
the bearer of bad news

bramble seasonal



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
07-18-2023, 09:51 PM

Tate has been spending more time than usual traveling. Searching. Trying to live up to the title that his uncle had bestowed upon him. Trying to do his job, whatever that may look like. Learning what he could about the other packs. Watching them, waiting. Trying to gather information, and get to the bottom of… well, the bottom of whatever was going on. There had to be something more interesting brewing within these lands. After the Pirate raid on Tojo-kai, it seemed things within Auster had been quiet. It seemed, though Tate knew better than to take that at face value. He’d overseen the travel of his mother and youngest siblings up to the Armada, though his purpose in doing so was twofold. Yes, being able to help wrangle the pups and keep them safe was important. There was also the fact that the Armada’s marketplace was one of the best places he could go to trade in more than just goods.

It was within the Armada’s marketplace that he’d heard the whispers. The rumblings. The information that had pushed him home to Auster, by way of the eastern edge. Tate was on his way to see what he could see of Ethne, a pack that was allegedly in mourning. Their patriarch had recently passed away, and he wondered what that would mean for the pack. He planned to not cut it too close to the pack, but gather what information he could from a distance. Observe their comings and goings, figure out if they’d been thrown into turmoil, and learn if there was some sort of threat on Auster that they should know about. The rumors hadn’t offered a clear picture of exactly who or what was to blame for the patriarch’s downfall.

Suffice to say, Potato’s head was rather busy as he moved to the eastern edge of Auster. He didn’t give things much of another thought as he moved down to Fossil Ridge, wondering if this ought to be the spot he stopped to camp for the night. No, the young man was rather wrapped up in his own thoughts. It wasn’t until Kaiju began to growl at his side that Tate even registered something was amiss. His companion bristled, and the boy’s head snapped up. “Ah shit.”

The bear was running in their direction. Though Tate considered running for a split second, it was abundantly clear that he wouldn’t have that luxury. “‘ere we go.” He rolled his eyes, realizing that the bear’s gaze was fixed on the pair. Springing into action, Tate and Kaiju both leapt to meet the black bear. At least it wasn’t a grizzly, right? The two of them moving in practiced time, taking on the predator as it engaged with them. Tate was quick to go for what he could reach– in this case, the side of his neck. He lost sight of his companion in the thick of things, but that was okay. It wasn’t something new to them, it wasn’t something they hadn’t encountered before. Just annoying is all. Fending off a predator, fighting for their safety. Sure.

[Image: 47115661_1aV6ZXJ7TGVIqbU.gif?1648164468]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (400)

Master Intellectual (420)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf

1KFestival OrganizerDouble MasterCritical Dodge!Ooh La LaStudent
Samhain 2022
08-01-2023, 06:49 PM

Aware. It was something she needed to be. A necessity if she one day wanted to be on the High Council. She was still young though and had time to form herself into something worthy. Not that her father would tell her to ever change her true self, but she had her own high expectations. A grand name to live up to. That much was true and she felt it every day. Watching her father and mother move about the halls, speaking with others, conducting themselves with poise. Why couldn't she have that kind of poise? In all honesty, she was feeling more and more like a gangly teenager not fully grown into her own body more and more each day. Life was rough being a princess.

Feeling moody and rather dramatic, instead of working on her skills like she should have been, Bramble decides to journey out to the ridge. Maybe go pick a fight with some old bones or some coyotes trying to dig up the fossils. Felt like the sensible thing to do, right? Eh, even if it wasn't, it would at least help her release some of the heavy energy she felt boiling in her belly. With a grumble in her throat and her brow knitted tightly together, she crossed the border into the hills where she began to see large fossilized bones sticking out from the ground. Which one, which one to pick on...

Contemplating more than actually looking, she was caught off guard by the sound of a bear. A bear? Here? This far from the wooded areas? Bramble's brow furrows more as she picks up her pace to the top of a rolling hill. From there, she can see the black bear already engaged with a chocolate and white splashed boy and his companion. Ah, a familiar face. Already, the agitation is disappearing and a smile is forming. Still, the question as to why a bear was all the way out here worried her. It would indeed be something she need to mention to her father... Also, why was she always getting into fights with bears?

