
A Lie Is Only A Lie If They Figure It Out




Master Healer (285)

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Rapid Poster - GoldWordyUnderachieverCritical Fail!
08-31-2023, 12:52 PM (This post was last modified: 09-06-2023, 08:27 AM by Delphi. Edited 1 time in total.)

The light that had once lit the young girl's eyes is now gone. In its place is a shroud of darkness that knows no bounds. Instead of running and playing with her siblings, she sulks and stalks. She slinked through the darkness as if she were now a rabid and merciless creature. Though she is young, and not yet fully grown, she feels a thirst inside of her. A thirst to spill blood and as much of it as she can.

With her companion in tow, the minuscule girl creeps from Heidinn's borders over into Valta territory. Her nose ignores the scent markers as her eyes stay focused on an animal larger than herself. The deer is moving at an easy pace, migrating from the lower lands of the mountain down toward the streaming rapids. There she hopes it stops for a drink of water. There she can gather the opportunity to pounce on it. Quickly, she moves to make her way up a tree with her companion following behind. Unlike other wolves, she is not large enough to tackle something as large as a deer, but if she can drop down on it, she perhaps has a chance.


09-01-2023, 11:44 AM
For now, since joining Valta, Khranbari felt best to remain either within or close to home. Oddly enough he didn't find himself bored of patrolling the area. Whenever Aslatiel could not, he would in turn do it. The feeling now a locked setting in his mind to do so every night and occasionally in the morning. Not only did he need to memorize the lands. If anything came about, he would ensure his need to rank up amongst the others. Staying as a measly low wolf was just something he wished to continue not to do.

He'd walked towards the rapids from before. The stream still as lush as any other day. Water being splashed on the bank. Clinging momentarily to rocks to return back to the large embodiment of water. Fish swam just beneath. Splashing the surface every so often as he watched in silence. An ear turned off just slightly at the sound of movement ahead. Nose flaring to a foreign smell that did not belong to the Valta inhabitants. This stench invaded their lands. Knocking off the balance of what he perceived to be his usual agenda. Khran knew sooner or later something like this would take place. Just not... when.

Slinking through the brush. His large silhouette becoming an invisible movement as he used the night's shadows to hide him. Gaze swept over their borders. The alien smell seemingly to go up a tree or maybe they went inside of it? He could not find an opening and found himself staring up at the branches. A small image rested above him and yet a little ways away inside of the decaying leaves. Khran felt a low rumble vibrate his chest. Growling lowly at the idea that someone's pup had the audacity to even venture over into another's lands. Did they not know what mess would start at such an intrusion?

Before he could sound the alarm, remembering the words of Asla and not wanting to cause any mess with Valta and another pack, ears shifted in the sound of another. Only this time it just so happen to be a deer. Not much bigger than the bull he'd taken down days prior. Not only would he have a meal to place inside the store house, the pup would be captured and all of Valta would be alerted. The edges of his lips twitched at the opportunity. Deciding best to wait for the moment everything unfolded.



Master Healer (285)

Master Fighter (350)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

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2 Years
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Rapid Poster - GoldWordyUnderachieverCritical Fail!
09-01-2023, 03:57 PM

The imp heard the other before he approached. Her ears press forward before sliding back to press against her skull. How could someone be interrupting her hunt? A grimace crosses her face as the larger wolf reaches her and looks. As much as she wants to hiss and drop down onto him, she does not want to miss her chance of getting the deer. Instead, Delphi snorts in his direction before turning her attention back to the deer. She can tell he notices the doe as well and part of her wishes she was bigger so she can take the deer and him down as well.

Her own minuscule growl rumbles in her throat as she moves along the weeping branch. Don't ruin this for me, asshole. The thought seethes in her mind as she locks back onto the doe. Unaware of the canines that stalk her now, the doe dips her head down to drink from the rushing stream. Though her ears swivel and her tail flickers, Delphi is unseen from above. The doe does not expect someone to attack from that sort of height. A wicked grin lights up her lips as she hangs precariously at the edge of the branch. Just another moment. Patience is something she is working on. Coiling her muscles, Delphi prepares to leap onto the doe's back.


09-01-2023, 04:13 PM
Patience was something Khran did not have enough for. Seconds felt like minutes and when no movement had been made, he turned his focus onto the deer. Its attention solely entranced on the grass beneath its hooves. Eyes closed, though ears forever shifting to the sounds of the rapids. Unbeknownst how close those slow grazing steps were sealing the doe's fate to death. Pressing his body further into the ground. His weight balanced on the soles of his paws. Tongue licking at black lips before pulling over to expose deadly teeth. Their intent clear as day as he stalked forward. There would be no hunting on his lands. Not against the will of his Lead. Right now Khranbari was on thin ice in his eyes. He could not allow this to take place. No matter a pup or not.

He'd continued to wait. If the young wolf decided to fall from their place of hiding, he thought of a plan to not only take down the deer. But, hold the pup in place as well. A silent thought in hopes that someone from Valta would soon show to help him in securing both.



