
My Lady Valhalla



2 Years
04-13-2014, 07:15 PM (This post was last modified: 04-13-2014, 07:20 PM by Crucifix.)

The heart of the brute was heavy within his chest, and within it sparked his anger, his fury for the fate that befallen Twig. A part of that hate included himself, for not being there to prevent it in the first place, but the majority of that emotion burned for the one who had wronged her and it demanded blood in reconcile. They would move apart now and it felt hard to let her go even that little step. He had never felt so protective of her before, having in the past been so clearly the younger of the two. But that strong wolf he had modelled himself against was so different to how he had left her. She looked so small and fragile beside him now, skinny and tired for all the world had thrown at her. This new, wildly strong feeling of a need to protect her would be hard to tame, but he knew he could never push to hard for she would always be her own wolf. He just needed to add a little bit of muscle to her life, not a voice of command.

She had fully pulled away and her paws had begun to move her onwards. He was quick to respond, taking up a pace beside her and feeling oddly like a guard at her side. This was his sister, his Twig, and hell hath no fury like a brother with a sister wronged. She spoke of her Alpha and her ideas of justice, that she might need some convincing. If she believes in justice I don't see how she would need convincing he thought, filling away the Alpha's name for the moment. After all, he could not see what else could be called 'justice' he had hurt his sister, badly, perhaps almost destroyed her life. Asking for his blood was small beside's that. But he did not know the Alpha, and his sister did. ?I will find a way? he soothed gently to her as they walked, flicking his tail against her side. He knew it the moment they reached the border, and the scent of Valhalla would reach his nostrils. He tried not to wrinkle his nose at the onslaught of aroma, the strong small of many wolves mingling into one. As they stopped at a general sort of point on the outskirts of the border he would raise his head and bellow out a call in strong tones, asking for the one who ruled these lands.

"My sounds""My Soul"

Twig I


04-13-2014, 08:31 PM
The day she died it had felt like her own heart had stopped beating, the loss contained within that tiny silver marked body was enough to bring Twig's resolve crumbling down. Alpine ha helped, his words seemed to strengthen her when he was around, but of course he had a life and duties away from her. She considered him a brother but that did not mean she could lay claim upon what he did with his life. She had done as much as she could when he caught cold, finding herself praying for his very life. No matter their relationship she couldn't see herself continuing on without him. He had given her strength long enough to find her younger brother, who would seem to take up a special interest in protecting his big sister. She would walk close enough to him that she ?would feel him next to her every step of the way.?

They would find themselves near the territory quickly, the scent easily distinguishable at the border. Crucifix would then take charge, his muscular form taking on a stance of power as he tilted his throat back to let loose a song of summoning. Twig would bring himself near him, coiling her haunches next to him. Their warmth would intermingle as she too lifted her muzzle to the sky, her voice joining his to ask Erani by their side.?



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
04-14-2014, 07:52 AM
Erani Adravendi

Erani padded with long strides through the territory, hearing the gentle lapping of the lakes personal tide off to her left, and the gentle hush of trees decorated in gold, green and red leaves, or deep green, aromatic pine needles, as the wind brushed through them. It was a peaceful day, neither too hot, or too cold. Her mind turned to Twig. Physically, the female was perhaps close to being healed. Emotionally? It could take a long time before that soul wound healed and became a scar. The trial of her rapist would hopefully send Twig down the right path for that healing, but until she was physically healed, the male who had brought such grief to the girl would be holed away in a den, with several to guard him. Alsander and Sarak, alternating with Surreal and Cormalin, and Obsidian at times. The male was drugged, forced into a sleep, and fed a rabbit now and then.

A young, masculine howl came to her ears, nearby, shortly mixed with Twig?s voice. Erani?s path deviated easily, her pace picking up from a strolling, slow walk to a sort of pacing trot, as she weaved through the tree-line to the calls. As she came upon them, she slowed, studying the two. The resemblances between them would have told her their relation, even if she hadn?t seen the cross marking on his left shoulder. The same violet eyes, the same build, as passed down to them from their father. Erani had never seen their mother, and imagined that Twig?s graceful, elegant figure must have come from her. Had Twig seen her father yet? Deviant was new to the pack, having in fact, joined the very day Twig?s still born daughter had been birthed and buried.

Erani stepped forward, pressing her nose to Twigs shoulder in an easy touch of welcoming, before her eyes rested on the young male. ?One of your brothers?? Her soft velvet-toned voice was gentle, her accents adding to that faint mysticism. Deep blue gaze swept over him once more, evaluating him.

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



2 Years
04-15-2014, 04:32 PM (This post was last modified: 04-15-2014, 04:34 PM by Crucifix.)

Crucifix would smile as her call joined in with his, and for the first time in a very long time their voices would ring together. He would nudge his shoulder ever so gently against her own and pass on a grin. Between his anger and determination he would not forget his joy that this was the day he would find her again, that his Twig was here beside him and that other family was not far away. The sound of their call had died out against the territory before them but it seems their wait was to be a short one as the Ruler found her way before them. He would take a moment to take in this White Woman, from the glow of sapphire that gleamed in kindness, love, a strength to her own family that surpassed blood, in her eyes to the single colour that took reign along the pathways of her coat.

Her first action would be to press her noise into the shoulder of his sister, an action of welcome and love, a simple gesture she proved she was not above making. He took it all in to see the wolf it made her and wondered if this woman separated 'revenge' and 'justice' into two very different categories, if this woman would not see that to finally give Twig the path of moving on and to clean this world of sin, he would take the doers blood. The Alpha's eyes would roam over his form now, perhaps assessing him as he had her ? she had already identified his linage to run in line with Twig's. He would offer himself forward now with a bow and a smile before he spoke. ?My Lady Valhalla, you would not be wrong. I am Crucifix Black? would be his words, his eyes raising above that bow to plant again upon her form. He took another moment, polity, before he would speak again. ?But I have come before you, not as Crucifix, but as my sister's brother.? He would cast his eyes towards his sister, hating that his next words where likely to bring up the memories, but knowing the poison of her pain could not be brought out, the wound heal, until the monster dead. ?I have been told of what has befallen my sister, the wrong done to her and also that you have the very one who did this to her in custody. So as I said, I come before you as my sister brother to stand in her stead at whatever system of Trial, or action, you implement upon him.? He knew he would need to tell her his full intent, but he wanted first to understand her own way, knowing that an Alpha would never simply let him push forth his own will. This was a family matter, but it had fallen under the jurisdiction of a pack.

"My sounds""My Soul"

Twig I


04-17-2014, 05:07 PM
His gentle touch would give her heart as their voices would ring out for Erani's presence. As the song would die down the girl would sigh contentedly, she hadn't imagined that Her brother's simple presence would be able to soothe her so well. She would enjoy his presence for a few moments before her alpha would come to her side. The older woman would gently offer a welcoming affection, Twig would feel humbled at the woman's visible show of a tender touch. The cross marked girl would rerun the gesture and quietly answering her question with a nod. Crucifix would take the lead, presenting himself bravely and offering the queen his request. She would look away as he would mention that day so long ago, she wished with everything Erani would grant him access to her place. She wished not to ever see the sire of her child again. Leaning into Crucifix's side once again she would watch Erani's features as she would give her decision.?