
Floppy eared Koi! [Closed]

The long awaited gaybies!



Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (175)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual1KValentines 2020
06-10-2023, 06:03 PM (This post was last modified: 11-09-2023, 10:06 PM by Mojito. Edited 5 times in total.)
Okay yes it is finally happening! Nao and Mojito are having a very unplanned (I mean how to do you plan for this?) litter, no one knows how they got there but they sure are here now! And with using a date kit set we’re hoping to have this be a slightly bigger than average litter, so even though Virgil and I are already taking our own pups: Chūhai and Tsuki, Virgil and I are looking for players! So let’s get on to the details!

Cultures: So it should be hopefully evident that Nao and Mojito come from very different backgrounds, ideally they would like to raise their children with some influences from both as such Virgil and I wanted to give any potential adopters a bit of a primer on the names that each pup could be expected to refer to their fathers as. Mo for his part would likely be easy, papa, daddy and as they get older dad, father etc. However Nao, due to his culture and wanting to differentiate the fathers, is a bit more complicated. As children they’d likely refer to him as Outou-chan and swap to the San honorific as they get older, additionally they may also choose to swap to Oyaji as they get older, this term is less formal and has a more similar vibe to the english usage of Pops or “old man”. If you’d like a more in depth explanation you can find one here. Additionally I’ve compiled a few more common linguistic notes in the event you want to use them for your pup, however we’re only enforcing the usage of Japanese terms to refer to Nao so he and Mo can be easily referred to separately.  

Activity: Let's be honest here guys, it's me and Virgil, we're not gonna get too upset about lower activity, we'd love to see them around and may request semi-regular posting (a few times a season or so) but we're not going to be picky about that. That said if you plan to set your puppy inactive please reach out to one of us, we will take them back no questions asked. If you do set them inactive we will reclaim them without warning. Once the kids are a year old we consider them yours and will only reclaim them if you set them inactive. Additionally since Verg and I are kind of spotty with posting, we rely a great deal on OOC plotting and overall assumptions of what the family might be doing when not actively threading together. If that's something you are uncomfortable with or don't enjoy, please reach out before applying to see what else we could work out so everyone is happy!

Names: There's a bit of a span here, Mojito would prefer that the names be Japanese names but does not care about the theming, however Nao is likely to pick at least a few names of Japanese style drinks. All pups will take the family name of Satoru-Klein, which will be used before their given name in line with the way naming conventions work in Japan.

Alignments and Personalities: The kids can run a bit of a gamut here, both parents are at a point in their life where they want to just spend time with their families and would not discourage lighter alignments, however neither are exactly moral compasses either. Both are very aware of and even sometimes embrace the darker sides of life and don't necessarily shy away from that. That said we're going to say a hard no to pure evil for the sake of evil, type characters or any characters who are abusive sexually in any way. This is a hard no incest litter.

Discounts/Inheritable Mutations:
- Small Goat Horns
- 25% off canine pass (will be required)

- 25% off Orange markings

Designs: Finally the fun part! Please know all provided designs (and corresponding art) will be reclaimed/stay with the character if reclaimed or re-adopted out. They absolutely are not to be used outside of the site. You are free to provide your own, which will stay with you in the event of re-adoption. Another thing to note we are requiring one thing in particular for all of the pups. We want each pup to have at least one floppy ear, you may chose to have two or chose which ear is floppy as you wish however we are asking all the puppies have at least one, some provided designs may not showcase any floppy ears however we will still request one be written into your character description! Additionally some designs may have goat horns on them already, these designs may be used even if you are not intending to give your pup goat horns. The pups may also have other border collie style traits beyond just their ears as they are still a quarter collie because of Mojito.


And now finally the application:

[b]OOC Name:[/b]

[b]Character Name:[/b] Satoru-Klein _________
[b]Apperance:[/b] (Please pick two designs if picking from those provided, site minimum, please make sure to include which ear(s) are floppy)

[b]Personality:[/b] (Site minimum)

[b]RP Sample:[/b] (Only if you've never threaded with myself or Virgil before)
Deadline for app: November 6th!
[Image: Gdfwv08.png]
Mo's daughter Satira is free to cash his threads as she sees fit.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.


