
I want to be there


Gavroche II


Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Healer (85)

1 Year
Toy size
08-06-2023, 06:18 PM

Another morning, and this time, rather than sneak outside of the den he was under the watchful eye of his mother’s kodkod. Ink had been less than pleased to learn that Gav had not only snuck out of the den but had encouraged his brother to follow his pawsteps. They could have gotten hurt scaling the waterfall as they had! Yet the child had not understood why the feline was so sore with him. He hadn’t realized the danger that he had been in, the danger of the slick rocks and how easily he or Jericho could have fallen from them or broken something, or worse. She was being so strict about sticking close to him now, but rather than get upset with her presence Gavroche felt lucky that she cared so much for his safety… if not a little bad that he had made her - and his mom when she told her - so upset. He’d promised not to try climbing the falls again, but that didn’t stop the child from longingly looking to where the water cascaded over the edge, certain that if he could reach the top he could see all of the world.

But it wouldn’t be worth it if he made his loved ones worry. So for now he would focus on where he was on the ground, moving through the grass beyond the pool of water, aware that Ink was creeping along in the grass behind him. She was close enough to rush in and protect him should some other predator think that he was a bite sized snack, but far enough that she wasn’t smothering him. For one so tiny, the winged boy did not fear the world he walked into. He had only known safety and love from the moment he was born. But he couldn’t help but get this feeling like there was something, or someone missing. Someone that used to be there that wasn’t there now. His warm smile slipped from his lips as he furrowed his brow and tried to remember. The dark and light figure that had been there when he was really tiny… where were they? He felt like they were important! Maybe he could find someone who knew!

Heart beating with determination Gavroche would circle back towards the falls. He remembered seeing them at the caves… were they family? If they were, why weren’t they around now? Did a meanie take them away!? That thought caused Gavroche to stiffen and bristle. He didn’t like the meanies Ink talked about. They made the good creatures sad, and he wasn’t going to let anyone be sad! He broke into a run, darting all the way back to the entrance of the cave behind the falls before Ink had even realized the child had shifted his attention. He had been so focused on getting back to the cave and getting to the bottom of the mystery he ran straight into the leg of someone bigger than him. He fell back with an oof, feathered wings flailing out as he tried to catch himself as he landed on his rump.

He looked up at a tiny wolf, not as small as his mama, but definitely smaller than his papa. “Sorries!” The apology came from him quickly; his mama said that proper manners were important. Gav frowned a little, staring up at the wolf before him for a long moment. Her eyes… they kind of reminded him of the wolf he remembered from when he was really, really little! The memory was fuzzy, but this wasn’t the one he was thinking of. He frowned. He was sure they were a real wolf… He could hear Ink skid and mutter under her breath as she caught up to him, relieved that the boy had at least run into his aunt.

"Speech" 'Thought.'


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
08-22-2023, 08:25 PM
Haydée is puttering around in her den behind the fall, shuffling papers from place to place while she painstakingly searches for a particular book. The room is a mess, filled with stacks of books and large parchments with markings scattered over every free space. Pushing a sigh past her red lips, the girl straightens up and shakes out a few kinks in her back that have settled there after one of her long study sessions. A yawn splits her maw and she finds that her attention waning, so the girl decides that it is time to head outside and rest in the sun. Leaving her books and studies behind, she heads into the tunnels that lead past her mother’s temporarily empty den and out underneath the falls.

As she nears the entrance, a small, winged bundle of fur thumps into her leg and a small ‘oof’ fills the air as he tumbles backward. Haydée blinks down at her nephew, a smile wiggling her lips as she takes in just how much he looks like her father. The boy’s apology has the smile growing in warmth and fills her lips as she shakes her head while a soft laugh bubbling up and out. With a wave of black gloved paw, Hay says, “It is okay, Gav. No harm done. But… where are you going so fast?” The question is posed as she tilts her head curiously, ready to help the boy who she knows is her father reborn.

It is a strange position that she finds herself in but the girl finds it easy to separate the man she had known from this boy. Still, with his traumatic death and subsequent rebirth, all Hay wants to do is give this Gav all the love she can while she can. Her smile is bright and filled with love as she gazes down at the winged pup, happy to have her plans interrupted by him.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

Gavroche II


Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Healer (85)

1 Year
Toy size
09-12-2023, 08:30 PM
The shewolf before him knows his name, but she asked him a question and it would be rude of him not to answer. Gavroche frowns. If she knows him then maybe he she knew of the wolf he was looking for? The boy sits, looking up at his aunt. "There was a lady who visited us when we were really small… I remember her scent, and her colors, but the rest is fuzzy…" Gavroche's ears lower, his gaze becoming worried. "She stopped coming as we got older. I think she's sad and alone, so I want to find and help her!"

