
Britorias Pup Adoptions

The second litter!


"I will shield you from the darkness"

The Hallows
Lord of Cinder

Master Fighter (877)

Master Navigator (1030)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
05-17-2023, 10:19 PM

Britorias Pup Adopts

Round 2! Fight!
Artorias and Briar are continuing to grow their family with their second litter! These pups will be joining the prestigious family of the Hallows and already have a lot of siblings and extended family eager to meet them. Our intention is to have this be a fun, engaging, and exciting opportunity for anyone to join the Carpathius family. This means an extraordinary amount to both Shelby and I, as we are both working hard to make this bloodline a prominent and permanent one in Ardent history. Now you can also join in on the legacy!

ACTIVITY - As these pups will be a part of a large and highly active family, we ask that players be as equally enthusiastic about playing them as we are to play with them. Shelby and I would like to avoid reclaiming pups as much as we can. We very much want these pups to feel like they're your characters and belong to you, and we hope that you feel as invested in their character growth as we are in them. Ultimately, these pups are very important to us, and we want to set some clear guidelines for what we would like to see in terms of minimum activity for them.

  • Pups must be posted at least 4 times a month. Additionally, they must be able to meet all seasonal activity checks within the Hallows for as long as they remain members of their home pack. This shouldn't be too difficult, as if you are meeting the Hallows requirements, you'll also be meeting the 4 posts a month requirement too. If a player misses a month, Shelby or I will reach out via Discord to make sure everything's good. If we do not receive a response or they go another month without activity, they will be reclaimed.
  • These pups may not be set inactive. Setting these characters inactive is grounds for immediate reclaiming. Again, the Carpathians are a highly active family and we'd like these pups to be involved in the family as well.
  • Pups are expected to attend every mandatory Hallows thread and Carpathius family thread while they are under two. This rule doesn't apply for characters who are not present to attend, such as training with another pack, off on a quest, etc.
  • Pups are expected to attain Expert level in at least one of their skills by 1 year old and Master by two years old. This is not a hard reclaiming activity requirement, but we would like these pups to be working on their skills as they'll be a crucial part of the Hallows.
  • The only exception to the reclaiming rules are if Shelby and I approve an OOC reason for inactivity. This means things like site absences, IRL life events, random acts of malice by the gods, etc. We ask that players be communicative and open with us so we can work with you if activity is of any concern.

    PERSONALITY/ALIGNMENT - We encourage players to create exciting, unique, and colorful personalities for their pups! Artorias and Briar are going to be very nurturing and loving parents, encouraging their children to pursue their passions, so any combination of skills, interests, hobbies, etc. is allowed. As these pups will be raised in the benevolent Hallows by Good aligned parents, character alignment can range anywhere in the Good and Neutral categories. Neutral and Chaotic Evil characters will not be accepted. Artorias and Briar would not tolerate this type of behavior and would simply send the child off for rehabilitation or put the pup down if they were a danger, and that doesn't make for good RP. I will, however, consider a Lawful Evil alignment if you can clearly, effectively, and convincingly tell me in your application how the pup would come to have this alignment given their upbringing.

    INHERITED TRAITS - Artorias' father remains unknown, and his mother Tamsyn consists of simple blacks and whites. Artorias has a black, gray, and dark blue coat. Briar, being a Fatalis, comes from a line of browns, blues, blacks, and silvers. Artorias' eyes are amber orange with gold flecks and Briar's are turquoise. Artorias is a full dire at 45" and Briar is large at 38". We encourage designs to call back to these heritages as much as possible, but we encourage everyone to be creative with what you create! We will be offering some premade designs to pick from, but you are also welcome to create your own!

    MUTATIONS - These pups are going to be spoiled for choice when it comes to genetic gifts! Inheritance mutations include stronger jaws and teeth, denser fur, enhanced eyesight, small antlers, cat claws, and longer tail fur. Other mutations found in their bloodlines include an assortment of horns, bear paws, saber fangs, longer fur, and bone spurs. Outside of the family, there are dozens of mutations you could pick from! While mutations are a benefit to the characters, not having any mutations will not hurt your chances for approval!

    FAMILY AND PACK The Carpathians are a highly family-oriented and affectionate family, and they will definitely be doted on by their largely present family. Artorias and Briar are going to be very hands-on parents, wanting to be involved in every aspect of their children's lives. Although they are not brand new parents this time around, expect them to still be highly vigilant and present with their precious little loaves. They will be surrounded by their siblings, aunts, uncles, and grandparents. The Fatalises, while living far away, will also want to be highly involved in their lives. In short, these kids are gonna have a LOT of characters wanting to be in their lives! Expect many family threads!

