
Peaceful Abyss.


04-10-2014, 10:01 PM
The islands of Ibis. She hadn't been able to find her daughter's scent, but something drew her to the coast of Alacritis and in turn the islands where many seasons ago she'd run into a man who'd become her best friend, and she still was sad he had not remained. Broad paws would touch down upon the sand as she stared out at the distant land masses. The light breeze buffeted her thick alabaster pelt, and she drew in a deep breath before wading into the water. The salty ocean seemed to welcome her, and swimming was just as easy as before, despite how much weight she had lost over time. She churned her limbs against the deep, ever darkening water as she made her way towards the islands barely a kilometre away. The sky was blue, a few pale, fluffy clouds scuttling across lazily. If she wasn't in such a hurry to find Zlata, maybe she could have enjoyed the beauty of the day. It was warm, and the sun on her back felt good in the cool water.

She didn't even see it coming.

Something brushed against her foot as it arced through the water, and an electric shot of fear flooded through her.
It was just a fish, a little trout...
She thought to herself as she continued on, long banner streaming out behind her as she continued on. The islands were getting closer, if she could just get into the shallows, then there would be no need to worry. She started moving faster, unable to quell the tightening in her chest. Tall audits would flatten against her cranium as her muscles worked even harder. Claws struck something hard now, slicing through dense flesh and muscle as something glided beneath her. A yelp of terror, and she poured on the speed, desperately scrambling to get to that shore. Sharp pains sliced through her rear left leg, and a shriek of agony tore itself from her lungs. Before she could think to draw in a quick breath, the water engulfed her head. Liquid mercury optics stared helplessly up at the unchanged cerulean sky as her attacker dragged her further down. The pain ceased, and she frantically climbed towards the surface of the water, lungs begging for air as she clamped her jaws shut.

Nose would barely break the surface, and a quick, grateful breath would be interrupted as immense daggers clamped into her torso. Instead of air, she sucked in salty water. Convulsing was cut short as her body was whipped through the water at whiplash inducing speeds as her bones broke and her vision darkened. All there was in every moment was pain and ripping agony, until her last sight of the faraway cerulean sky, one lone cloud watching her from down below. Then it was all over, the underwater beast had torn her into tiny pieces and devoured her. Her life, which had held so much potential, was gone. Done. Over with.

There was no weight, and slowly, she began to regain some sort of consciousness. Beady black eyes captured the view around her, the water going out in every direction for miles. Below, crimson stained the dark aqua of the sea. A shadowed form wove through the depths, leaving behind the scene of the crime with a belly full and a sated thirst for blood. Floating atop the sanguine, there were two raven's feathers, taken from the right wing and the tail of the pallid queen's first kill. With a lasting shriek, the dark feathered avian soared off towards the immense continent at it's back.

-Exit Aurora via Death-

Magnus 1


04-11-2014, 05:41 PM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2014, 05:42 PM by Magnus 1.)
Ooc: den, are you trying to crush my soul? ;~;
this makes no sense because i am stressed out and it's being written on my phone ;~;

He had been tracking her scent for a while. He didn't want to lose her again. He was about three or four hours behind her. Eventually she had led him to an island. He stepped onshore and took in a breath of fresh air. But that was cut short by the thick coppery tang of blood. He was suddenly alert. Oh god. he sprinted forwards. moving faster that hr had ever moved. paws struck the beach rapidly.That's when his eyes met what was on the beach.
His heart seemed to collapse in on itself. He dropped to the ground. His world was falling apart around him. There was nearly nothing left, a bone or two with a few ragged lumps of flesh still attached. And two ravens feathers, laying still on the beach. He knew what had happened. The love of his life was gone. Forever. There was barely enough to bury. He sobbed, tears stremung down his face. He had found the right one. He had only felt complete with her by his side. What had happened. Why had the gods punished them so? He lay on the sand. Defeated. Almost seeing no point to life. His eyes shut. And there he lay. Hours passed. Sobs continued to tear through his figure until his throat wad raw and there were no more tears to cry. He had to prevent himself from walking yo the water's edge and drowning himself. Letting himself drift off, and be with her. But he couldn't he could not abandon his children. As much as they resented him, he had to. It's what Aurora would have wanted. He hauled himself to his feet and slowly made his way to all that he could find of his other half. Two bones and her Raven's feathers. He placed them in a pile before beginning to dig. It was more anger than sadness that fuelled him now. He had lost his mother, his father, his daughter, his first love and now his second. The gods had punished him. He was a plaything to them. Once the hole was deep enough, he picked up the remains and slowly placed them in. The feathers on the top. Tears fell into the pit and he began to fill it back in. When it was covered, he sat by the graveside. He glared at the filled mound and jumped to hid feet. WHY ME?! I HAVE DONE NOTHING BUT GOOD AND THIS IS HOW YOU REWARD ME!? SHE HAD SO MUCH MORE TO DO! SHE COULD HAVE LIVED AND GROWN OLD AT MY SIDE! BUT NOW YOU ROB ME OF HER! she had so much more to do... he collapsed. Sobbing beside her grave. It wasn't fair. It wasn't fair at all.He sat, and prayed. Saying what he had said at him mother's funeral. The prayer was to help guide them into the afterlife. He raised himself onto his feet and began to walk away. He looked back at the grave and shed a silent tear before leaving for home. He would have to tell Song, and then came the matter of telling Zlata and Australis. It wasn't fair. I'll be back every year my love. he whispered quietly before heading into the cool waters.-EXIT MAGNUS-


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