
Poison apple


04-08-2014, 05:38 PM

Creme paws stepped onto bloodstained grounds of the battlefield. He had heard recently about the runaway that wasted his queens time at her borders, and shook his head at the filth that plagued the lands. Those who wasted Elysium time would eventually pay, no matter who they were. They were a unit, and Uisge did not play nice when it came to such matters. Today, however, the male had decided to get some practice in, and perhaps a little prize depending on who showed. Claws had been expertly dipped in a poison he concocted, his own little creation that would irritate and potentially paralyze the muscles that the wounds were inflicted upon. All he had to do was bite, then scratch the area. An easy feat unless the opponenet magically knew his plans. The concoction, however, was specially made so that it was odorless. Undetectable, for he was an assassin and a spy after all, and what good would his skills be if everything was traceable? He smirked as he stopped in a clearing, claws lightly scratching the surface as he gazed about before tilting his head back to summon a nearby soul. He was a master of dangerous herbal usage, and his potions would be put to the test least one of them, anyway. Lowering his head after the call, he waited for someone to come by and fall victim to his potential plans.



04-13-2014, 04:38 PM

The metallic aroma of blood was like sweet perfume to the porcelain paladin?intoxicating even in the smallest of doses and powerful enough to awaken the savage beast that lurked within her chest, clawing mercilessly at her breast as it begged to be unleashed. She was too weak to shun the monster?too eager to uncage him for she thrived upon the adrenaline it provided for her, so when the banshee?s summon resounded across the island in search of an opponent, Artemis willingly succumbed to her feral tendencies and immediately set out in search of the challenger. The call had emanated from the battlefield?a place that the prodigy was more than acquainted with?so the babe would have no trouble locating her newest adversary, willowy limbs propelling her robust form with the elegant swagger of a queen as she made her graceful approach.

His behemoth physique stood out among an otherwise barren field, piquing the paladin?s interest with the wry expression that encumbered his russet countenance, curiosity flooding her system as she pondered over his intentions. Had the babe known what tricks the brute had up his sleeve, she would have scoffed and chided him for his cowardly methods; to emerge victorious from a fight due to the unfair usage of outside resources rather than brute force and tact was hardly a win at all, but perhaps the male was lack of either of those things and needed to compensate. However, because the prodigy was not practiced in the ability to read minds, she would neither scoff nor chide due to her obliviousness, and would simply attempt to approach him from the front, silent as ever. Mismatched amethyst and silver gaze would rake his physique as she attempted to familiarize herself with his body, taking note that he was slightly larger and appeared heavier than she. Despite this slight disadvantage, Artemis would not allow for this factor to discourage her from participating, and would, instead, allow for a smirk to unfold across her marred visage in an expression to mirror his own as she halted approximately eight feet away from the male.

Skull would lower over her breast until it was aligned perfectly with the remainder of her spinal column, tail unfurling so that it, too, fell into the same alignment while her shoulders rolled forwards and her head drew back slightly to provide a fatty layer of protection for her neck. Ears would pin against the contours of her crown and her mismatched gaze would narrow, focus drawing to the center of her opponent?s chest to make it easy to detect muscle contractions throughout his body while her abdomen would tense and her nails grappled the earth beneath her for traction. Limbs would find comfort spaced evenly apart and would bend ever-so slightly at the knee joint to lower her center of gravity, weight distributed evenly among each as her toes splayed across the ground and her hackles prickled along the base of her neck and spine. ?Don?t disappoint me,? the paladin demanded, jaws falling agape and lips unfurling to reveal the yellowed bone of her teeth in challenge as her chin tucked tightly against the curvature of her neck.

artemis vs uisge



round zero of two

attack nop

defense set

injuries none