    The pups will be growing up in the Hallows and will be required to remain in the pack until they turn two years old. Once they turn two, while Artorias and Briar would love for their children to stay and help strengthen the pack, they will be free to leave and seek their own paths if they choose. While in the pack, they will be free to choose what paths they wish to take, whether they want to be warriors like their father, diplomats like their mother, or something else entirely! Ambition is highly encouraged by Artorias and Briar who want nothing but the best for their little loves.

    TERRITORY PERMISSIONS - Shelby and I understand that the core of RPing is interacting with other players. Since we know you'll want to play with other characters outside of the Hallows or go to other lands for skill threads, we are allowing some liberties to the pups to roam with a few caveats. The pups are required to stay within Hallows lands until they are 2 seasons old unless accompanied by Artorias or Briar or one of their family members within that thread. After that, the pups will be permitted to roam to and thread in any neighboring territories so long as it is assumed that they are being supervised either by their parents, an extended family member, or one of their parents' companions. Artorias and Briar must be permitted to enter the pups’ threads at any point while they are under 1 year old. Artorias has two ravens and a silver cross fox and Briar has a gold cross fox and a prairie falcon that can accompany the pups on adventures. If you have any doubts or questions, please don't hesitate to hit us up and ask us for anything!

    CARPATHIUS LORE - Just like their elder siblings, the pups will all be expected to learn about their heritage and adopt the Carpathian family culture/customs. This includes being able to speak and understand Carpathian (Romanian). You are free to use Romanian inspiration in their backgrounds and interests, as well as use Romanian names for them if you're so inclined. They are also welcome to learn and adopt Fatalis family culture and traditions as taught by Briar.

    PLOTS - I strongly believe in unrestricted creative writing and freedom in character development. Therefore we will not be imposing restrictions on your characters for anything you would like to plot so long as it makes sense IC. The only hard restrictions we'll be placing is a bar on any sexual threads or plots until these characters turn a year and half old. This is for the pups' and players' benefits from lessons we've both learned. As the pups' father, I would prefer if they didn't get involved in a bunch of maims, but I'm not going to penalize anyone for what they want to plot. Have fun with your babies!

    SEXUAL ORIENTATION AND REPRODUCTION - Artorias and Briar will love their children and support them, no matter who they love. Attempts for incestuous breeding or reckless breeding with strangers will be severely frowned upon. Artorias will not tolerate reproducing with impunity and will punish his own children according to Hallows law if they break these tenets.

    INHERITANCE BENEFITS - As the children of Artorias and Briar, the pups are entitled to:
  • 50% off height up to 38", then 25% off height up to 45"
  • 25% off full abnormal color for Artorias' blue fur
  • 25% off odd colored markings for Briar's turquoise markings

    DEADLINE - The important part. The pups are due June 8th and playable June 22nd. Applications for pups will be closed on June 3rd.

    We already have three adoptions handled privately, so we may or may not take any additional applications depending on if any really strike us. We will be looking for AT MOST two applicants to play Artorias and Briar's newest children. All extra pup passes will be paid for by myself, so all you have to cover is what's required for the pups themselves. If there's any more pertinent information that needs to be added, I'll edit this post and notify all applicants! If you have any questions or if something is unclear, please don't hesitate to reach out to us on Discord, we'd be happy to give you some help! Thank you, and best of luck!

    Application Form:

    <b>Out-of-Character Name</b>:
    <b>Character's Name</b>:
    <b>Adult Height</b>:
    <b>Appearance</b>: 150 words or a visual reference
    <b>Personality</b>: 150 words
    <b>Planned Skills</b>: (Optional)
    <b>Mutations</b>: (List any potential mutations you may want here)(Optional)
    <b>Possible Plots/Plans/Ideas</b>: (Optional)

    <b>Writing Sample</b>: (If you are someone we have played with before, you can skip this section. If you are a newer member of Ardent or haven't played with us yet, please give a short writing sample of your character doing anything that gives us an idea of who they are)

  • One big happy family

    Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
    As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.


    "I will shield you from the darkness"

    The Hallows
    Lord of Cinder

    Master Fighter (877)

    Master Navigator (1030)

    An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

    An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

    6 Years
    Dire wolf

    Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
    Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
    UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
    Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
    WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
    05-19-2023, 04:09 PM
    Here's some premade designs from Shelby to consider or get some inspiration from! Sorry for the delay on these!

