
You, too, are family




Novice Fighter (25)

Intermediate Navigator (40)

4 Years
Extra large
04-19-2023, 09:49 PM

The pale-furred woman had decided that, today, she would traverse to the main territory her family called home. The tide was low, the sand that connected the island to the mainland visible. Nirvana trailed along it, her pink pads leaving prints in the grainy, wet element. She had spent much of her time in the Rock Garden, with her companions, and, to her knowledge, she was the only pack member that lived in that territory. Her ears were perked forward, curious as to what her companions would be up to as the morning gave way to the afternoon. It was overcast which was nice for a change since she should have been sleeping at that time of day.

She hadn’t slept at all yet, but her mind seemed to be buzzing, awake. Thoughts hummed in her head. Not necessarily bad ones but it was enough to keep her from settling down. The only choice was to find something to occupy her mind. As she stepped onto the rockier terrain Nirvana picked up the pace, her bright red gaze scanning for movement. She had hoped that, by coming to the island, she might be able to interact with more Elysium members. She had sparred with her uncle, talked with her aunt, and assisted the scouts with surveying the land for the raid but, all in all? She didn’t know everyone who lived here. All the family she actually had. She felt like a stranger in her own home and only she could change that.

Moving deeper into the territory, Nirvana moved with energy in her step. She wore her feather cape and dagger, though there was really no reason to hold onto either of them in a place she was safe and secure. Still, she liked the cape, and the dagger had uses outside of fighting. Her gaze switched to one of the trees. Not the most effective for collecting branches given its size, but she could potentially trim off some parts to make bringing a good one back easier. She had to continue working on Ridge’s resting place, didn’t she? She slowed, tail swishing thoughtfully at her heels.

"Talk," 'Think.'



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
05-25-2023, 01:08 PM

There was always something to do and Ikigai was damn good at finding those things. The pallid fae had tended to the small garden of herbs that she'd cultivated on her arrival in Elysium. She had cleared away weeds, reinforced heavy stalks with bracing sticks, and had made sure that each plant was well watered and receiving the proper amount of sunlight. Once the garden was tended to, Iki made her way down the mountain path to wash the muck from her paws in the water surrounding the island. Willa, her feline friend, followed.

Nimble digits moved against one another, remnants of dirt and greenery drifting free until they were pristine once more. The fae shook water from her paws with a wrist flick and simply sat for a moment, taking in the evening scenery. The air smelled clean and warm and the woman closed her marbled gaze against the light momentarily so that she could appreciate the scent fully. Evening and the wee hours of the morning were Ikigai's favorite times of day. The world was quiet and the light wasn't too much on her pale eyes.

When Iki opened her eyes once more, she noted a white figure moving nearby. She vaguely recognized the woman but they hadn't had a chance or a reason to speak. Until now, that was. Willa jumped upon Ikigai's back and the pair moved towards the caped wolf. Snakeslit eyes lifted at the corners as Iki graced the woman with a smile. "Hello," she spoke in her soft but clear tones. "I don't believe we've properly met. I'm Ikigai Kl-- Ikigai Mendacium." A name change took some getting used to.

[Image: VsG8QnS.gif]



Novice Fighter (25)

Intermediate Navigator (40)

4 Years
Extra large
06-04-2023, 10:07 PM
Nirvana’s focus shifted from one stock of wood to the next. She knew if she treated her companions well, and helped them be safe, that they would return the favor to her as well when it came time for them to do their duties. Being in Elysium lands allowed her to lower her guard as well, perhaps too much so. An ear would swivel at a voice and a heartbeat later Nirvana’s head would follow as she turned her gaze to look over at a woman she had seen within the pack but had yet had the chance to speak with one on one. Her red gaze would look her over - a light little thing, but one that still had a fair bit of height, all things considered. Her words were soft but they were clear, and the woman would introduce herself, stumbling over her name for a moment. A name change, then. The reason itself was clear enough.

Nirvana would offer her a slight smile, dipping her head. “Ikigai Mendacium. So you’re the soulmate of one of my relatives, then.” Her own words had a clear tone to them and there was the slightest hint of warmth to them. “It is a pleasure to get to speak with you at last. I am Nirvana Mendacium, Manea’s niece.” Her uncle also lived within the pack but out of her family members wolves would be able to make the connection easiest from her aunt. Manea was their Matriarch after all. The albino femme let her gaze slide from Ikigai to her companion, curiosity flickering across her face.

“Who might your companion be?” It always fascinated her to see other wolves get along well with other creatures. They could be helpful in their own right, after all.

"Nirvana Mendacium"
Nirvana has two companions - a common genet and a red-footed falcon. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

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1. You, too, are family Alias Island 09:49 PM, 04-19-2023 06:22 AM, 09-25-2023