06-10-2023, 07:18 PM (This post was last modified: 06-12-2023, 03:25 PM by ThatOneWeirdo. Edited 2 times in total.)
OOC Name: ThatOneWeirdo

Character Name: Satoru-Klein Ichiyo


Gender: Female

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Design 1:
Ichiyo's right ear is always floppy. Her left ear is always pointed. Her right ear covers the left side of her forehead slightly. NAME'S pelt is in all different shades of gray, ranging from light to dark, almost black grays all over her body. The most prominent is the light gray, her forehead, ears, and cheeks are a light gray, along with her underbelly to her tail, and outter fur of her hips are are a light gray as well. Her paws are a dark gray with sock-like markings, not every leg is identical with her markings however. Her legs have splotches of light gray, the same colour as her underbelly on them. Dark grey spots are scattered around her back, and her base coat colour is a medium gray. Her eyes are a striking yellow colour with black round pupils. Her lips are black with white sharp teeth. And her claws are a black with a black nose and pink paw pads.

Design 2:
Ichiyo right ear is always floppy. Her left ear is always pointed. Her right ear covers the left side of her forehead slightly. Her pelt is in all different coloure, ranging from black, brown, to a beige colour. The most prominent colour on her, however, is the black. Her head neck, neck, upper part of her tail, and legs are black. Her paws, tip of her tail, and fleck of a beige colour on her ears are beige. The rest of her body is a medium brown colour, with flecks of beige around her lean body. Her eyes are a striking sky blue colour with black round pupils. Her lips are black with white sharp teeth. And her claws are a black, with a black nose and pink paw pads.

Personality: A free spirit at heart. Ichiyo is a canine who loves to fight and hunt if given the chance, such as sparing with her siblings or trying to hunt a rabbit, and she loves spending time with her family. However, she does like to be on her own for an hour or two a day to go off exploring around the pack lands by her self... and hopefully not get into too much trouble. She is always eager to meet new people and make new freinds or sparing partners, and with not one shy, timid bone in her body she will certainly make a freind! However, she may come across as friendly, she most certainly is a 'back stabber' type of girl who is not to be trusted by strangers.

Skills: Fighting & Hunting

Plans: I'd love a character with family that is active on the site! I plan on working on her skills as they look quite fun! I can figure out what I plan to do with her on the go, though! As she'll be a pup for quite a while, haha.

RP Sample:
Ichiyo's fur blew slightly in the warm breeze, her eyes were closed as she soaked in the hot summee sun as she lay with her head rested on her paws. Her tail was curled around her body, and it was a little too warm on this hot summer's day for her, but she sunbathed under the burning star anyways. It was warm enough that she was beginning to drift into a light nap, perhaps she'd even fall into a deep slumber if she was left undisturbed. Perhaps, she'd go and explore after her nap, possibly spar with one of her siblings if they were up for it.


08-15-2023, 11:44 PM
OOC Name: SailyntSteps

Character Name: Satoru-Klein Selyn
Gender: FeMale
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral

Design 1:
Colors blur throughout a soft coat of various colors. As if the water itself painted them on a blank canvas. Leaving only memories of its white surface. Red, like the beautiful petals of a rose. Grey, resembling the oncoming approach of a gloomy storm. All surrounded by a darkness which centers amongst them all. Ears stand high and proud. Accommodated by another set that sits just off of the original pair. Leaving the left ear to hang just a bit, Floppy and occasionally droppy. It makes it hard sometimes to tell what she's really thinking. And, right in front of them, two sharp horns nestle themselves just a bit ahead. Taking refuge on her forehead. To top it off, eyes that resemble the ocean. Liquid blues and gentle greens merging into a shimmering display of murky, calm waters gaze out at the world.

Design 2:
So plain and yet so beautiful. A winter's white only hit with several areas of night patches. Back hind legs appear to have been dipped in soot from the strongest fires. Paws only tainted with the same coloration as if barely touched. The aftermath of such a thing. Now clung to the white furs. No sign of being washed away. The left eye sunken into a small river of black. Yet, both are a beautiful arrangement of watery green. Shown blue in the sun's gaze. Depending on the angle. Two horns sitting proudly, however small, centered before a set of ears. Though, one flops lifeless on the right side. Giving her a look of utter cuteness.

Personality: When it comes to Selyn, anyone who comes across her is immediately smitten. Not just because of her beautiful features. But her personality alone is like the sun. So bright and happy. A wolf could be in a funk, sad or angry, Selyn knows exactly what to say or do to make them smile. She doesn’t let anything get her down. Not even a thorn in her paw knocks her off of her calm state. Never one to really fight or argue. She chooses to talk things over peacefully then getting all riled up and angry. Selyn believes strongly in love. Peace and happiness. One with the earth and less with the world surrounding her. Yet, she isn’t dumb. Selyn holds much more intelligence then one would think. Giving great advice and knowing her way around herbs and medicine. All and all, Selyn is a drug you just can’t stop taking.

