
Picking the Bent Energy

Seasonal Prompt



Beginner Intellectual (0)

Beginner Healer (0)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
08-27-2023, 06:40 PM
The caverns of Bent Canyon were dangerous to anyone who hadn't lived within the canyon's confines. Anyone who hasn't lived in the area would likely fall victim to the treacherous slopes and steep hills. The deep ravine in the middle is a cause for concern. However, currently, Skorgek had been gathering wormwood from the cavern walls picking it out, and storing it in a leather pouch she had found before being relocated by the pack. The black eye slots of Skorgek slowly peering out from one of the dens. At first, one would just see the outline of white which traced over her face. Giving an ominous appearance. Shortly after she would smile and Hold the gathered wormwood over her side having tied it into a flat piece of parchment She secured it to her back. Having originally decided to start heading back to renovate her den within the Wraith Woods. However, as she was moving she noticed what appeared like a cluster of red berries. Her ears perked as her eyes sparkled. She could recognize that anywhere. It was ginseng. She could feel her tail brush the air with excitement as the whites of her eyes made a brief appearance. Her excited gaze paused as she sat herself down. She was not prepared for a scaling like that. She would need to return home and grab supplies. So with this knowledge, she made her way back to Wraith Woods. She had marked several trees with her scent. She needed to make sure she could return to her den without being lost. She would make her entrance and exit rather quickly remarking her path by urinating on the trees as she passed by the certain ones. Leaving her scent trail. For the most part, she felt it was safe because anyone dumb enough to chase her into the woods would likely get lost. So with that knowledge, she would find her way to a hollowed-out tree trunk. She had refurbished it into a basic den. Digging in the corner she buried her wormwood only taking a small amount of wormwood with her just in case things went poorly. With this, she also grabbed a few vines some stones, and a couple of rather juicy blackberries just in case she got thirsty on the trip. After she felt she was secured she would grasp a few more berries soon making her way back to the bent canyon. She was certainly going to have some trouble getting up there. The question was if she should try to move from the top of the ravine and slowly make her way down to grab it or if she should try to climb up towards it.

She needed to decide weighing the pros and cons of each situation. The first part would be that she could make a climb up fairly quickly. However, in that regard, the water would make the canyon rather tricky to climb. Therefore slipping could happen if she tried to climb that way. On the other hand, she would need to make the whole trip one way if she decided to go top-down. She wouldn't be able to return to the top of the canyon and she wasn't sure if her vine was long enough meaning she would need to drop. The vine was long enough to wrap from her shoulder to her hinds 4 times before tying it off. She knew it was long enough to get her to said herb however afterwards it was unclear if she could finish the drop unscathed.

She exited her den slowly making her way to the canyon once more. She would make a quick note of a patch of wormwood she could grab on her way back out. She smiles and makes her way back to the spot where she found the ginseng. She paused and examined the spot. The water flowing next to her she decides to try and scale the cliff-side. Mapping a mental path where she could see ledges and protrusions. Slowly approaching the wall she would Take a deep breath grab a particularly bulbous black berry and chomp down before looking at the ginseng. She set her supplies to the ground and began to slowly make her way up the cliffside. Her paws were barely secured upon the cliffside. She would slowly make her way up. Paw by paw she just focused on her destination. Each paw pressed firmly as she had her claws pressed down. She did her best to focus on the upward route. Her tail swished eagerly as she paused. Standing all four paws on a cliffside she saw the patch of ginseng. Biting at the ginseng she gave a few light tugs quickly learning it was well secured within the cliff side. She paused for a moment and sighed. She then decided on a rather odd idea. Taking one of the blackberries she whined as it felt wasteful but she had to try something. She would squish the berry against the base of the plant rubbing it in hopes of softening the soil or loosening the plant's grip on the earth. She looks at her berry-soaked paw and grumbles telling herself she would return to the fields later to re-harvest blackberries later on. After a quick few tugs, she felt it loosening but she needed a little more. She would grab another blackberry rubbing it into the hillside. Soon pulling the ginseng would finally pop free. She held the small patch of ginseng. Her tail waggling as she was happy to have attained the herb. However, as she made her way back down she stumbled catching herself applying extra weight to her other paws to prevent her tumble as her extra paw poked and repositioned till she found a small perch. She paused and said, "Stupid rocks" after she was safe. Grumbling at the stones she would make her way to the base before staring up at the now crumbled earth. As well as the patch of blackberry juice. She set the herb down and wrapped it in her satchel before carrying the herb semi-triumphantly. She needed to make a return to the blackberry field. Her return home was slow. As she did her best to shake off the fact she almost found herself tumbling down the cliff side. She would have survived but if she hadn't caught herself she'd be resting at the canyon with a few broken limbs.

Skorgek made one more return glance before walking back into the darkness of Wraith Woods to return home.

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1. Picking the Bent Energy Bent Canyon 06:40 PM, 08-27-2023 03:44 AM, 02-13-2024