    One big happy family

    Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
    As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.



    3 Years

    Pride - Pansexual
    05-20-2023, 05:21 AM (This post was last modified: 06-04-2023, 01:17 AM by Medulla. Edited 2 times in total.)
    Out-of-Character Name: MalBelle

    Character's Name: Bandor

    Gender: Male

    Adult Height: 34 inches

    Size: Medium

    Build: Medium

    Alignment: Lawful Good

    stocky and vaguely bow-legged, with a solid, squat build. dual-coloured eyes, one the honeyed amber of his father, the other a contrast of sea-hewn tones. it is this mixing of two worlds that has culminated in his creation, sporting the dark pelt of his father and the cream tones of his mother. interspersed are streaks of white along his underbelly and across the hairs of his flank, tipping his ears and shading his face. he’s truly a lesson in opposites, a perfect representation of each parent in equal measure. he has a perpetually anxious face, eyes big and wide in his little frame - but as he grows, he will come to possess a wary, weathered look about his person.

    Personality: clumsy and shy, family is everything to him. he was born surrounded by love and support, and clings to it with both hands. his biggest fear is to be left behind, abandoned in the face of new horizons and exciting adventures. anxiety looms over him like a dark cloud, dogging his every step. he is a chronic over thinker with a tendency is second-guess himself. he likes to consider things from all different angles and examine all possible perspectives. he is a born worrier, never seen without a brow furrowed in thought or a distant, far-away gleam in his eyes. he is kind and compassionate, and fears often for the safety of his family and friends. he is also unfailingly curious, eager to study and learn everything about the world around him. he has a particular penchant for foliage and rocks, and, if his anxiety will allow it, will seek to travel and uncover a variety of differing species.

    Planned Skills: Navigating and/or Hunting

    Possible Plots/Plans/Ideas: I can totally picture him being a real family man who just wants to hang out with his siblings all the time, so looking for all the family threads! He’ll probably be quite anxious without them, at least as a child, so plenty of room to see how that develops as he gets older. He’ll also want to study plants and rocks, so would definitely love any mentor figures

    Writing Sample:

    it’s too bright. the sun pierces directly into his eyes, drawing a series of brief, spluttering sneezes. grumbling under his breath, he turns and burrows his face into his mother’s underbelly, seeking her warmth and familiar scent. “m’tired,” he murmurs, to no one in particular. a cool breeze beckons beyond, punctuated with the occasional bird call, but he resents anything that slices through this bubble of contentment, anything that reminds him of the world beyond this moment.





    Easter Egg Hunt 2023
    05-20-2023, 12:12 PM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2023, 06:36 PM by Aislyn. Edited 13 times in total.)
    Out-of-Character Name: Aislyn
    Character's Name: Clove Carpathius
    Gender: Female
    Adult Height: 29 inches
    Size: Medium
    Build: Light
    Alignment: True neutral

    Adventurous - Curious - Extroverted

    An adventurer at heart, Clove is attracted to the thrill of the unknown. She is willing to try new experiences and take risks, especially when experiencing something that gets her adrenaline going. Because she is high-sprung and adventurous, she can get bored quickly, and is always looking for the next best thing to keep her attention. This aligns with her extroverted personality, as she easily takes initiative in social settings. She doesn’t mind being the conversation starter, or the wolf to keep the interaction going if she is met with someone who is more introverted. She enjoys meeting new wolves, making friends, and expanding her social circle as long as it doesn’t bring her trouble. She’s the type to attract others with her energy and sense of fun, and will be known as the life of the party once she gets older. In addition to her strong personality, Clove is very inquisitive. Constantly asking questions, the girl has a thirst for knowledge and how the world around her operates. She always wonders about the “what if” in situations, and tries to calculate options before she makes a decision. This helps her to not be impulsive, and instead, to side on intelligence and reason when confronting situations.

    Industrious - Spontaneous - Witty

    Diligent, hardworking, and tireless, Clove works towards goals with devotion and determination. She’s organized and punctual and doesn’t procrastinate or waste time. She is dependable, consistent, and likes to reflect on events that happened to evaluate how they concluded. Despite this, she can sometimes be spontaneous, which is drawn out from her extroverted personality. It makes her more interactive with others, as she embraces change so long as it doesn’t harm her or the ones she loves. And given her desire to learn and grow, she can be rather witty at times. She observes others with intent, wanting to learn everything she can even during simple interactions. She offers humor when it’s needed, and tries to keep things light and airy when interacting with others.

