
Stand and hold steady now



3 Years
10-27-2014, 06:27 AM

The North was far behind them now and Talvi had begun her explorations with Caeto. So far things were going rather smoothly though of course it wasn't all for fun and games she had told Athena she would be visiting the allies of Bevroren as well and so departing temporarily from her new friend for a moment she made her way to the borders of one of the packs.

Solstice she knew nothing about really, they were amongst the allies that she hadn't ever personally met herself though it was time to change that it seemed. Standing upon the borders, the blue and silver girl would let out a call summoning the alphas. To be honest quite what she'd do beyond an introduction and giving Athena's words of greeting she wasn't entirely sure but she still wished to know a little more about her pack's allies and this was apparently the starting point.


10-30-2014, 12:11 PM

As soon as the call touched her ears she would be moving. It wasn't often that they got visitors, which made her curious as to who this stranger was. Perhaps someone looking to join? She would pick up an easy trot, leaving the forest behind in favor of the grass plains. The long grass would tickle her belly, brushing against her sides as she moved. It didn't take long, mostly because she didn't want to keep the stranger waiting. Her singular gaze would rest on the unknown face of a she-wolf. But immediately there was something oddly familiar about her. But instead of asking, she would smile, stopping a few feet away from the woman.

"Hello, I'm Sibelle, Regime of Solstice" She would pause for a moment, not sure what to say about her rank as Cru had not specified if she had her rank back, but either way she would give it, there would be hell to pay if she was wrong. "What can I do for you?" She couldn't shake the nagging thought of this woman's strikingly familiar appearance. Nostrils would quiver, inhaling her northern scent. She knew the back, Bevroren, her half sister ruled as queen there, so she was an ally. Immediately she thought that something might be wrong, but the stranger didn't appear to be in any distress. So she would wait.

"Burn Baby Burn"



3 Years
11-03-2014, 12:04 PM

For a few moments Talvi would find herself alone, it seemed however that she would need to wait too long for a figure to approach. Whislt Sibelle had been to Bevroren before, had met Athena and others within the pack, Talvi herself had not been present and therefore had missed an opportunity to meet the russet woman. Unlike the other, there was not anything that would immediately give Talvi the impression she knew Sibelle. There was no mention of her surname either, not that it alone would have caused Talvi to cheerfully acknowledge her as family. They were allies, that much was true regardless of anything though if the truth of their connection was revealed, if Talvi would ever view her as family would have to remain to be seen.

"Hello. I am Talvi, Leraar of Bevroren." She would begin with a simple introduction, her own certainly far easier. Of course there was information she didn't currently have that perhaps would have made her doubt her title but for now she would be oblivious to it. "All is well with us currently and Athena sends her regards. I'm simply here for an opportunity to meet our allies for myself." To be honest other than introducing herself she wasn't entirely certain what ought to be done next.


11-16-2014, 06:24 PM

The woman would introduce herself as Talvi, though being unfamiliar with Bevorens ranks, it meant little to the russet woman. But she would smile and dip her head nonetheless. "It's a pleasure to meet you Talvi." Any worry she held would be erased when she was assured that all was well with Bevroren, she just wanted to meet allies. "Please send Athen my regards. It's not often that I get to see her, even if we are related." It took several days to get to the north, something she didn't often have time for as an alpha, nor did she expect her half sister to make the trip down here. Her posture had relaxed, tail swaying idly behind her as she studied the girl. She tried to brush off her familiarity as simply a family trait, but she wasn't even sure if this woman was family. "Are you an Armada as well?" Her crown would tip to the side as she impulsively asked. It hadn't been long ago that she learned of Taurigs first litter with Cataleya, there was no reason why she shouldn't get to know the other members of her extensive family.

"Burn Baby Burn"



3 Years
11-16-2014, 06:35 PM

Any worries from Sibelle for Bevroren's status and well-being would swiftly be brushed aside and as the russet woman continued to speak, Talvi could sense her relaxing more into the conversation. The gentle movement of her tail perhaps a little strange given their lack of familiarity with one and other though could be put down simply to being at ease with an ally. They had no reason to be hostile nor complete formality. Athena evidently trusted this woman to some extent and visa versa, there was no reason that they couldn't get along.

Armada as well? Talvi took the question to mean was she related to Athena, no realising right away that the woman before her was also a member of the Armada family, their introductions hadn't expanded to their family names after all. "No." Came her initial somewhat blunt reply. Though technically she was in fact of Armada blood it was apparently a fact that was never meant to me shared with the rest of the world. She was to be recognised as a Zaldun at the end of the day. "Though Athena is my half sister, Argent Zaldun is our mother." She wasn't sure if Sibelle would have heard of the woman though her mother had been somewhat famed in the past.