Skills: Healing & Intellect

Plans: Only time will tell how Selyn progresses throughout her life. You can never just plan these things ahead. Your character and you are entirely two different beings.

RP Sample: Annoyed. Selyn steamed over the feeling. Why had she come to the desert? Wasn’t there another way around these scorching rocks? The heat beaming off them from the blinding sun made her regret the color of her coat. They simply didn’t mix. Like water and poop. One wouldn’t just willingly drink shitty water. Would they? The image of such a thing taking place made her laugh out loud. Padding along in hopes to find something to cool the ache of her paws.

Soft ocean greens and blues glanced about with interest. Rocks upon rocks. All different sizes and shapes. Some tall. Some short. Others funny looking. It was one though that made her stop to admire it. The weirdness of it making it stand out more so than the others. H’m. Interesting. Selyn stepped a little closer. Nose sniffing it just a bit. Until she heard a faint shifting coming from underneath.

Curiosity killed the wolf? Of course not. But, it surely gave her a fright the moment a lizard shot from the rock and dashed across the desert like lightening. Selyn growled at it. Dumb lizard. She shook her head at her own foolery. Deciding that she’d be best off not investigating anything further. Her nose sniffing at the air. Hoping to catch a whiff of fresh water. Throat dry and very parched.

The closer she wandered the more a scent of markings came to play. Nearly stumbling over the borders of another’s territory, she stepped back a few feet. Daring not to cross over without permission. Instead, she sent out a bark to travel within the lands. Maybe someone nice would allow her to drink from their river and rest a bit in some shade.



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022
08-29-2023, 01:31 AM (This post was last modified: 11-07-2023, 02:26 PM by Skelle. Edited 7 times in total.)
please DM all tags to @betchasaurusrex!
eightysichs/wolfbea was hacked, what's owed has been made/paid,
and i wasn't involved or even knew her during the time she was hacked, thank you ♥


"The Floofiest Cat"

13+ Years

Easter Egg Hunt 2023Rapid Poster - GoldToys for Tots
08-29-2023, 04:09 PM (This post was last modified: 08-30-2023, 10:12 PM by Beau-tifullyWritten. Edited 2 times in total.)
OOC Name: Beau-tifullyWritten

Character Name: Satoru-Klein Shochu (I also really like the name Umeshu but don’t want to duplicate names just in case)
Gender: Male
Alignment: Chaotic Good

Design 1

As far as height goes Shochu could be considered average, somewhere in between the small and large canines of Boreas and Auster. His frame will be a light that borders on the edge of medium however, with a little bit of a gut thanks to his love of food. Thanks to his love of wandering the world, however, he will be able to burn off any additional fat while also building the strongest muscles within his legs. Shochu is known to be nimble and agile, using this skill to climb and explore the various landscapes he encounters. His dark ashen paw pads and skin will be hardened from his traveling while his coat will always border on the edge of unkempt.

Shochu does groom himself, but sometimes he forgets to do it regularly and will just go with what the day brings. With his coat being just a little thicker it won’t be hard to get the occasional twig or leaf caught in it. His eyes will be soft and rounded, as pure and deep as the blue skies he travels under. Both of his ears will flop forward, though the one on the right does a little more so than the one on the left. It is notable that Shochu walks with a confident gait, ears often perked forward and senses alert as he takes in his surroundings.

The base of Shochu’s coat will be dark, a solid ebony that darkens from his ankles to his paws. Splotches of fawn and an off-white break up the darkness of his body. The most notable patches are the ones over his right ear and around his left eye. For the most part the splotches of colors do not touch his unders, with the exception of a small but that appears near the front of his belly on his left side. The white and fawn colors mingle together and, at night, the patterns make him appear as if he is stepping from the shadows themselves.

Design 2

As far as height goes Shochu could be considered average, somewhere in between the small and large canines of Boreas and Auster. His frame will be a light that borders on the edge of medium however, with a little bit of a gut thanks to his love of food. Thanks to his love of wandering the world, however, he will be able to burn off any additional fat while also building the strongest muscles within his legs. Shochu is known to be nimble and agile, using this skill to climb and explore the various landscapes he encounters. His dark ashen paw pads and skin will be hardened from his traveling while his coat will always border on the edge of unkempt.

