
oh me, oh my, a bear




Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
07-25-2023, 10:57 AM

Just on the other side of the forest's boundaries rested the crumbling edge of a long-forgotten wall. Cement no long sturdy enough to hold anyone in or out. Stones tumbled from the tops and rolled off until they left aging indents where they would never move again. It was a peculiar area that Akito could not quite figure out. On their journey up to the north, they had passed by the Hallows' castle which appeared to be in pristine condition despite being set upon a sea-faring cliff. Why, this wall in the middle of a deserted plain, would crumble sooner than the castle? He studied it carefully as his ears flickered back and forth to keep tabs on his surroundings.

There. A slight tremble beneath his paws. Though he stays within the very edge of the forest boundary, he can feel it. As he stares at the wall, birds scatter, and smaller animals begin to run. The tremble grows and forces him to look away from the wall. He could have easily gone to the wall and explored it. His mother would not have been terribly upset about him leaving Armadan lands when this place was so close. Yet, he would obey the rules. Feeling his muscles begin to tense as the palpable tremor of fear emanated from the retreating animals. What would cause so many critters to leave like this?

Waiting, still as the rocks that lay not far off, Akito watches. Hidden as a shadow, none of them notice him. Slim, but growing more muscular by the day, the young wolf is... tense. As the wind begins to shift, he smells it. Fury poured from every pore of a massive animal. His chin turns slightly to get a better look. Scars mar a thick chocolate brown coat as a pair of beady eyes are wide and bloodshot. Snarling so loud that even the deer leave the forest, Akito suddenly finds himself on his paws. He is not yet fully grown, but he is not afraid either.

Though he assumes he is out of the way, the bear catches sight of him. With a slight twitch, a shiver of a leaf, he is revealed as one paw nudges forward. His lips pull up in a snarl as the bear turns on him. Blood is already matting the fur of his newly found opponent which puts the odds in his favor. Knowing now he cannot escape, Akito prepares to take the bear head-on.


word count: 413

akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.



Advanced Fighter (115)

Advanced Hunter (60)

2 Years
Extra large

Pride - Bisexual1K
08-31-2023, 04:45 PM
As he does in most abandoned places, Erik feels more comfortable here. It’s like him. It’s just like him. Haunted by the ghosts of what they could have been. Haunted by the ghosts of what they once were… maybe he’s been listening to his father’s stories too carefully. Erik has become fixated on the tales, fixated on the ones who are just like him. The allfather only had one eye. Tyr sacrifices his arm to kill Fenrir. His father’s own namesake was the silent god. Erik was simply a trick of the fates. He will forever be a curse, a scourge on these lands, as all the vikings were.

But for now, he’s just a boy.

He is just a boy, wandering the northlands. Feeling the way they tug at his heart, feeling the way they try to draw him in. Draw him out. Draw him closer, on every level, to the lands of his father and his people. In his eyes, they could all be his some day. They would all be his some day, gods willing. Father spoke of fates, spoke of things beyond their control. Far beyond their control. The gods had already determined what their paths would be, it’s their job to continue on.

Fate would have the young explorer sitting atop the wall itself, peering out over the landscape. They weren’t far from the Armada, and their father seemed to be lurking nearer all the while. Not far, though the wild places called to him. The wild places that were truly, purely wild. Erik was wild too. He has always been, and would always be wild. What’s wilder still, is the way the land has been acting. A shake, a rattle, large enough to send him leaping down from the wall before he could be knocked free.

Erik isn’t the only thing beginning to flee the area. As he makes his way back, two scents on the wind catch the boy’s attention. The first? Blood. The second? Akito. Erik changes course, racing in the direction of the scent. His hackles already rising down his back, drawing to his full height as he runs. Though he’s but a boy, Erik is a large boy. Gaze falling on the bear and his brother, the cursed child launches himself into the brawl.