Just like that Gav is back on his paws. He moves over to Haydee's leg and puts both of his tiny paws on her larger one. "We gotta find her and make her smile! She's a black and white wolf, and she has long furs in front of her face like my brother Baecette! I think she's the one mama and Sou keep getting the memicines for. Is she sick? You'll help me find her, right? Pleeeeeaaaassssseee?" As he begs his green eyes dilate and become wide. She had to help him find the black and white wolf, she had to!


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
09-19-2023, 05:20 PM
As Haydée gazes down at her tiny nephew, who is her father reborn, the girl feels emotions well up inside. They lodge like shards of glass in her throat, stealing away her voice as baby Gav speaks of a lady he cannot find. The gentle smile that has been on her lips falters and its brilliance fades as she listens intently while understanding and sympathy come to rest in the lines of her face. At his voiced plea to find and help the lady, Hay realizes she cannot speak due to the lump of raw emotions wedged firmly in her throat.

Leaning forward, she reaches down toward Gav to offer him a lovingly nuzzle on his dark cheek. Even in his new life, the kindness that had been an integral part of her father, shines on. She nuzzles his cheek to buy herself some time because she cannot speak yet and she feels the hot prick of tears beginning. When she steps back, there is no mist in her eyes but the kindness that has been in her green gaze is amplified. Finally, she finds her voice and says, “Okay, Gav. I am your aunt, Haydée and I know who you are talking about. Why don’t you follow me? There is something I want to show you.”

With that, she beckons the boy to follow her and leads him through the twisting tunnel to her mother’s den. It stands empty since Bellamy is still in the Hallows receiving treatment but she moves inside without a second thought. She does not stop until she is at her mother’s bed and she promptly sits before turning to help Gav to climb onto the furs with her. Once he is comfortable, the girl gently explains, “The woman you remember visiting you? That is my mother, your grandmother, Bellamy of Foi. She is a tall, strong woman and you are correct, she was sad.”

A paw lifts to gently brush along Gav’s forehead, the need to touch her father too overwhelming for her to ignore. The paw falls down, coming to rest overtop of one of his tiny paws as she continues on, “Bellamy needed to go get some help from the healers at the Hallows, a friendly pack we know, and that is where she is right now. Don’t worry Gav, she is safe and getting help and, I promise you, she is not alone.” Emerald gaze lingers on her father’s eyes as she finishes and she suddenly yearns to hug the small boy.

Instead, she turns her attention to the room around them and says, “This is Bellamy’s den and, when she comes back home, you may come here and spend as much time with her as you want. Okay?” Eyes then turn back to the boy and Haydée offers him a warn, bright smile as she watches him, hoping this have brought some piece of mind.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.

Gavroche II


Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Healer (85)

1 Year
Toy size
12-20-2023, 09:28 AM
The smile on the lady’s face runs away and Gavroche gives a tiny whine. Had he made her upset? Yet she gives him a loving muzzle, just like his mama did. This allows the boy to smile again, returning the loving gesture by rubbing back against her. No matter what makes her sad, he will be there to help chase that sadness away. The lady reveals she is his aunt and realization lights up his eyes. An aunt! His mama had told him about his aunts and uncles. She was family? His tail wags behind him and Gavroche happily trails after Hay to where she would lead him.

They enter an empty room but it is clear someone has lived here. He looks around, ears perked up and his cat eyes taking on a glow as he takes note of the storage shelves once used before moving over to the furs. His aunt helps him up and Gav sits beside her, a small, thoughtful frown on his face as he listens to her. Her mama… his grandmother. His smile falters again as Haydee says she was sad, a whine leaving his lips. He doesn't interrupt yet, but the boy is back on his paws and it is clear he wants to. His aubr tells him not to worry and he shakes his head with a stomp of his foot. “She needs to be here, Auntie!” His voice is the insistent whine of a child. He moves closer, placing both forepaws on her own paw.

“We gotta go get her! We gotta make her smile again!” He continues to press the point, his ears falling against his head. Gavroche doesn't understand many things yet, but there are two things he does know. Family is everything, and his family needed to be happy. He drops his gaze, brow furrowed as he sniffs. “...Maybe she's sad because her family isn't there…” The poor boy doesn't understand, and wants with all his heart to help. He has no idea he is part of his grandmother’s deep grief.

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1. I want to be there Lazuli Falls 06:18 PM, 08-06-2023 07:58 AM, 01-30-2024