Shochu does groom himself, but sometimes he forgets to do it regularly and will just go with what the day brings. With his coat being just a little thicker it won’t be hard to get the occasional twig or leaf caught in it. His eyes will be soft and rounded, resembling the stormy blue of the sky before it rains. His left ear will flop at the tip and noticeably bounce up and down whenever he is on the move. It is notable that Shochu walks with a confident gait, ears often perked forward and senses alert as he takes in his surroundings.

His base coat is a muted, red-orange that is broken up by darker markings of the same value. The base of his left ear bears this color alongside the tip of his right, back legs, tip of his tail, streaks across his back, and a blotch on the right side of his chest that extends to his shoulder. His neck and unders are white, some of the color spilling onto areas of his back legs, across his back, and down his front legs all the way to his paws. His markings have broken up, splotchy edges that break up the color and give him more of a distinct look.


From a young age Shochu will be a pawful. He is the sort of boy you will expect to try sneaking out of the den when his parents are asleep to look at bugs or have an adventure. A lover of natural beauty, it won’t take much to catch his interest when it comes to the world around him. From different landscapes to sunrises, sunsets, and even the stars, he is the sort of wolf who wants to take in everything the world around him has to offer. Going off on adventurers will always be his number one priority, finding it boring to sit in lessons or rough housing like others around him. While not necessarily against fighting, Shochu finds the act to be dull and boring. Why spend your energy potentially getting injured and worked up when you could be seeing the world instead?

That hunger for new experiences will go beyond the wonders of the world. From the moment Shochu experiences his first bite of food he will discover there is more than simply eating a meal. He will be fascinated by the difference from one prey to another, the effects on cooking, and even how the flavor will change when you combine it with vegetables or herbs. A natural foodie, he will adore sampling food and drink whenever he can, especially if it is something new. Shochu is not just interested in sampling food on his own, however, and will enjoy sharing his favorites with those closest to him.

That said, bonding with Shochu can be a bit of an interesting experience. While he can be civil, he does have a tendency to be blunt. He speaks his mind whether he thinks it will upset someone or not, only feeling a smidge of remorse if he makes someone he likes sad. He does not mind company when he is wandering so long as they don’t try to pull him away from his interests for long. The best way to get on his good side is to take an interest in the landscapes of the world and cooking, whereas the fastest way to get him to leave is to talk a lot about fighting or drama. Shochu has very little interest in the drama of others, finding it uncomfortable, and will look for an excuse to leave as soon as he can.

Skills: Hunting and Navigation

Plans: Play a carefree lad who doesn’t always listen to authority (read: wanderer, rule breaker who tries to play sweet to get out of trouble) and knows how to enjoy food and drink. Perhaps a bit of a food critic who wants to sample all of life’s delicacies across Boreas and Auster. He wants to enjoy all the world has to offer.

RP Sample: I can provide one if requested. :3

As a personal note while I love both designs I do lean more towards the first one but can definitely be flexible~
"Here we do not place bets. We place concerns." - Starcrosst of DeviantArt

Beau's Inklings


08-30-2023, 08:24 AM (This post was last modified: 09-09-2023, 06:24 AM by MalBelle. Edited 11 times in total.)
OOC Name: MalBelle

Character Name: Satoru-Klein Umeshu
Gender: male
Alignment: Chaotic Good
A patchwork of calico in white, black and orange, Ume is largely comprised of koi markings, sporting a pelt that would not be remiss gliding along the surface of a fish pond. However, Mojito’s snow-white pelt interjects abruptly from one side of his face to the curve of his hind quarters, appearing as though each father is warring for space across their son’s fur. His right ear flops over in a collie-like fashion, further emphasising this idea that two differing ideals came together to fuse messily into one boy. Finally, his eyes are a stark yellow that stand out sharply from the rest of his face, unnerving in their brightness. Truly, Ume is a master of the thousand-yard-stare.

