
I just want to live




Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

1 Year
Extra large
08-29-2023, 12:30 PM
Raka's world had always seemed small. She dreamed of big adventures, but was  stuck on how to claim them. She imagined the people she would meet, the places she would see. Her life was a slow one, a repetitive routine that led her to the stream that ran close to a pack's territory. She was careful to keep well clear of the scent markers. She ran a claw over the gem hanging from her horns her father had given her at her birth. She had told him she would collect them at every adventure, every significant moment in her life. It swung alone in its string instead.

She sighed, and stretched aa the raising son touched her with golden strands. The weather was turning. Soon, it would be too cold to swim here. Already a dip left her shrieking. But she had learned to swim, and she loved to flit through the water like a fish. There was nothing else for it. All in was the way. She dove into the water and let out a soft shriek aa the cold flooded over her. Definitely colder than yesterday.
[Image: PZuet8y.png]



Expert Fighter (175)

Advanced Intellectual (105)

2 Years
Dire wolf
08-29-2023, 09:21 PM

After a couple of recent trips outside the Armada, Charlie had decided that trips outside of the Armada weren’t so bad. While there was no place like the home he came to know and love, there was a beauty in the lands outside the Armada he had forgotten that lands beyond it could be just as stunning. His thoughts drifted toward the Hallows, and to the family he’d seen when he was younger. He had more family spread out across the two continents as well. Weren’t they just as important as his loved ones in the Armada? He didn’t need to consider the answer; he knew it was a yes. But he didn’t want to get ahead of himself. He had started moving up within the pack, and he wanted to settle into his new role before he considered traveling at all.

Still… as he moved under the redwood trees, Charlie considered what lay out there. The adventures he could have, the wolves he could meet. He could surely find a balance between his life at home and experiencing what the world had to offer, right? A chirp from Silveris caught his attention and Charlie looked up at her. The shrike had landed on a branch above him, head tilted to the side as she peered down at him. The wolf’s expression softened and he gave a soft chuckle. “I’m fine, Silveris. I’m just thinking… maybe you should go explore the area yourself. I’ll call for you if anything comes up, okay?” The shrike would watch him for a moment longer before dipping her head and body forward, her version of a nod, and took to the skies, flying off elsewhere as Charlie continued along.

It was early yet, the morning sun breaking through the trees and falling over his tawny fur. It didn’t bring as much warmth as he’d like, the tell tale signs of winter approaching. It would be here before they knew it, and Charlie would welcome any opportunity to work on things and keep his body moving. A sudden burst of noise, high pitched and feminine, reached him and Charlie’s fur would rise on end. Was someone being hurt? He broke into a run, ears falling against his skull as he looked for the maiden that had cried out. Thankfully there was no danger to be found. As he broke past some trees into an open area with a stream… and the girl who had braved the chilly water. He would relax then, a soft sigh passing his lips.

…Well… this was a bit awkward… He’d come rushing in here to help and there was no danger.

“You should be careful crying out like that, miss. Someone might think you were in danger.” His words were gentle, not a hint of anger or upset within them. He was just glad she was alright. “You’re pretty brave though, heading in the stream when it’s been getting this cold.” He had come to a stop, not realizing that he was staring at her fiery features. What a unique individual.

"Speech," 'Thought.'



Intermediate Fighter (30)

Intermediate Navigator (30)

1 Year
Extra large
09-13-2023, 01:25 AM
She turned in surprise at the sudden and unexpected sound of a voice. Her eyes landed on the tawny wolf, and even from here she could see the strange scratch-like markings across one eye. Her lips twitched in amusement, and she treaded water. It was too cold to do that for long, she could already feel the chill seeping into her bones. “I wasn’t expecting anyone to hear” She said, in fact it wasn’t often she ran into another wolf.

He headed to the water's edge, and she shivered agreement at his words. She swam through the water and pulled herself out a short distance away from him. Not because she was afraid of him, but as a courtesy. The first thing she did once she had pulled herself out of the water was give herself a vigorous shake. Her fur still felt damp and cold, however. “Honestly, I wasn’t expecting it to be as cold as it was. I’m Karaka” She introduced herself, walking a little closer, and stamping as she went to rid herself of more water.

[Image: PZuet8y.png]

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1. I just want to live The Red Forest 12:30 PM, 08-29-2023 06:15 AM, 11-05-2023