


04-15-2014, 02:30 PM

She comes like a temptress from hell, acidic gaze burning all she sees as her long limbs carry her heaping mass across the lands. After the desertion of her father, Vyvienne went off seeking her own sort of adventure. The Adravendi heiress (a title she claims for her own devices, and will defeat her possessions for easily, in her opinion) has returned experienced and grown. She was always a monstrous child, but Syrinx?s eldest living girl is nothing short of a fearsome sight. Untamed fur, dark tinting dark, with height and weight to make her a fearsome warrior.

It is no wonder she was winning battles at six months of age.

She reclines onto her haunches, not bothering to put up defenses and other things which she considers mostly irrelevant. Fear does not apply to her; there is only what is hers, what she does not know, what there is not, and what must be destroyed; she cares little for fear, for all those categories are things easily controlled.



3 Years
Extra large
04-22-2014, 12:32 PM (This post was last modified: 04-22-2014, 12:34 PM by Neios.)

The eerie squeal of an animal in distress would echo throughout the territory, its pleads for mercy unheard by the gargantuan as he strode across the lands. To his right ocean was spewing waves that crashed against the cool sand, and to his left was the treeline that led back into the thick wilderness. His frigid amethyst glare would look down upon everything his eyes fell upon, his audits flicking in sync with the flailing seal's cries. It would writhe aimlessly, attempting to free his hold around its head- but its squirming would be futile. Neios would apply pressure when it decided to retaliate, almost enough to pop the eyes straight out of it's skull, but not enough to kill it. Aimlessly he would continue on like this, squeezing the skull of a harbor seal pup he had locked between his jaws until the desire to fight seeped from its body.

Nostrils would quiver madly as an unfamiliar perfume engulfed his lungs, which surprisingly had been strong enough to suppress the smelly dried blood that crusted his muzzle and lips. The aroma would bring him to a halt, his weight shifting from right to left as he scanned the beach for any signs of the stranger. There! Far off in the distance was a massive figure, sitting alone alongside what appeared to be the cliff side.(and the cave) He would quickly change his route, approaching her without caution as the seal pup dangled limply from his mouth. Her chocolate hued pelt would become visible, streaks of darker molten brown dripping down her back and covering her feet like socks. For a moment he would find himself admiring her pelt, captivated by her uncanny darkness. His lips curled into a delighted sneer as aimed to walk directly up to her, amethyst gaze glaring into the acidic eyes of the stranger before him.

Silently he would drop his prey, and the seal would fall to the sand with a loud thud and a shriek. He would not look down at the writhing animal as it aimlessly tried to flip onto its stomach and make a get away- instead he would lift his front right paw, and he would bring it down upon the seal's abdomen with an admirable amount of force. Again it would shriek and writhe beneath the pressure of his hefty weight, but it could not successfully flip and escape now, which was all Neios cared about. He would remain silent as he stared into the emerald eyes of the female, his lips creased into an amused smirk as he anticipated some sort of reaction.


ooc note: he has his harness on in this thread c:


05-23-2014, 12:43 PM

There is an annoying sound, a crying that Vyvienne finds most obnoxious. Acidic gaze locks upon a frame as it draws closer, but she makes no move to go away. She does not fear and she does not retreat; she is a beast, she is an animal, she is primal and without fear. The boy who comes into her vision is large, about the same size as herself, perhaps heavier in weight. He brings with him a prize, one that he easily subdues.

She?s not impressed. It is prey, and he is a predator. The creature has no means by which to combat his bulk; it is an easy win.

Acidic gaze devours his frame, attempting to decide if he is worthy of possessing, or if he is something that she truly ought to destroy. ?You look stupid,? she tells him bluntly, finding his harness to look dumb. She finds accessories an oddities to be unnecessary; if one does not consider themselves adequate in their natural form, does not find their power natural and appearance to be sufficient, in her mind they are pathetic.