Size: Large (38")
Build: Medium
morbid - has a fascination with all things strange, grotesque and macabre. Ume likes to sniff out the odd and taboo - and then experiment and pull it apart, find out how it works and where it keeps it’s brain (if it has one.) This will likely unnerve those around him, but his lack of knowledge in social cues will not permit him to disguise this shameless interest.
quiet - often embroiled in some disturbing new topic or lost in his own internal world, Ume is not much of a talker - and if he does speak, it’s likely he’ll only say more than ten words around his family members. That being said, if you catch him in the midst of a new subject of interest (ie. that crocodile skull he found, or that dead bird by the shoreline), then he might be unable to stop himself from rambling on in an excited jumble.
soft-spoken - his voice is naturally soft in nature, and even in a crowd he won’t strain to be heard. This is less because he believes himself unworthy of being listened to, and rather because he simply doesn’t care if others can understand him. Much of the time when he talks, it’s largely for his own benefit, anyway.
introspective - Ume’s world is very much an internal one, so when he doesn’t understand something or needs to consider a new line of thinking he’ll often sequester himself away to turn the topic over in his mind and pick apart it’s innards. If you’re a trusted confidant, however, he might seek your opinion on the matter - in which case he’ll give your input serious consideration.
absent-minded - because of his rich internal life and propensity to gain interest in strange things, Ume tends to be easily-distracted; describing him as ‘off with the fairies’ would not be inaccurate. As such it is common to find him staring blankly off into the distance, or else murmuring cryptically to himself under his breath.
family-oriented - despite these seemingly sinister traits, Ume is not of a cruel or evil nature - in fact, he doesn’t wish harm upon anyone, and has an interest in healing that will extend particularly to his family. He has no interest in violence and is happy to let his siblings do all the tough-talking, content to stand by the sidelines waiting to patch them up. Family is the one thing that can break through Ume’s absent-mindedness and bring him back down to earth, and simply being in the presence of his siblings will often be enough to put him in a good mood. Ultimately, he just wants to experiment with brains and hang out with his family members.
Skills: Healing & Intellect
Plans: to be that weird cousin you try to avoid at parties & and the family medic. Patches his siblings up after they get into scrapes

RP Sample: happy to provide if you need one!



Pride - Bisexual
08-30-2023, 08:11 PM (This post was last modified: 11-02-2023, 10:16 AM by Shazaki. Edited 4 times in total.)
Drawing back <3 already too many good apps


13+ Years
10-03-2023, 06:01 PM (This post was last modified: 11-04-2023, 09:35 PM by pinetreesheep. Edited 12 times in total.)
OOC Name: pinetreesheep/sheep

Character Name: Satoru-Klein Osamu (OH-SA-MOO) “Discipline \ study”

Gender: male

Alignment: Lawful Neutral

[Image: ali_2_by_lolaf_dfzh9m3-pre.jpg?token=eyJ...4id_Dmov6k]

[Image: 73037314_GhprHYzgF0wCC4n.png?1699155227]

I like this one if it’s still available? ^

Osamu sports a light grey base coat dappled with darker grey splotches. His slender muzzle is faded with darker grey and he has a patch of almost black splotches around his left eye. His eyes are a bright orange/amber color and stand out beautifully against his dark fur. He was born with a floppy right ear. Despite his dappling, it is clear he has an undercoat of dark points, so his legs have the appearance of fading and are very dark at his toes, lightening as it goes up his legs. His belly and underside are the lightest grey color. Osamu likes to keep clean, and while he can be seen dirty when he is working, he will never let his fur stay matted for long. He has a light build but he likes to train therefore he will gain muscle that isn’t too much for his frame. His strength is speed rather than brute force, as he isn’t large enough to have much weight behind his attacks.

Personality: Osamu is very focused, strong willed, intelligent, hardworking, and disciplined as his name suggests in Japanese. He’s not one to goof around and play or take it slow/easy like young wolves often do. He has ambitions and dreams he craves to achieve. He feels as if he has no time for friendship or play, and is more likely to be found on the grind to complete his goals. His actions are not malicious, but he may come across as unwelcoming/unfriendly despite his demeanor being incredibly respectful as he has very good manners. He loves his family and would protect them at the cost of his life, he just doesn’t let himself relax or be caught slacking. If he is caught slacking or messes up he is harder on himself than anyone else could be. He’s always on a mission to succeed. He may also have a complex with perfectionism and or overachievement. He obeys rules and laws, but he will always aim for what better helps him achieve his goals. At a young age he will be rather simple and not very keen on trouble making. Often perhaps following one parent or the other, and will most definitely tattle or rant about his siblings bothering him.

Skills: intellect and fighting

Plans: I’d like to slowly build on a character that has the Japanese idealisms of respect to others and hard work. But then I want to take it way too far and make him almost sick with ambition. To where he doesn’t let himself get a break and eventually crumbles under the weight he puts on his own shoulders. Or perhaps he could drive off people he cares about in the process, and maybe one character in his future could help him pick himself back up and learn how to have fun and repair broken bonds. Pretty much just him with an internal conflict rather than external, but it has external consequences.

