
Cry me a river


04-14-2014, 11:04 AM

Lux had some how found herself away from the small island that Salamander had kindly made her home, or as much of a home that it can be. it was filled with plenty of pretty drawings, and flowers embedded everywhere. But she couldnt help but feel the need to be closer to her family. Perhaps one day they could both venture of to find them. Her doe like legs would skim the earths surface, bored and lonely like a woman can be. She was beginning to get lost in her own memory. Swiped away like the steam that builds up on a glass mirror,gone. The russet woman still appeared fragile, but she was much stronger since she had woken up which was only a week or two ago.

She wanted to explore every land, experience everything she possibly could and befriend those who deem worthy, A prize that she never got much of while she was travelling all over the place at a young age. She would stop by a river, looking at her reflection before dipping her crown down to drink. once she had risen, Multiple of small droplets would trail down her muzzle and fall back repeatedly into the water. Once she was satisfied, Lux would sit, gazing far within the distance; even though there was nothing to look at.