    Planned Skills: Hunting & Navigation
    Mutations: N/A
    Possible Plots/Plans/Ideas:
    - Be very interested in how the world works, especially the politics of packs and leadership. Learn about alliances, etc. Maybe she could be married off at some point for potential drama?
    - For hunting, I could see her being a trapper, because she will side with intellect instead of strength when it comes to hunting. She would only take what is necessary, and craft items from pelts that she can trade or sell.
    - Be very close with her siblings. I can already foresee her looking up to her older siblings a lot, and learning a lot from them.
    - She will want to explore a lot! Make new friends, form connections, etc. She's just a curious little baby and wants to learn it all.
    - Work on skill statting her out pronto! I love a good spree/skill thread.



    Master Navigator (260)

    Master Fighter (315)

    An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

    An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

    8 Years

    Dream WeaverUnderachieverSmall FriesSocialiteDerby WinnerBy A Whisker
    StudentSamhain 2022HomebodyTeacherSnake EyesRapid Poster - Rainbow
    Festival OrganizerWordyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Block!Slow Poke
    WealthyRenowed ExplorerUnderground ExplorerIsland HopperBoreas ExplorerWestern Explorer
    Northern ExplorerSouthern ExplorerGlobetrotterLegendaryAuster ExplorerScaredy Cat
    How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! OverachieverCritical Fail!Ooh La LaEastern ExplorerExplorer
    Ice Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterPride - Pansexual1KBeeventDouble Master
    05-22-2023, 04:45 PM (This post was last modified: 05-29-2023, 08:35 AM by Jynn. Edited 7 times in total.)
    Out-of-Character Name: Lunarcat7
    Character's Name: Nelu Carpathius
    Gender: Male
    Adult Height: 45"
    Size: Dire
    Build: Heavy
    Alignment: True Neutral - Neutral Good



    Literal-minded • Simplistically logical • Impressionable • Gentle • Curious • Open-Minded • Honest

    Even as a child it becomes clear that there is something 'off' about Nelu. Highly intelligent in terms of knowledge, skills and an incredible ability learn, he lacks significant emotional intelligence and has very muted emotional responses. Many times he finds he is unable to feel them at all, though he would very much like to. This fuels his fascination in studying and trying to understand others and why they respond to life the way they do. However, his lack of emotional connection should not be mistaken for psychopathy. Nelu is a gentle and curious soul with a moral upbringing that leads him to be an honest and rule-abiding young man.

    Literal-minded and simplistically logical, Nelu has trouble grasping turns of phrase and jokes, often taking a literal interpretation to what is being said. This can cause problems when he tries to relate to others and also makes him vulnerable to being misled. He takes others at their word and is often quick to trust and assist those that ask. Being so impressionable Nelu is at risk of forming questionable friendships and being taken advantage of. He readily absorbs information, even incorrect information and though his analytical mind will be quick to challenge the most outlandish ideas, personal relationships are harder for him to navigate. As such he relies heavily on input from his family and his companions until he can navigate such complexities himself.

    Open-minded and accepting, Nelu cares for others in his own way. As he grows and learns he can see changes in another's body language and make interpretations on their feelings based on that. While he might not feel empathy the way one normally would he values his connections and wants those around him to feel happy even if it's a feeling he can't fully experience himself.

    Planned Skills: Intellect and Fighting

    Mutations: Enhanced Vision via inheritance mutation pass

    Possible Plots/Plans/Ideas:

    • I'd like to have Nelu skill up swiftly (aka I will want many skill sprees if possible) and have a number of lessons in morality early on. His companions will also assist with this. I plan to purchase them early on.

    • I have a prodigy skill pass which I will also be willing to use on Nelu.

    • I'd love to build on his relationships with his family and get a good rapport going with them. He will probably be a bit of a goody two-shoes whose memorized the rules and recites them to his siblings but I would love it if he gets pulled into trouble on occasion tagging along after his sibs.

    • When he becomes a yearling I would like to have him 'tested' on occasion to his upbringing, hence wanting a good foundation first as I prefer this character not become a full on villain. The challenges are meant to make him grow and learn as a character.