RP Sample: (this is random and I’m completely bullcrapping this just because I can)
The sound of rushing wind howled in the young male’s ears as he sprinted down the grassy hillside. His paws skidded on the wet peaty earth as he rounded a bend and continued his descent. “I’m late! I’m LATE!” He screamed internally. It was well past sunrise now, and he had promised his instructor he would meet him at the training yard before dawn. Osamu’s paws beat the ground faster now as he reached level ground, he could see a small figure in the distance waiting for him with a lashing tail. “I’m so dead…” the young boy huffed as his lungs heaved for more air to push him the rest of the way. Skidding to a halt in front of the other wolf, Osamu immediately bowed his head to the ground. ”Im so sorry Sensei! Yurushite kudasai!” his words nearly muffled by the grass he had shoved his face in. His heaving chest beginning to slow as he caught his breath, he got up from his bow but still looked quite disappointed with himself. ”I probably wouldn’t have been late if my sister hadn’t kept me up all night with her ‘nightmares..’” he thought to himself. Not wanting to make excuses though or throw his sister under the bus, he accepted whatever punishment his teacher may have for him. Unfortunately, by the look on her face he could tell it was going to be a long day.

Thankyou for the opportunity to adopt a pup! ^w^

Complete! 11/4/23



Easter Egg Hunt 2023
10-03-2023, 06:17 PM (This post was last modified: 11-04-2023, 10:09 PM by Kingpedle. Edited 2 times in total.)
OOC Name: kingpedle

Character Name: Satoru-Klein Hanataro (flower)
Gender:  female, will grow to be a trans male
Alignment: True neutral
[Image: Hanataro.png?ex=65597e84&is=65470984&hm=...be299a18a&]
Small like his daddy mo Hanataro started life as a fluffy cute girl. Soft fur and a thinner tail sitting over his body however the pup will forever deal with weakness in him. Not all too strong and perhaps soft skinned he suffers from Hemophilia b. Bleeding easily and often causing issues. He smells of fresh morning dew, soft and fluffy.

Despite this the white cream fur that makes up his base almost resembles winter grass. With a black eye patch around his right eye that sparks freckles on his cheek. More importantly his right floppy ears tip consists of black and white stripes the white freckling into the black fur. Hanataro’s right front limb also sports this black color speckling outwards. Lastly his rump holds a white splotch speckling the same as his other marks. While he sports a aqua almost sea foam right eye and his left a deep green.


Dreamy, despondent, shy, empathetic

Hanataro will always remain a dreamy child. Daydreaming about things far off from reality spinning tales that surely are not true but are based in some sort of reality. Especially that of his family. His father an angel in his eyes, outo-chan a great dragon god of his dreams. It’s unsure if he’ll grow out of it, but his stories being life to the world coloring the path ahead for hopes to be created. That’s exactly it a story teller with a love for happy endings because of his shortcomings.

As a young child it will appear that he’s always despondent, not entirely knowing the problem after ll being born a female was just how he was meant to be right? Days with uncomfortable feelings might be often but he’ll always be open with his family whose he feels so strongly for. Seeking approval from his parents and wanting to prove himself as useful to his siblings. Yet for now the air around him spells of a detached youth yearning to be the male he envisions himself as when he becomes older.

Hanataro is a shy child. Not sure where his voice is yet. His comforts will be spent around family and strangers he often falls quiet to. Maybe his shyness contributes to his condition that he will discover when he is young. Causing a spark of interest in herbs and a heavy want to make sure he can one day take care of himself when his fathers cannot. Deeply intelligent even at a young age his thirst for knowledge will be great absorbing the world around him like a sponge.

Just like father mo Hanataro sports heavy empathetic feelings. Perhaps only for his fellow siblings and pack mates it all depends on the nurture that he receives. A deep want to save others Hanataro being such a dreamy child causes him to want to comfort others through his story telling. Maybe one day he could save a life with it. His want to help others knows no bounds if he could only get past his shyness.

Skills: intellect, healing

Purchases; canine pass(I can afford) for right floppy ear and thin tail.

My plan is to see how the dynamic of his condition plays with his family and pack. Not realizing he’s a guy until he’s a yearling either. I’m willing to scrap his hemophilia if you guys don’t think it’s a good fit. My hope is to make him a story teller who is "fantasy" novel esc. In type. I want rp interactions with his family and parents to shape him from his base personality as he sways with his morals for s time. His true neutral personality type has the potential to change given plotting. Honestly I want him to be the little fur ball everyone adores and wants to protect.

