
Sing to the Moon




8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
08-10-2023, 12:17 PM

As always, Resin patrolled. She walked endlessly. Sometimes she sang to the moon when the mood struck, but winding her way through mountain paths took up most of her time. The woman's fur, a mesmerizing blend of charcoal black and steel grey, rippled with every step, seamlessly camouflaging her against the rocky landscape. With each movement, she would exude an air of authority, a guardian of her mountain domain.

As she patrolled, her keen senses were on full alert, attuned to every rustle of leaves and distant echo. Those eyes, a striking shade of bright sulfur yellow, stood out like beacons against her dark coat. They radiated intelligence, a keen awareness that reflected both the untamed wilderness and a deep understanding of her surroundings.

The wind carried scents to her dusty blue nose, a tapestry of earthy aromas revealing the secrets of the land. Occasionally, her blocky skull would tilt, nostrils flaring as she deciphered the stories written in the air. It's as though the very mountains speak to her through the breeze, sharing tales of prey and rival wolves that dare not, and could not, tread on her ethereal territory.

Moving with a fluid grace, Resin's powerful muscles rippled beneath her thick pelt, a testament to the physical prowess that's honed through years of survival. Her size was awe-inspiring, her presence undeniable, yet she carried herself with a quiet confidence rather than brazen aggression. It was the demeanor of a leader who knew her strength but used it wisely, understanding the balance between might and restraint.

The Carpathian mountains, crowned with ancient forests and echoing with the calls of unseen creatures, have found their guardian in her. She's a part of the very fabric of these lands, an entity forged by nature's hand, an embodiment of both the harsh realities and breathtaking beauty of the wild. Who was to say that these lands even existed? Resin knew that she was dead; an eternal guardian to the lands where she had been brought biting and clawing into the world. To her, the mountains were very real. As real as she was, anyway.

The scenery changed on a whim, with a mere thought. One moment it could be the deepest chill of winter. The next it could be the height of summer. At this moment, Resin's thoughts had drifted to spring, and thus the landscape reflected that. Morning sunlight filtered down through the trees and would eventually chase off the chill of night, but not quite yet. One could see their breath and this would last for just a while longer. The massive woman stood at the edge of the crystal clear lake and slaked her thirst. She wondered what the day would bring.


[Image: GreYdcM.gif]


The Hallows

Master Fighter (400)

Master Intellectual (420)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

2 Years
Dire wolf

1KFestival OrganizerDouble MasterCritical Dodge!Ooh La LaStudent
Samhain 2022
08-21-2023, 12:32 PM

One puppy, two puppies, three. All snug as bugs in a rug. An evening full of Carpathian lore and fairytales to add some flare. Drinking in the stories as much as she could. Even as she grew, her body lengthening and mind-expanding, she drank it all in. Everything she could learn about the past, her ancestors, she wanted to know. As much as her parents chuckled at the sight of the dire princess snuggled in with the smaller puppies, she didn't care. She wouldn't be ready for bed until her mother sweetly whispered good night and her siblings were sleeping soundly with their eyes closed and tails wrapped around themselves.

Slipping from her parents' quarters to make her way up the stairs to her own bedroom, Bramble allowed herself to yawn wide. Every day was long. Full of training, patrolling, socializing, and learning. She insisted on exhausting herself until she nearly collapsed. It made falling asleep easy when Meadow wasn't available for a cup of tea. Tonight was such a night as she pushed open her door, plopped down upon her bed, and allowed her eyes to flutter close. Her breathing slows, sides expanding and contracting as her breaths deepen. Bramble moves and twitches, restless as she sinks into the realm of Somnium.

Teal eyes snap open as the crisp morning air curls around her nostrils. As she exhales, she sees the plume of dense air fill around her. It all felt so real. The grass and dirt pressed beneath her paws. Birds soar above the tree tops as the beginning rays of morning light seep through the leaves. Yet, as she glances around, none of it is familiar. It is nowhere she has been before and yet, she feels as if she was meant to come here. Taking a few steps forward, Bramble is apprehensive to continue. What was this strange place? The chill around her is bracing and inviting at the same time. Spring was indeed one of her favorite seasons and it felt like spring here.

As much as her mind told her to turn and go home, something in her chest told her to continue forward. Through the brush, across a pass, until the view of a lake met her with one wolf standing down by the shore. The water here was the clearest water she had ever laid eyes on. The woman standing by the lake was magnificent and regal. She reminded her of her father in how she held herself. Curious, Bramble approached. Both ears forward, teal eyes bright with curiosity, she keeps her tail relaxed and lightly swishing between her ankles.

"Do I know you?" Bramble asks softly as she stops a few feet away.

Bramble Carpathius

bramble's companions are to be assumed near her unless stated otherwise.

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1. Sing to the Moon Somnium 12:17 PM, 08-10-2023 08:30 PM, 10-22-2023