Whether the boy would need help or not, Bramble rushed in to assist. Coming prepared today with her sharpened and elongated canine covers, she bares her teeth as she comes running into the fray. Dipping around to the back side of the bear, Bramble lunges and is able to latch on to the bear's back leg. Her fisher, Berry, slides from her scruff and onto the bear's back where he runs up to grab on to the bear's ear and begin to bite and pull to help distract the enraged beast.

word count: 963/1500

bramble's companions are to be assumed near her unless stated otherwise.



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Intellectual (85)

3 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
08-23-2023, 08:31 PM

Tate, too, was surprised that the bear had come from seemingly nowhere. It had been running... running from something? Running from what exactly? His stomach churned, not wanting to go much farther down that train of thought. Things had been pretty off lately. Something strange was on the horizon, but what? Young Potato would likely bring it up to uncle Hattori later, but for now? Well, for now there were bigger fish to fry. Bigger... bears to fry. Bigger bears to bear? We'll go with that.

The beast was enraged. Furious. Swiping at Tate, who simply dug in harder. Dug in tighter. Holding onto the creature with all the ferocity he could muster. Drive it off or kill it, it didn't matter as long as it was neutralized. He was panting, trying to keep up with the relentless assault. The bear was an athletic fucker, he'd give it that. It's then, Tate becomes acutely aware he's not alone. There's someone coming closer, and he doesn't have the time to figure out who or why they are. Steps coming closer... it's only with a slight shift in the breeze that he learns just who's come to his aid.

Bramble. Suddenly, he's on edge. More worried now than he was moments ago. Tate isn't just fighting for himself now. His pulse picked up, throbbing in his chest. Hackles up, more keen than he was even moments ago. He presses the attack, snarling and sinking his teeth deep into the side of the bear's neck. Ripping and tearing, teeth sinking in and shredding. Trying to maximize the damage he does, as the bear starts to show signs that it's hurting. Whatever Tate was onto, it was working. He was working his ass off. The slow ooze of blood from a scrape on his head, the breathlessness in his lungs aching. With renewed vigor, he pressed on.

wc: 1278/1500
[Image: 47115661_1aV6ZXJ7TGVIqbU.gif?1648164468]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (400)

Master Intellectual (420)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf

1KFestival OrganizerDouble MasterCritical Dodge!Ooh La LaStudent
Samhain 2022
08-25-2023, 08:24 AM

Berry continues to bite and tear at the bear's ears. Infuriated snarls rip through the air as the bear blindly swings its paws around at its face. Bramble is latched onto the bear's hind right leg. Her teeth are sinking into their tendons. She can barely see where Tate is but he is doing damage. Blood is flying elsewhere and splattering on her face, shoulders, back, and paws. They needed to take the bear down quickly or they would be in trouble. The more enraged it got, the faster its large paws swiped at the air.

There is an urge within her to be successful. A need to prove her worth. To show that she is worthy of defending not only the Hallows, but herself and of Tate. She was no damsel. She was a warrior princess who was strong, and capable, and would show everyone who the heck she was! A new fire lights in her belly as she hears Tate make noise after a swipe to the head. Ripping her head away, she severs the bear's tendons and watches it become crippled. Finally, the beast is on all fours and she is able to make a move.

Quickly now, she moves to the bear's throat. Her cat-like claws are extended as she slashes at the bear's eyes. Blinding the enraged animal, she moves to latch on to the bear's jugular. Her sharpened canines do the trick as she digs through the thick fur and skin. Blood is covering her face and chest as she shakes and flings her head back and forth. The garbled cries of the bear are slowly dying as it drowns in its own blood. The light in its eyes is fading quickly as the bear lumbers a few steps and falls forward onto the ground. Bramble is quick to jump back and out of the way with Berry following suit.

Her breath is haggard, her sides sucking in and out as she tries to catch some air. With her tongue drooping from the side of her mouth, she looks over to Tate. Exhaustion begins to seep into her as the adrenaline fades. Her eyes flutter as she also stumbles a few steps. There is pain radiating from her side. A lot of pain. A whimper falls from her own lips as she tries to walk closer to Tate. "It hurts," she whines before collapsing onto the dirt and grass beneath her. "My ribs. Please, help," she looks up with a pained expression at the boy as her raven, Bristle flies down to see if she is needed to go fetch help.

word count: 1715/1500

bramble's companions are to be assumed near her unless stated otherwise.