
Bird Watching

Calico Jack



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Navigator (190)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
05-23-2023, 11:53 PM

Out of the places he had been around recently, this was probably one of the more pleasant ones. It was almost a shame that he had really only intended to pass through here on the way to the island off of this shore that he had heard about. Since that other pack that bordered Ashen's new lands sat between their lands and this shore it wasn't exactly a convenient location to get to, but it wasn't going to deter him from making the effort to come out this way at least once. He wandered around the willow trees and marshy land slowly for a while, pausing from time to time as he listened to the various bird calls. The only thing he had to complain about was some wet, muddy paws as he sloshed through the muck here and there, but that wasn't too bad, all things considered. Finding himself a larger piece of dry land where a large willow tree grew, he settled for a moment to wipe his paws and reorient himself with the direction he was going. He didn't think the shore was too far off, but he wasn't in too much of a rush to get there either.

"Remus Armada"

Calico Jack

Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (465)

Master Navigator (285)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!1KPride - PansexualOoh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
07-11-2023, 10:25 AM
The warm summer day does not deter the young Calico Jack from exploring. Today he is out in a marsh land, where numerous birds of different kinds call out. Paws plow through the murky liquid that cover the ground, sinking into the mud that rests underneath. The boy doesn’t care, in fact, he enjoys the way the mud squishes between his toes and he even flexes his paws as he goes. Trotting through the mud, muck, and bugs, Jack has a wide, happy smile on his lips as looks around. There is beautiful in this land, from the cattails in the marshy water to the lone willow tree that rests on an island.

Icy blue eyes land on said island and the boy spies a familiar figure underneath the hanging branches. Aiming his body toward him, the boy trots closer to the man and calls out, “Remus! How are you doing today?” The croak of the fat frogs that rest in the water quiet as the boy passes them but are quick to resume their talk as he leaves. Long longs are covered with mud and splattered with the marsh waters, making the boy’s normally white coat appear more yellow. Still, Calico Jack is enjoying himself… immensely.

"Calico Jack"

Art & Code © Skelle 2023



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Navigator (190)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
07-21-2023, 01:26 PM

Remus had just picked out his next path through the murky marsh when the slosh of someone squishing their way through the mud nearby caught his attention, pulling his two toned gaze in the direction of a very distinctive orange and brown spotted boy. Remus smirked as he watched Calico Jack heading toward him, the young man clearly enjoying their muddy surroundings more than he was. "Hey, Calico Jack. I'm doing well, but I think you might be doing better than me," he joked with a grin. He wasn't sure how he and the younger man kept ending up in the same places, but he wasn't going to complain. A familiar face certainly made exploring more enjoyable. "I was just making my way through here to get to the shore on the other side if you want to join me. I think there's a pretty solid path this way." Glancing at Jack's legs, Remus chuckled and added, "Not that you mind the mud, clearly." He started off on his path, continuing to move from one patch of solid ground to another as he went.

"Remus Armada"

Calico Jack

Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (465)

Master Navigator (285)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!1KPride - PansexualOoh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
08-04-2023, 02:41 PM
Jack is still a teenager and, as such, really doesn’t care about what he looks like. All that matters right now, in his young world, is enjoying life to the fullest and the freedom that comes from exploring. So, when he spies Remus on a little island in the marshy land, safe from the dirty surroundings that the boy, who had been enjoying the feel the mud between his toes, obliviously loves, he decided to trots over to the man. His normally bright colors are marred by the muck and mire that his legs have kicked up, painting his underside and body with all sorts of smelly, dirty things… not that he minds.

Joyfully, he greets Remus, the man returning the greeting easily and joking with the boy. A grin cracks his maw as Jack says, “Oh yeah! This place is amazing! Can you believe all the cool birds around here?” Sure, the mud is fun and all but Jack has also seen several birds with long legs that he had not laid eyes on before. Frogs croak around them as the boy remains in the marshy land, allowing Remus to claim the safety from the icky land all for himself. Icy eyes turn to the long branches of the willow tree that the man sits under, the boy’s gaze watching the way the branches dance in the gentle breeze.

Mist settles low on the water, obscuring his view of the fish and creatures that obviously inhabit the waters since he can feel them brush against his legs before moving on to wherever they are heading. Remus’s voice pulls Jack from his silent musings and he looks to the man as he explains what he is doing here. A lopsided, carefree grin appears as the man finishes and he happily says, “I prefer the mud! Besides, it will all wash off on my swim back home. But, I will walk with you! Tell me, how is life going for you, Remus?”

The man strikes out and the boy is quick to follow, making sure to stick to the marshy areas because… well, he can. You only live once, after all.

"Calico Jack"

Art & Code © Skelle 2023



Master Fighter (240)

Expert Navigator (190)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022
09-06-2023, 01:53 PM

Remus looked up and around at the trees around them at the mention of all the cool birds that lived here and nodded in agreement. There was always such an abundance of wildlife in this area, but the birds were definitely the most noticeable. "If birdwatching is your thing this is definitely the place to be!" he agreed with a chuckle before returning his attention to the path ahead of them. Calico Jack clearly didn't mind the mud and even said as much as he explained how it would just wash off during his swim home anyway. Remus supposed he had a point there, but he still couldn't bring himself to purposefully walk through the thick mud of the marsh–at least not on purpose. He didn't mind if he had to pass through sections of it when there was no other option, but he managed to stick to some more solid ground for most of his walk. It was nice to have a companion as he made his way across the estuary and glanced over to Calico Jack with a slight grin as he was asked how life was going. "It's going pretty great, I can't lie," he assured him with a chuckle. How could it not be great when he was engaged to a beautiful princess? The only thing that could make it better was the reappearance of his brother, but he wasn't going to hold his breath on that one. "How about you? Everything going well?" Eventually as they chatted and made small talk during their walk, they made it to the shore where the mud and dirt of the estuary began to break up into sand bars and beach. He peered out across the stretch of ocean and spotted an island in the distance that was an intriguing shape. Well, he hadn't planned on island hopping today, but why pass up the chance? Looking to Calico Jack again, he said, "What to go check that island out? I'll race you there!"

"Remus Armada"

Calico Jack

Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (465)

Master Navigator (285)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Dodge!1KPride - PansexualOoh La LaSamhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
12-06-2023, 06:31 PM
Calico Jack has always been one that can find the cool things wherever he goes. Add to the fact that he has good company and the young man simply could not be having a better day! Birds of all shapes and sizes sit in the trees or take wing overhead. As he watches the, his head bobs up and down at Remus’ words and a grin splits his maw. Muddy tail wags lazily behind him as he squishes through the mud, enjoying the way it feels between his toes as he prances near the older male, making sure to stay far enough away so that he does not to get all the muck that he is happily kicking up, on his friend.

Remus assures him that everything has been going great with a chuckle and then inquires how life how life is going for him. A shy smile wiggles his lips as he shoots the other man a bashful grin and says, “Oh everything has been great for me too! I… also… kind of… like a girl. Her name is Rivin and she is amazing!” At some point the ground shifts from muddy dirt to sand, and the golden beach slowly begins to coat every inch of his dirty body. A seagull calls from overhead, pulling his gaze upward as he continues to follow alongside Remus.

Suddenly, the man issues a challenge to swim out to the island that is nearby and Jack’s eyes snap to him, gazing flashing with barely contained excitement. Barking, “You’re on!” he joyfully, races toward the water, plunging into the rolling waves without a second thought.

"Calico Jack"

Art & Code © Skelle 2023

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1. Bird Watching Avian Estuary 11:53 PM, 05-23-2023 04:44 PM, 02-28-2024