RP Sample: just take one!

The crisp night air curled around her, causing soft shifts in her paws as she tried to sleep. However, it just wasn’t coming to her. Every movement made her uncomfortable the feeling of her siblings and whatever else was in the nest beside her. She imagined small bugs crawling over them but they were made of ice. Opening her eyes to watch their icy bodies five off steam in the den. While she would have remained sleep had escaped her now and the creatures were here to play. The pup groggily got to her slimy paws, following an icy bug out into the night air.

Outside of the den Hanataro stopped watching her breath escape her in cloudy mists. Now the bug was gone but she turned her gaze to the full moon ahead. It was huge the reflection sparkling off her eyes as she tilted her head. The night air sounded like a melodic whistle. Yet her gaze could not escape the moon causing her to trip suddenly. Head hitting the ground she whimpered softly before picking herself back up and giving a shake. She wasn’t afraid! Though she would be sure to stick close to the den. In case any of her siblings or her parents needed her. She sighed sitting down and closing her eyes, just trying to… be.




Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (175)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual1KValentines 2020
10-16-2023, 12:23 AM
We officially have a deadline for apps, with the application for pups now officially posted the expected due date for the litter is November 14th, which means we are setting a deadline for apps as end of day November 6th!

Remember that means in order for your app to be considered it needs to be completed, including 100 words for appearance and 150 for personality!
[Image: Gdfwv08.png]
Mo's daughter Satira is free to cash his threads as she sees fit.
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.


"Do you want to meet all my monsters? Think you're tough, I know they'll drive you bonkers!"


Master Fighter (684)

Master Hunter (325)

An icon representing the specialty Saboteur Saboteur

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
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Dragon Mod

Festival OrganizerWealthyLegendaryHomebodyWinnerVengeance
Critical Dodge!LoserCritical Fail!By A WhiskerRapid Poster - RainbowPride - Aromantic
SocialiteSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipScarredDouble MasterOoh La La
How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! By the skin of my teethSnake EyesOverachieverPride - Asexual1K
Dream WeaverUnderachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Treat 2019
10-25-2023, 05:51 PM (This post was last modified: 10-25-2023, 05:51 PM by Medusa. Edited 1 time in total.)
OOC Name: Dragon

Character Name: Satoru-Klein Midori
Gender: Female
Alignment: Starting true Neutral

Personality: (Site minimum)

Please note: Medusa is a wildcard! While she is mostly kind, friendly, and eager to help, she can equally be cold, aggressive, and eager to murder you depending on how you treat her! She refers to herself and often, others, in the third person (illeism), and occasionally has tics due to her Tourette's and may giggle and laugh at random, and may twitch here and there. She is a blood & gore type of character, and is not above killing, maiming, or other such violent actions if she's given a reason to do so. It's often in your best interest to not cross her or get on her bad side. Ya never know what she might do c:

Cherry OOC

10-30-2023, 10:06 PM (This post was last modified: 11-05-2023, 02:30 PM by Cherry OOC. Edited 2 times in total.)
OOC Name: Cherry

Character Name: Satoru-Klein Harumi
Gender: AFAB Nonbinary (they/them)
Alignment: Chaotic Good, subject to change

[Image: B4li5i.png]

While Harumi's siblings may more or less look more wolf than dog, Harumi themself will appear as if they've hoarded all the typical collie traits for themself. As a pup, they'll be small; not a runt, by any means, but obviously dwarfed in size by any bigger siblings, and their growth spurt will only push them to 23 inches at their full, adult height. Their fur is long and silken, although not to the same extent as it would be if they had more collie blood, and their ears are fully folded, resting limply against their head.

For all intents and purposes, were it not for a few telltale features, Harumi would have nothing to show that they are their fathers' child. Their base pelt are different shades of a pale-tawny brown, lightening towards their face, neck and stomach, front paws and tail. A thin cream blaze stretches from the top of their head and outlines their muzzle and cheeks, and coats their undersides in small patches of cream. Speckled, cream spots, like those of a doe's, stretch across their back and shoulders to their tail. Their ears and hind paws are the darkest parts of them, save for their eyes; their ears are a medium brown, marked and speckled with the darker brown that covers most of their hind paws from ankle to toe. Much like their front paws, their toes and the back ends of their hind paws are lighter, being the same medium brown.

