
Waves of uncertainty




6 Years
Extra large

The Ooze Participant
08-18-2023, 05:20 PM
Keetie had always loved the ocean. There was something about the endless rolling form of blue that appealed to her. Or perhaps it was the thrash of waves, or its unpredictable mood. The rising tide could be a danger, if it caught you unawares. Today, she had made her way down the Polar Sound. A difficult and treacherous walk at any time of day. But the effort might be worth it, for a chance to see the ocean. The rocky mountain that Vidarr had claimed as their home had some benefits. But it wasn’t nearly as close to the sea as she would have liked.

Trips like these were scarce and far between, but worth the effort and the wait. She knew enough about the tides to pick a time when the tide would be in. Where she could pace along the golden sand, and watch it lap against her toes.

Instead, as she finally made her way down the steep cliff, a strange sight awaited her. She pulled closer, squinting as she looked out at the distant ocean. The distant tide. She looked back to see her cat on her shoulders, and raised a delicate brow at the creature. “It is high [/i] tide, right?” She questioned, and the little cat nodded her head. Antlers bobbing gently along with the motion.

Furrowing her brow, she looked back out across the ocean, before padding further in. Here was a rocky promontory that jutted out into where the sea should have been. She’d waded out and catnapped here before. Today, no wading was necessary. Just stepping across damp, soft sand. She jumped up onto the stone and used it as a vantage point to look further out.

The escaped tide revealed wonders that had before now been buried. A hidden landscape covered in seaweed, colorful shells, and glistening rocks. There were less beautiful things, like fish lying on their sides, dead and bloated. The tide had been out long enough for them to suffocate. It had also pulled out far further than it should have. She had never seen it so receded. Her ocean day was ruined, but her curiosity was piqued. As she jumped back down from her rock, she realised there was movement around her. Tiny crabs scuttled about, taking advantage of the newfound territory. As she journeyed deeper into this mysterious world, Keetie discovered an array of intriguing sights. Pools of water left behind by the tide teemed with curious creatures—starfish clinging to rocks, sea anemones swaying gently, and small fish darting about.

She moved a little further out. Going further then she had even swam. The land dipped here, sharply dropping away. It wasn’t as deep as the cliffs she had descended to get here, but it was worth noting. Stepping carefully through the colurful sights and carnage, she moved further out. As she did so, she began to wonder at the wisdom of it. She didn’t know what had caused the ocean to withdraw so rapidly. What could cause it? The same moment she had the thought, she knew there was only ever one cause of such a phenomenon. A tsunami. Heart racing, she turned back and looked at the distant shore. She had left it so far behind her. So careless. How much time did she have left?

She had been so starstruck, she had foolishly wandered out here. “Hold on, Spice” She warned her cat, before extending her claws. She dug them into the sand to get better purchase across the shifting surface, and ran. She ran like she had never run before. She could hear and feel the beat of her paws against the damp sand. She felt her breath rasping her throat, but she was running. Fleeing, if she was being honest. Taking back the distance she had passed. Reaching that rock she had first explored from, and moving further still. Back to where the tide should have been. But she didn’t stop there. She kept moving, racing to the cliff banks. Feeling a little winded, and not relishing this climb. But there was no help for it, for climb she must. She was reckless and careless, moving up the cliff in leaps and bounds. Pushing off rock that occasionally crumbled beneath her paws. Foolish as she was, she made it to the top safe and sound. Looking out at the distant speak of the ocean from here. Looking for that rolling wave that would signal what she believed was coming. But she stood there for a long time. Watching, and waiting for the tsunami. Wondering all the while if she was high enough. But as long as she waited, it never came. The receded ocean sat there, mocking her. She couldn’t understand it. What else could pull back the ocean? She shivered, and pulled further back.
