
peace offering

solo seasonal



4 Years

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022Statue 3 Worship
03-04-2023, 11:20 PM

Cyanide does not do things for the sake of them. She doesn’t do things for the simple and pure sake of it. If she doesn’t do anything for nothing then why was she doing this? Why was she doing things like this? Why was she carefully browsing the underbrush the way some healer would, looking for things that would be pretty or smell nice? What the fuck was her problem all of a sudden? What was her problem and why was she like this?

It wasn’t even like she was the sentimental type. Frankly, she was the opposite. What was the opposite of sentimental even? The wraith grumbled to herself as she continued to search, to browse, to look. Her scowl was a near eternal fixture, and for some reason she’d been more of a grouch than usual. More of a grouch, more of a grump. More of a sour pain in the ass for everyone around her. Oh whatever. Fuck it, frankly. Fuck it, fuck this, and fuck whatever horse this idea rode in on. Something like that.

Her hackles were up as she continued to rummage, still set on her task. She was going to do something nice for Celeste. Cy was going to make a peace offering. Something strange had grown between the two girls, or at least… something strange had grown in Cyanide’s mind. Something strange and something she really, certainly, was not a fan of. It was something that felt almost like fondness. Did Celeste feel the same way? Surely not, and Cy wasn’t going to dwell on it. She’d done so much dwelling over Oki, she wasn’t going to do the same with Celeste. Fuck no. Fuck this. This was going to be a simple gesture, a simple gesture of I tolerate you. A simple gesture of I don’t want to fight anymore.

What Cyanide wouldn’t admit to is the fact that she’s been the one fighting from the start.

In reality, all of the misery had been self imposed. That was a tough pill to swallow, and it was one that she’d been fighting with day in and day out lately. Cy wouldn’t be so miserable if she just stopped being miserable. No, it was literally that simple. She could just stop, at any time. She could stop at any time if that nasty little voice in her head would stop telling her that she wasn’t good enough, that she would be someone’s second choice, that she wasn’t what he wanted. Right. All Cy would have to do, in theory, was choke herself out over that one, or something.

No. Bad. Can’t think like that.

Maybe the pregnancy that she was choosing to ignore was messing with her head. Frankly, Cyanide was messing with her own head. She gathered her little bundle of leaves and rounded stones and made her way back to the area where the band had camped out. Still withdrawn and cut away from the rest of the group, but at least this time it wasn’t because she was being nasty and reclusive. No, this time it’s because she’s working on something. Her little pile of things was missing something, though. Scowling to herself, the wraith went and rummaged through that strange viking creature’s armor working tools. Cy located a knife, a sharpening stone, and finally a length of rawhide cord. There, that was good enough.

Back to her pile of pretty rocks and herbs, she settled in to work. Against the sharpening stone she slowly wore the rocks down. She’d smooth them carefully until they were round, with no edges to speak of. Cy supposed that the sharpening stone was being used as an opposite-of-sharpening stone, but it wasn’t like anyone would mind or care… probably. Better to ask forgiveness than permission. Not like he could come after a pregnant lady… not that she… was pregnant. No, what a silly thought. She would continue to ignore that fact as best she could. Keep working. She was doing something nice, damnit.

Once satisfied with the smoothness of the pretty rocks, Cyanide took the knife. As carefully as she could, she began to bore a hole in the soft quartz. It was clumsy at first, she’d never done anything like this before. Decoration for the sake of decoration? No. Absolutely not. But here she was, doing it anyway. Celeste better fucking appreciate it, especially if she was going to go through all this trouble and put all this effort in. Ugh. Why was doing nice things for someone else so much fucking effort? Why did Oki make doing nice things for them look so easy?

But also, it was probably worth it. A peace offering, and not a simple one either. Five quartz beads, carefully created and piled up by her paws. Cyanide couldn’t help but be proud of herself. She strung them onto the rawhide cord, weaving them tightly so they wouldn’t fall off. With each bead, Cy tucked a small sprig of mint or lavender, some sage and some thyme. They would be beneath the beads, and part of the bracelet itself. Hopefully the oils from the herbs would saturate the rawhide… or something like that. Fuck if Cy knew how it worked, she was doing her best okay?

When the wraith was done with her project, she couldn’t help but be proud of herself. It looked damn good. As quietly as she could she snuck to Celeste’s currently vacant bed within the camp and left it on her pillow, before stealing away to do literally anything else. Not like she was going to make eye contact with the other girl when delivering the peace offering, nope, not an option.

he said to be cool
but i'm already coolest

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