
You call it a strategy game, I call it advanced hide and seek




Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Intellectual (30)

1 Year
04-17-2023, 11:42 PM


Her father had wanted to spend time with her, but the invitation had come in the form of a game of sorts. Not just a normal game, no, but according to Hot Mama, who beamed at the young girl when she approached her, Rudyard had wanted her to seek him out in a game of strategy. Elowen frowned, furrowing her brow. Would he be trying to hide his scent? Possibly move every so often? The goal was to locate him before he moved again, and to keep quiet, so she wouldn’t be detected nearby and give him that chance to change locations. El was curious how that would work… She wasn’t entirely knowledgeable about such games, but it seemed thrilling, and Hot Mama had even promised to help aid her now that the game had begun. Rudyard would have hidden himself away from when he had spoken to the cardinal.

Eager paws lead the girl from the courtyard into the castle. With as big as the dwelling was, and the many rooms within, the different levels, and the courtyard itself there would be tons of places for her father to slip in and hide. The darker stone would also do better to disguise him versus the foliage of the grove. Hot Mama made her way along ahead of Elowen, though she didn’t peek into any of the rooms herself. She was a guide, a second set of eyes, but the true search would be on Elowen’s paws as she made her way into the kitchen, dual toned eyes shining as she sniffed the air for any trace of her father’s scent.

…had he been here?

Elowen has two companions - a Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever and a cardinal. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.