    ContributorPride - NonbinaryPride - PansexualEaster Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - Gold
    06-03-2023, 09:55 PM (This post was last modified: 06-04-2023, 07:28 AM by wicked. Edited 2 times in total.)
    Out-of-Character Name: wicked
    Character's Name: Vendrick
    Gender: male
    Adult Height: 38”
    Size: large
    Build: light
    Alignment: lawful neutral
    Appearance: Vendrick is all gold and soot. Maybe too cool in tone to be considered truly golden– there’s a metaphor here too. Too cool, too muted, too paled-out from where he could or should or might be. A creature dipped in the same soot that seems to wrap his father, though Vendrick is all negative exposure too. The black comes from his paws and creeps up, comes from his face and drips down. Among the darkness, his father’s amber eyes seem to flicker and shift with the light. They are dimensional, but vaguely unsettling.

    There is little particularly regal about him. Vendrick is all sharp edges. Sharp tongue. Androgynous in shape, in the way he carries himself. Flexible, sure, but he’s clumsy. It will take time to tame the long limbs, and it will never really feel like they belong to him. Though he is a handsome creature, it’s not in the traditional way. Vendrick will be a late bloomer, only growing to his full height at the age of two.

    There is an acute tenderness to the boy, something that will become apparent from an extremely young age. Filled with messy feelings, filled with soft thoughts. Why is he so soft? He resents that softness within himself. Softness and resentment mixed together will make a nest within his bones, will make a home within his chest. It leaves Vendrick feeling like a house haunted– he haunts himself. He haunts himself. The bone deep, aching tenderness of a bruise.

    Tenderness that cycles into self-loathing, that cycles again into something worse. Vendrick is a creature that’s been spun purely of raw emotions. He does not know how to process them, and it will take him time to learn how to control them. Harness them. For a time, he will grow cold. He will become cold and pretend he doesn’t feel– that’s better than hurting those around him. That’s better than hurting the ones he loves. Controlling himself, his emotions, his moods… it will only come with time. A reactive pup, a cold adolescent, an adult that… well, only time will tell. Only time will tell what adulthood will bring.

    A double edged sword that’s woven its way into the shape of a boy. A boy that will stumble his way toward adulthood like it’s a light at the end of the tunnel. What he finds when he gets there will not be what he hopes, and will not be what he dreams of. Though Vendrick longs for something, he doesn’t know what. Not now. Not yet.
    There’s something in him that loves, and wants to be loved. How he shows it will vary greatly depending on the day, depending on the context. Still, it’s a part of that longing. That search. The search that will send him crashing through life as a boy with feelings that are too big for his heart to take.

    Planned Skills: fighting & healing
    Possible Plots/Plans/Ideas: He’s going to be a bit volatile as a pup, too sensitive and whatnot, and I can see him really wanting to be close with his siblings but also not knowing how to express that properly. I also left his personality sorta raw and open ended because I really want him to have enough experiences to really shape what he becomes


    "I will shield you from the darkness"

    The Hallows
    Lord of Cinder

    Master Fighter (877)

    Master Navigator (1030)

    An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

    An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

    6 Years
    Dire wolf

    Samhain 2022Running on EmptyRapid Poster - SilverBest BudsSocialiteOverachiever
    Auster ExplorerPride - BisexualFestival OrganizerDream WeaverLoserGlobetrotter
    UnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3HomebodyWealthyHow many times do I have to teach you a lesson?!
    Critical Dodge!Ooh La LaLegendaryExplorerWordyIce Bridge Explorer
    WinnerVengeanceSnake EyesDouble MasterMammoth HunterCritical Hit!
    06-04-2023, 04:09 PM
    Thank you!

    Thank you everyone who showed interest and applied for one of our pups! Shelby and I were not expecting this much continued interest in Britorias pups and it means the world to us—so much so, that we actually decided to use an additional pup slot so we could accept even more than we planned for! Shelby and I strongly encourage anyone who isn't accepted for this litter to not be discouraged and to apply again for the next litter!

    Without further ado...

    Congratulations to Aislyn with Clove, lunar with Nelu, and wicked with Vendrick!

    We are very excited to start some wonderful adventures with the newest Carpathians! A friendly reminder that the pups are playable on June 21 and all profiles must be in Acceptance by June 21! All pup passes will be covered by myself, so you just need to purchase any things needed for your characters. Welcome to the Carpathius family!

    One big happy family

    Artorias has two ravens named Corbin and Eira and a fox named Argent. Assume they are within calling distance at all times.
    As his mate, Briar may enter Artorias' threads unless marked Private.