
Bad luck charm




Master Fighter (280)

Expert Hunter (165)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Toy size

Pride - Bisexual
06-25-2023, 02:39 PM

Such a heavenly view

She could feel the wind rushing past her as she ran. Her breaths coming out in puffs as she did her best to run. Her short stature making it hard for her to keep going through this snow. Her eyes were wide with fear as she pinned her ears. Be hind her she could hear the sound of the heavy thuds behind her. If it wasn't one thing it was another in this place. She could hear it.

The creature in question was a massive thing, big brown and drooling at the prospect of a midwinter snack. She was tiny though! Didn't it know she wouldn't be a good snack? I'm gonna die here! She darted into the first thing she could find as fast as she could. Every hair stood on end as she whipped around to face it. Its big mouth was snapping at the entrance as she backed up as much as possible from it only to have her butt come in contact with the inside of the hollowed out tree. She could hear the wood cracking as it roared and clawed at the wood.

Since her mother had been killed and she had ran she seemed to end up with nothing but bad luck. She was just a bad luck charm it seemed. first her mom's death, then her ending up in a bear's den, this was not her day. Tears collected in her eyes as she pushed back on the wood and she squeezed her eyes shut. It felt like there would be no help for her. "Go away stinky! I'm not good to eat!" her plea was as loud as her tiny frame could muster, likely drowned out by the sound of the growls and roars of the bear.

It seemed desperate to get her little piebald form.

Walk, "Talk", Think

Art by Asena



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
08-05-2023, 11:52 AM

The loss of one of their members, especially such a sweet, gentle soul like their healer had come as a shock not just to the Leader and her family, but to other members of the pack as well. Beauregard felt for their loss; losing a loved one was never easy. He had been doing his best to diligently patrol not just the borders, but he had started straying into some of the neighboring lands as well just in case another dangerous individual might be lurking out there. He didn’t want anyone else to be hurt, or worse killed, so he needed to do his best to keep everyone safe. Alongside Trill and Blind he could do just that, right?

He had been padding through the snow covered, foggy lands of Wraith’s Woods when the commotion of a bear of all things caught his attention. Trill immediately responded, and Beau glanced down at blind as the blue jay took off in the direction it came from. A predator like that, awake during winter, would be a threat to the pack and the smaller member of Bellamy’s family. Especially the young pups that had been born not long ago. Beauregard drew his dagger; he needed to take it out. Even if fighting a bear was dangerous to do alone he needed to do something! He would not allow this thing to have a chance to come back towards Ethne!

He found it hunting something, or someone. Trill would dive for its rump, talons gripping at the thick brown fur. The beast bellowed with rage as it drew back, swinging up towards the bird, only to have one of its eyes slashed out by a nimble attack from Beau. He narrowly avoided the bear’s swipe itself, but the spray of blood and another angry roar told him that his attempt had been successful. He landed on the ear with the dagger gripped in his fangs as blind made her way into the hollow of the tree to see what the bear had been after. To the fox’s surprise it was a kid, and not one of Ethne’s. Still, the arctic fox sniffed towards her, not drawing closer as the fight raged outside.

“You’re lucky Beau was on a patrol, kid. Don’t worry, he’ll take care of that smelly beast. Shouldn’t even be awake during winter.” Blind lowered her rear to the ground and scratched an ear. “Where are you from, kid?”

"Talk, 'Think.'

Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.



Master Fighter (280)

Expert Hunter (165)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Toy size

Pride - Bisexual
09-23-2023, 06:28 AM

Such a heavenly view

The pixie sized girl was absolutely terrified. The bear was loud and she felt like there was nothing she could do against it. But much to her relief the bear seemed to become angry at something else, roaring and removing its face from the opening in the log. She couldn't help but sigh in relief, her butt plopping onto the ground. The commotion outside was still loud but at least it wasn't centered on her now.

It wasn't even seconds before she was joined in the hollow of the tree by another. She jumped and squeaked from the surprise of it. But the creature started talking almost immediately. Her ears pressed back. So someone was saving her, but apparently their name was Beau. She nodded that it wasn't supposed to be awake.

That one was kind of her fault.

The creature then went on asking her where she was from. That wasn't a nice story either. "A bad place far away.... I don't wanna go back." she was hoping the creature would leave it at that. If they didn't then she would have to tell them that it was all her fault.

Walk, "Talk", Think

Art by Asena



Master Fighter (325)

Expert Intellectual (210)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

4 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
10-11-2023, 08:16 PM

The bear was pissed, not that Beau expected the other predator to willingly take damage from him. Beauregard growled around the dagger, knowing that the beast would not flee from what it determined to be a meal so easily. The bear swung again, and once more, Beauregard made to dodge. As he did so, cutting close to the bear’s limb, he lashed out again and slashed across its foreleg. Another bellow as the bear swung again, and this time, it caught the man’s back legs. He would tumble, rolling on the ground as he lost the dagger. Beauregard scrambled back to his paws, lunging towards the bear for some up close and personal punishment. As Beau made for its throat, the beast didn’t have time to swing toward the wolf.

Blind frowned at the girl’s answer. A bad place, huh? The fox furrowed her brow, wondering what sort of place that had been, but nodded. “Beau won’t make you return if it’s bad. He’s got friends down here in Auster, and they wouldn’t turn a blind eye on a pup.” Blind glanced out of the hiding spot as she heard some gurgling outside. Huh, sounded like Beau was trying to get the thing to choke on its own blood. “I’m Blind, by the way. The wolf out there is Beauregard, or Beau is more appropriate. You got a name?”

"Speech" 'Thought.'
Beauregard has two companions - a bluejay and an arctic fox. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

As his mates, Tanelan and Co. are allowed in any thread Beauregard is in regardless of tag.

Thread Move Log
Thread Forum From To
1. Bad luck charm Wraith's Woods 02:39 PM, 06-25-2023 06:03 AM, 11-05-2023