And their eyes? From the start, they'll have Nao's thick, long lashes, accentuated by a pair of dark, doe-ish chocolate brown eyes. It is,  beyond their slightly more wolf-like build, the only thing they'll have inherited from Nao. On the other hand, however, small horns will poke from their head- even as they grow older, unfortunately, said horns will be nothing but tiny nubs, practically useless except aesthetically.

Should they be given the chance, Harumi will make a habit of decorating themselves with things they find- mostly flowers, but the cloth around their neck may just as likely become an addition as they begin to get older.

Personality: Harumi may be small in body, but they're absolutely not in spirit.

From their first venture out into the world, Harumi makes it clear that they think it's something to be conquered, no matter how they have to do that. And, yes, that includes their siblings and whatever said siblings may think of them. They live and breath ferocity- it's almost as if it's pumped into their veins in lieu of blood, and they'll make sure anyone and everyone knows that.

Harumi is, from their first taste of anything even vaguely dangerous, the sort to actively seek it out. Maybe not so much get their siblings involved- if it's one thing they do fear, it's the wrath of their parents if either find out- but their thrill-seeking habits will be almost impossible to break, even as they get older. Especially as they get older, whether it be due to the realization of just how dangerous things are or realizing they can handle themselves better.

Harumi does, generally, tend to wear their heart on their sleeve as well- they'll never be in the habit of hiding things as a pup, and their brutal honesty is something that will also stick around as they're older. The way they see it, they're not going to lie for anyone else's sake- if they need to hear it, then they're going to hear it, even if Harumi may not have much tact in the being gentle aspect of things. They're here for the hard truth.

That being said, they walk a delicate line between attention whore and heavily family orientated, especially as a pup. If they want their siblings attention, or their parents, they're not above lashing out in a jealousy-fueled temper tantrum, especially at whatever siblings may be taking that attention away. This will be something that fixes itself, later, whether it be through strained relationships with their family or Harumi (somewhat) maturing.

While they'll never truly mature, always keeping the snark and humor they had as a pup, Harumi does truly care for their family, and for those they're close to. Despite things that may seem otherwise, they don't truly mean any harm.
Skills: Healing and Navigation
Plans: Mostly to be a completely menace to their parents, their siblings, and whoever has the displeasure of running into them. I'm a sucker for drama, so if I get the chance and think of something / if something comes up that I think throwing Harumi in would fit, I'll probably do that unless someone snipes me first. Beyond that, though, most everything is up in the air.

RP Sample: (Using the Ardy bot rolled prompt "It's a muggy late evening. You're feeling jealous and getting in a fight." Siblings are left vague for now.)

Usually, Harumi doesn't mind the warmer weather. Usually, they would have thrived in something like this.

That's not today.

Even with the sun starting to set low in the sky, the evening is too hot. Hatumi's thick fur doesn't help things, and, with a low grumble, they rest their head on their paws, staring out at the horizon for a bit. Upon the silence that follows, however, they take a breath-

and grumble again, louder this time.

Still nothing.

Or at least not anything directed towards them, anyways. After a moment of silence, one of their siblings pipes up with a complaint of their own- and this time, their Pa tries to comfort the whining child. White-hot jealousy flashes through Harumi, and despite their very loud grumbles of dicomfort, they stir to whip their head around and give the offending sibling a glare.

"Would you shut up?" Hypocritical of them, maybe, considering they hadn't, themself- but they're ignoring that for now.



Expert Healer (165)

Expert Fighter (175)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual1KValentines 2020
11-07-2023, 09:32 AM
Alright guys it's finally time! First thing, you guys did not make this easy on us, Virgil and I kept going back and forth for a while! So many lovely apps and unfortunately for us we could only pick 5!

With the preamble out of the way, let's get to the players, all of whom get to use their first choice designs: Beau with Shochu, Mal with Umeshu, Sheep with Osamu, King with Hanataro and last but certainly not least Cherry with Harumi!

Congrats guys! Beau will also be getting our one remaining free pup pass, but Virgil and I will cover everyone else's so don't worry about that! In order to lighten the gem load we're also planning to cover the canine passes for the whole litter, that said if you're willing/able to cover yours let us know ASAP so we don't double up!

Remember to get these kiddos into acceptance ASAP, for newer players puppies must be at least posted in acceptance before their playable date or are otherwise considered no longer viable. Don't worry about them being actually accepted, as long as they're posted and ready to go you're good! As such we'd like to see them in acceptance before November 20th in case we need to emergency readopt!