12-03-2014, 10:22 PM

The woman would at first deny being of Armada blood. But she was half sister to Athena. Then how did she fit into the Armada line? "Im afraid Im not familiar with her." Came her polite reply. It wasnt a name that rang a bell, though she could only imagine that the woman was one of her fathers many women. She found it peculiar that she never mentioned her father. "Isardis isn't your father then?" It was a half statement, half question. A sheepish grin would lift her lips briefly. "I don't mean to be so nosey, I just don't often meet new family members. Isardis is my father." Her haunches would lower to the ground, tail curling about her hips as usual. Her verdant gaze rested easily on the woman face, unable to shake the feeling that she looked oddly familiar, like someone she knew, or had met. But it was obvious they had never met before. She continue to silently ponder this, while still focusing her attention on her ally.

"Burn Baby Burn"



3 Years
12-04-2014, 01:34 AM
ooc: According to Wynn Sibelle knew all about Taurig and Argent, she was the one who told Pan apparently. Talvi doesn't know this anyway though.

She did fit into the Armada line of course though it was through a mother not through a father that Athena was her sister. Athena was technically her aunt through Isardis though this was a fact that Talvi had never shared with her nor cared to bother with either for that matter, as far as she was concerned the silver woman was simply her sister, or half-sister for clarity's sake though she was closer to her now than any of her full-blooded siblings.

And yet despite the fact that she had said 'half-sister' and clarified they were related through Argent Sibelle still had to ask whether or not Isardis was her father. Had the russet woman not listened? "No. That would make us full sisters." The words were spoken with confidence, she knew what she was talking about. She was try to refrain from being too cold however, reminding herself that Sibelle was an ally, someone that Athena evidently trusted. "I've never met my father. He was cheating scum that cared little for his children it seems." Some perhaps could think that applied rather nicely to Isardis at times though it was of course not the albino she spoke of now but the blue male that Sibelle trusted far more.

Sibelle wouldn't let the family thing drop so easily however, explaining her lack of meeting them all as a reason for enquiring. They were technically family though it'd be a while and a big effort before Talvi would ever view it that way. The Armada family was big in the other's defence though Talvi would still stand by her guns and simply couldn't help the next reply that sounded; "You can hardly call them all family then if you don't know them." Came her reply, a pre-warning perhaps that even if Talvi's connection to Taurig was exposed in this meeting, she would not suddenly start calling the woman before her an aunt.


12-12-2014, 01:33 PM

Brows would lift in surprise when the younger woman spoke of her father. Idly she wondered who the brute was. The meeting would take an interesting turn as blunt words left the lips of her ally. A frown would pull down at her lips as she said nothing for a brief moment. Irritation shot through her immediately. The girl held little regard for her own father, yet dared to sound so accusing when she had delayed in getting to know more of her own siblings because of her worth father. Tension settled easily in her shoulders, a seemingly natural part of her life nowadays. "'Family' is a term very loosely thrown around by the Armadas." Her words were neutral, though perhaps hinted towards her irritation. She may have blood ties with the entire Armada line, but she was far from considering most of them her family. But what else could she possible call them? They still had familial ties through blood, though she had no relationships to tie her to the family more intimately. And she would be the first to say it, she wouldn't deny that she resented her father and wanted nothing to do with those who so blindly followed him. But she held her tongue, gazing easily at the woman before her.

"Burn Baby Burn"



3 Years
12-18-2014, 09:55 AM
Talvi certainly did care to accuse her father in that manner. Though now she understood there were other factors beyond his control that had likely kept him away from herself and her siblings, there was no excuse for the way in which he had walked out on Pandora and her litter mates. After his accidental litter with Argent he'd had a chance to have a real, happy family and he'd certainly mucked that one up. Her previous delay in getting to know those other siblings had been out of pain and jealousy, they had a complete family and hers had been completely falling apart. No wonder would she blame them for that though.

Fortunately though there would be no further discussion upon that matter, though the topic of family was still being danced around getting increasingly tense it seemed with each comment thrown into the air. "I am aware of that fact." She responded simply though voice attempting to calm now, Sibelle was an ally after all, she certainly wasn't here to cause trouble. As much as she disliked her father, it seemed he had been a victim in this so called mess of a family. Perhaps that was the real reason Isardis had never claimed them as Armada's, as his grandchildren, he was apparently rather fickle with who he felt was worthy of the family name.

"I find a shared name and blood doesn't make a family though. I'm certainly closer to my half siblings than my full ones, I've even found some strangers seem to care about me more than they or my own mother ever seemed to." An apology of sorts, the word sorry of course wouldn't leave her lips but a further explanation would hopefully calm things down before it all got too hostile.