could say she knew, rather distant at the last meeting she couldn't be sure if the other had even been present though Talvi certainly did not know her name.

"Hello," It struck her as odd that the woman would choose to suddenly lie down at this particular point by the dried up riverbed. There was plenty of spaces she could have chosen to relax and stare at the marble if she wished though for some reason she had joined the youth at her current location, though meandering along the eroded rock, Talvi certainly hadn't planned on staying at this point for all that long.

The woman seemed friendly enough though, and Talvi knew she ought to start socialising with the elder members of the pack at some point. Now was perhaps as good a time as any considering she wasn't doing too much else and so she halted her walk, though remained standing for now. "Hello." She greeted in response.



6 Years
04-18-2014, 01:36 PM
The ebony woman looked to the young pup and smiled. She knew she was a blood and smiled, bowing her head respectively to the young pup. "You must be Talvi, a very nice name for a young pup like yourself," she would speak in a kind tone as she placed her head down upon her paws and heaved a small sigh as the wind began to pick up. Her emerald orbs shifted to see some snow clouds coming this way, and judging by the way they were so dark, she knew it was a massive blizzard. "Come, there has to be a den nearby, there is a snowstorm and not many pups survive if they are stuck out here.

With that being said, she shifted her gaze to a large cave. Snow was already beginning to fall at a rapid rate, and already it was starting to get hard to see the structure that would keep them out of the storm. The woman lied down and placed her head down upon her paws as she watched the young pup lie down. A sigh would escape once more and closed her eyes as the wind began to pick up. Her thick, ebony pelt shook from the vast wind as some snow began to fall and hit against her face. If the pup felt cold, she would allow her to lie down beside her, and with a smile, she soon started to fall asleep, but stayed awake slightly with her ears erect so she could hear any sounds of danger if danger ever made it's presence known to the ebony femme.



3 Years
04-18-2014, 02:50 PM
ooc: I know you've already posted with Esperanza in the cave though Talvi wouldn't follow her quite so readily if at all, as she'll point out herself there are other places in the lands she can shelter, she doesn't need to follow her.

"You must be Talvi, a very nice name for a young pup like yourself," Talvi frowned lightly at her words, how the other knew her name the blue and silver girl really had no idea. Not one of Isardis' own she wasn't even amongst the most famed of the bloods, the titles were likely reserved for Kyarst and Kuvio, though many of the other bloods had begun to make a name for themselves, Drashiel with his confidence and Vereux with his request at the latest meeting. Almost a year old, yet she had done nothing extraordinary for her pack, simply joining it had been her biggest feat so far.

"Yes. I am." She responded with a steady nod of her head. Her words weren't quite as warm, somewhat confused by the entire ordeal. Though by no means one of those stubborn youth's that refused to acknowledge how little experience she had, she wasn't sure she appreciated this whole 'young pup' lark either. She would be a year old before too long and even the youngest of the pack were hardly that small anymore.

"Come, there has to be a den nearby, there is a snowstorm and not many pups survive if they are stuck out here." Pale eyes glanced upwards towards the clouds. Indeed they had darkened rather swiftly though truth be told she would have rather sought shelter within her own den or with another of the bloods that she actually knew rather than this woman. She had nothing against her really, though the company of a stranger was not exactly welcomed if she may have to stay put for a while. "I am hardly a child anymore." Talvi pointed out to her, once more with the pup references. She was just as likely to survive as this woman. "I am nearly as large as you are." Indeed as the other rose at her current state Talvi was only a few inches shorter. Yes she was still growing, but she was hardly in a stage of crucial development anymore, there were fully-grown wolves far smaller than her.

The snow began to fall and the ebony female would begin to lead the way. As swiftly as the clouds had arrived, they had begun to empty. A strange occurrence for Autumn she felt, surely even here, though the lands had hardly been kind as of late and perhaps ought not be questioned too much. Talvi remained rooted, gaze fixed upon the woman. "Whilst you somehow know my name I have no idea who you are. Why should I follow you anyway? I can just as easily make my own way elsewhere." Perhaps all those pup comments had gotten to her a little more than she had realised. She certainly had nothing against kindness though Talvi had made it this far with her mother being overly present in her life, she certainly didn't need some stranger suddenly stepping in and acting like she was a defenceless little tot that needed someone to care for her.



6 Years
04-18-2014, 04:59 PM
Esperanza looked to the pup, and then over to the sky. "I'm sorry, Talvi, I guess I just have not been doing well in the pack right now." She spoke with kindness and somewhat sadness, but she kept her head held high as the wind blew fierce and caused her to shiver slightly, but despite her body shaking, she was used to the cold of the landscape.

Her emerald orbs looked into the ones of Talvi and she kept her eyes focused and soon placed her head back down to her forepaws, closing her eyes as a tear trickled down. Esperanza wasn't sure what was making her cry, or why she was shedding a tear, but she tried to focus and keep her head out of memories and stay perplexed and confident.

(sorry about Nalyda being sent, didn't mean to do that ^^' ill talk with maintenance)



3 Years
04-23-2014, 04:14 AM

Talvi had felt lost, some sadness but never had she seen the emotions clearly visible within another. Even in her own struggles tears had been kept at bay and yet now the black wolf before her was starting to cry. Still she had no idea who she was, though a part of her would sympathise as she spoke. "I'm sorry, Talvi, I guess I just have not been doing well in the pack right now."

She knew the feeling, for quite some time Glaciem hadn't felt like home and she hadn't felt a part of anything. "Don't apologise." She informed the other somewhat abruptly, she felt that it was a ridiculous and unnecessary apology. "Just get out and try, do better. Do it for yourself." It was the very fate that Talvi had recently accepted for herself. There was a lot of work to be done, plenty of training and lessons were needed but she at least felt more confident, as clearly demonstrated here now.

"Start by going to your shelter if you wish, work out your next plan from there. I will be fine." She still didn't particularly feel like accompanying the female to any shelter, for starters she still hadn't introduced herself and wearing your emotions on your sleeve wasn't something Talvi was used to and she wasn't sure how she ought to deal with it. Avoiding it seemed like the best idea.