Plowing into the hindquarters of the bear, he’s relentless. He’s dangerous. There’s something about Erik that’s been knocked loose, seeing something that’s his in danger. Ears flattening against his skull, the boy lashes out with the zeal and fury of a berserker. Teeth sinking into the ragged bear’s hind leg. Gnashing at the hip, doing as much damage as he can as he drags downward. Erik wanted the inside of the predator’s leg, he wants to rip at the tender flesh. He’s wild.


wc: 880/1500



Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
08-31-2023, 06:06 PM (This post was last modified: 08-31-2023, 06:07 PM by Akito. Edited 1 time in total.)

Long claws rake the rocky ground beneath the bear as it tumbles toward Akito. His eyes open wide as he watches it. Still in place, he stands his ground. Toes splaying apart as his hackles rise and muscles tense. Birds continue to scatter into the air as the bear is feet in front of him. He can see the spittle and foam flying from the bear's flopping lips. Its own muscles and thick skin are rippling as it towers back onto its hind legs. Though he is a pup, he is tall and doesn't have far to look up. Stepping backward, he is agile and dodges the first swiping paw aimed toward his face. A growl emanates from his throat as he pins his ears and keeps the bear at a distance for now.

The distance he keeps is because he can hear his brother. There is no use in scenting the wild boy because the thunder of paws and feral noises echoing from Erik are obvious. Akito is similar but also unlike his brother. While Erik is ferocious and reckless, Akito is careful and concise. Every move of Akito's is calculated, precise, and intentional. But he admires his brother's drive. The drive to protect, to tear, to kill. Unfortunately for the bear, it no longer had a chance to see tomorrow.

Akito hops back once more into the crinkle of dried leaves as Erik barrels into the bear's hind leg. A screaming and gurgling roar leaves the bear as it lifts its arms and tits its head back. Blood streams from its lips as it swivels to try and swing at Erik. It is then that Akito takes his opportunity. Propelling forward with a force unimaginable for a pup his age, he launches into the air and grabs onto the bear's arm. Nearly missing his brother's shoulders, Akito is able to distract and move it out of the way. His teeth sink into the skin and blood fills his mouth. Shutting his eyes to prevent loss of his sight, he begins to shake his body to try and rip at the tendons. The bear is further enraged. Every animal in the vicinity has now escaped and continues to run so they don't have to watch the bloody battle that took place near the wall.

Kicking up with his hind paws to dig into the bear's armpit, he doesn't let go. No matter how many times those monstrous paws bash against his ribs, he hangs on. Twisting and turning until his teeth are nearly all the way through. Slowly but surely, the bear is beginning to lose its energy. Its teeth snap in his ear, but he knows his brother is doing all he can to take the bear down. Even his own ravens are dive-bombing from above to try and peck out the bear's eyes. It would only be moments now until the bear would be finished.

wc: 1369/1500

akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.



Advanced Fighter (115)

Advanced Hunter (60)

2 Years
Extra large

Pride - Bisexual1K
08-31-2023, 09:02 PM

The bear gurgled and groaned. There was something... up with that thing. Something unsettling, something off. There was something off about the whole situation, but Erik wasn't going to let those thoughts get the best of him. He wasn't going to allow it, not this time. He had other things to worry about-- namely the bear before him. Why had the bear been fleeing? What was wrong, here? What was the shifting in the ground? Erik snarls as the bear's paw makes contact with his shoulder. The pain is searing, the bear's claws leaving torn flesh in their wake. He's bleeding, but that's just as well. Let him bleed for what he's about to do.

Erik forces his way forward, pressing with all his weight and all his might into the bear. Snarling and savage, he's going to do harm. Real harm. He's going to kill this predator, take it down without losing control. Control. Without losing control of himself or the situation. Without losing control of himself. There is something in this boy, a berserker. Erik can feel the rage begging to escape, begging to be set free. This is what happens when you're filled with pent up bad feelings. You take it out on something... appropriate. Something like this.

His gleaming teeth sink into what feels like a major blood vessel. It coats his tongue, coppery and hot. The bear was already fading, and now, even faster. Erik drives decidedly into the creature, finally knocking it to the ground.

WC: 1625/1500