
where have you been


04-11-2014, 07:29 AM

She was a bit at a loss as of late. Five years old and she had little to no company to call her own. Alsander seemed to have lost interest in her, and for some reason that hurt her in ways that she hadn't been hurt before. Perhaps because she had truly believed that he was different? The little albino had failed to find Vi as well - the woman had all but vanished off of the island after she came across both she and Taurig all those weeks ago. After that, well, things had gotten more than a little fuzzy. She remembered falling, and wandering - but not where she had wandered too. Although she remembered the names and faces of the wolves that were most important to her, instances, memories with them were few and far in between. It was difficult to think at times, because she knew them, remembered them, but... things that had drifted to the far ends of her subconsciousness were now much clearer - it was as if her past had switched places with her present for the moment.

Where was Aiden? Where was the family that she had been searching for? Why weren't they here with her? It had been... years since she had started looking for them, since she was a yearling new to this vast continent and yet... she was still alone wasn't she? Magenta eyes would grow teary but a moment, before she lowered her head and meandered into a different direction. If she hadn't found them yet, she never would, would she? And who's fault was it but her own? She had all but abandoned them as of late, choosing to lose herself to the silence and search for and follow wolves that were not her kin. She was a Sovari but she knew little to nothing of the family, being so very sheltered when she was young and then leaving with her brothers only to lose them too.

Her thoughts were scattered, incredibly so - but she would keep traveling beneath the moonless night - the stars mapping the way for her above her head. She would travel West, for that was where Alsander was and... his company was always comforting. It was the only place she had to go - he was the only person who she knew would be there if she looked for him. Her brothers were nothing but a far off memory now. It only pained her now, because all of a sudden they weren't as far off in her jumbled mind as they should have been."Speech"


05-08-2014, 03:44 AM

The stars overhead shone brightly tonight. And if he didn't know better, he would have thought they were shining on his very pelt due to his fawn like spots. Since he came to Alacritia and got separated from his siblings; an incident he couldn't remember for the life of him, he had searched nonstop. He had remained mostly in the South, partly due to the lingering hope to a girl he had met. The Alphess of Seracia by the name of Destruction, she seemed to have an effect on him, but he couldn't stop his journey. He saw her from time to time, seemingly always somehow finding himself within her company. He wasn't sure how or why, but perhaps it was fate that made it so. Whatever the case, he was glad. It made him happy to have someone to talk to, a friend. She gave him hope, and he clung to it like a flower pushing through the earth. He would not rest until he found his family safe and sound.

It seemed to be low tide right now, luckily for him. He wouldn't have to deal with the unseen dangers of jellyfish or hidden dangers to cut or nick him. He had some supplies, but there was some he still needed in case an injury happened to him. Even so, he was always cautious. Honey glowing eyes shone in the darkness, the moon overhead casting its light upon the damp soil. The scent of brine and sea air was all around him, lingering scents of sea life and other animals cast in the wind as well. It seemed like he had been walking for a long while, the lull of the ocean nearby focused in his mind as it swirled with all the thoughts both new and old. It wasn't until he stopped in his tracks that everything seemed to fall silent. Amber gaze lifted to the sky, a frown creasing his features as he wondered if he should even still cling to hope.

And all of sudden as if by some miracle, his prayers would be answered. As he pressed onward, the light of the moon would seem to settle itself upon a figure, bleaching its features like an Angel lit by the lights of Heaven itself. Curious, he would draw closer. His path angled to move towards her, and it wasn't until he neared and the wind carried to him a scent so familiar, that his breath would catch in his throat and his eyes widen. Quickening in pace, his voice would whine slightly as he approached. Both Excitement and fear that this could be nothing more then a dream tugged at the fibers of his mind. "I-Io? Is it...could it really be you?" He whispered almost to himself, his words practically swept away by the breeze as he moved. He felt like his movements were painfully slow, as if she was a mirage that he would never reach. But moments would pass, and he stopped mere feet from here. Speechless, he wasn't sure if this was real...or simply a dream. "Io? Is it really you?"

"Talk here."