
Bye Bye Kitty

Solo Seasonal



Expert Healer (170)

Master Fighter (260)

2 Years
Dire wolf

ScarredCritical Fail!OverachieverSamhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
08-27-2023, 05:12 PM (This post was last modified: 08-27-2023, 05:14 PM by Rivin. Edited 1 time in total.)

The raid was over, and she had reached out to Diablo to assist her with training, but it hadn’t been enough. Anger still burned within Rivin, an unshakeable anger at her father, at her skills. She wanted to be better, to be strong, to prevent anyone from questioning her worth and skill again. Even after she and Diablo had left Black Island Rivin had thought long and hard about what she wanted, how she needed to push herself further. It ate at her. Sleep became hard, and that voice within became louder… until she seemed to fall asleep. Only what Rivin didn’t realize was that she was not asleep, but locked away inside of herself as a new being came to surface.

Her arrival was brought forth by the overwhelming emotions the girl had felt. It was funny how easy it was to take control of her host. She was aware that this was Rivin’s body, not that she cared about that. The yearling was weak, pathetic, a whelp who didn’t know what a functioning relationship with her family was. That left her vulnerable, made it easy for Caedes to nudge doubt within. To start having her voice heard. It was amusing, watching the girl struggle. Trying to be “good” and listen to those around her. Foolish child. The only one you could count on at the end of the day was yourself. She needed sharper skills, and then she could rise above those who held her back.

Caedes had work to do.

The woman would bring her host’s body to Black Island, braving the strong undercurrents to find a place of seclusion. Many wouldn’t dare chance the swim and risk drowning. Here she could work on things without prying eyes… and when Rivin awakened she would be none the wiser about what had occurred. The plan was flawless. The angrier Rivin became, the more bitter, the easier it would be for Caedes to surface. She would let the world know of her name one day, but first things first…

The woman shook the water from her coat and moved towards the forested center. The smell of the salt water lingered, irritating her nose, interfering as she sought something to tear into. Deeper in, passing different plants she went. There weren’t very many critters about which struck her as odd… the birds were even quiet… and when she heard the sudden sound of pawsteps crashing through the undergrowth she knew why.

Some type of cat came barreling past her, a feline with bristling fur along its back like a porcupine and large saber-like fangs. Caedes arched a brow as she dodged out of its path. What a bizarre little thing… what was it doing here on this island of all places? Perhaps it didn’t matter why it was here. It wasn’t like it was going to be here much longer.

The cat had come to a stop, panting heavily with its head lowered to the ground. Caedes began to stalk around, her cold soprano reaching the feline’s ears. “You have made a mistake in coming here, Cat.” The feline spun to face her, but Caedes was already on the move. Their bodies would collide, fangs and fur beginning to fly. Ceades attacked with ruthless intent, clamping down and ripping her head back, attempting to cause as much bleeding across her prey’s body as possible. She tore into its shoulder, its side, ignoring the bite of the cat as it tried to pull her back. The only thing it succeeded in doing was encouraging Caedes to press down on the wounds she created, tearing with her claws, bringing yowls of pain, coating herself in the blood of the thrashing beast. It continued trying to fight back, but it was a losing fight. Caedes continued slashing and wearing it down, never once worrying about the nasty bite wound she was getting to her neck. The cat’s strength would begin to wane, the light in its eyes beginning to dull. Even as her own energy dwindled the woman did not stop until her prey had become past tense. The other predator would lay in a messy, mauled heap on the forest floor as Caedes stepped back, satisfied… she’d closed her eyes, an amused expression on her lips.

For several seconds she would stand there… until she started to waver. The smile faded and with a groan Rivin would open her eyes. They’d widen at what was before her and she’d recoil, wincing from pain. “The fuck…?!” When had she come here? Let alone fought this thing? She remembered being frustrated, clawing trees… and then… she shook her head. Maybe she had gotten so angry she sort of blacked out and didn’t remember? That wasn’t good, that wasn’t good at all… and damn it her neck hurt… With a grunt she turned away from the corpse, trying to find the beach so she could figure out where the hell she was at.


Word Count: 828 Words

"Talk," 'Think.'

Rivin has two companions - a bobcat and a wolverine. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

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1. Bye Bye Kitty Dove Island Archipelago 05:12 PM, 08-27-2023 06:22 AM, 09-25-2023