Master Healer (285)

Master Fighter (350)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
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Rapid Poster - GoldWordyUnderachieverCritical Fail!
09-01-2023, 05:09 PM

She ignores the older male. Her gaze is only for the doe that sips from the stream. This doe was from Heidinn lands so for Delphi, it was her doe and she didn't care who she had to tell to convince them so. Gripping the branch with her toes, the gremlin of a girl wobbles. Her balance teeters as she waits for her opening. That point is where the doe is the most vulnerable. Seconds tick by until there. Delphi can see it. The doe is looking at her reflection as it wavers on the surface.

Launching forward, Delphi leaps from the branch with her paws extended and mouth open. Extended canines gleam in the afternoon sun as she lands up on the doe's back and sinks her teeth into its neck. Holding on as tight as possible, Delphi grips the doe's shoulders and continues to bite and clamber up the doe's neck until she is behind its ears. This would be the easiest spot to take it down. Blood coats her ivory chest as she punctures the doe's skin. Its startled and frantic cries are loud and echoing until they soon begin to gargle and die off. Delphi can feel it stumble around, through the water and across the stream, until it begins to falter and fall to the ground on the other side.


09-01-2023, 05:25 PM
Everything happened in a matter of seconds. The pup dropping from the branches above. Screams of fear escaping the doe's throat; before succumbing to the darkness of death. Such a small thing having done all of this by herself, he couldn't help but be impressed by everything taking place. Regardless of it all, Khranbari had a duty to unfold. He shifted his body to prepare himself. Large figure easing across the path to where the deer had taken to try and get away. Paws once more thudding across the earth and soon, a clutch of scuffed fur now rested between his jaws. Snatching the pup away from her kill. He held nothing back as a snarl slipped through. Quickly releasing the little girl's neck to place a paw on the area of her back. She'd had her fun. Crossing over the borders and allowing her to still hunt was a fault on his behalf. It did not mean she would be rewarded with a dine in since she could not carry such a prize back to wherever she came from. His head tilted back. Calling Asla to his location without another hesitation. He did not know whom this child was and neither did he care. She was trespassing and needed to be dealt with accordingly.

He applied a little more pressure. Pup. Female. Male. Creature. They were all the same in his eyes. Nothing but a fleshed bag of blood and bones. He spoke no words. Only glaring down at the pup with distain and annoyance.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
09-01-2023, 05:48 PM

It was always something. That wasn't a big deal, but when a call came while Asla was hunting... Well, it didn't put her in the greatest of moods. The call was from the newest member, Khranbari, so the blonde fae threw her meager weight into her paws and hurried towards the call. So familiar was she with the territory that it barely took any time to make it from point A to point B. When she arrived, she came upon a scene that she hadn't been expecting.

Khranbari had his paws on a young wolf, holding her to the ground. The child wasn't of Valta and was therefore a trespasser. The woman's galactic gaze shifted across the scene, noting the dead doe as well. It didn't take a genius to figure out what was happening. Still... the child had crossed their borders.

Aslatiel moved forward, motioning for Khran to let the girl up. "You're on Valta territory, girl. Where do you come from and why did you ignore the markers?" Asla's look and tone bridged no argument. The girl could do things the easy way or the hard way.
[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



Master Healer (285)

Master Fighter (350)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
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Rapid Poster - GoldWordyUnderachieverCritical Fail!
09-01-2023, 06:18 PM

As the doe lay bleeding out beneath her, the blood covered her face and paws, she feels the ground shift. Seconds later, a set of jaws is grabbing a hold of her scruff and ripping her away. Dropping to the ground not a moment later, there is a paw upon her back before she can slip away. Her own snarl rips from her as she sneers up at the man. Quickly, she aims to yank at his toes with her sharp teeth. "Get off me! You'll regret this!" Delphi shrieks as she wiggles and tries to worm her way out from his weight. Before Asla can arrive, Delphi twists around and barks at her binturong. "Binti, go get gramps!" She cries out as she continues to struggle.

In the middle of her wiggling and thrashing, she doesn't notice Asla approach until Khran is relieving the pressure and Asla is speaking. Her bi-colored gaze moves up to the pale woman with a scowl. "Wouldn't you like to know," she seethes through clenched teeth and a piercing gaze as she moves to back away from the two Valta wolves. "I followed that doe from Heidinn lands which means it is mine, scent markers or not," Delphi allows her hackles to rise and body to puff up to appear more threatening even if the other two are larger than her.


09-01-2023, 07:54 PM
The little bitch dared to speak to him in such a matter. Her words holding no real threat despite having told some creature to go get her grandfather. As if such a thing would stop him from taking a life with no remorse. Temptation lurked in the frontal part of his mind. Wanting nothing more but to silence those childlike tantrums from ever being spoken again. Had it not been for the arrival of Asla, Khran's actions would have become a reality. Her presence calming down a side of him that wished to be release.

Slowly moving his paw from the brat's back, his jaws snapped in warning at her tone. She would mind her tongue around Asla.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
09-02-2023, 08:03 AM

The instant indignance of the child peeled Aslatiel's lips back from her fangs. A growl rippled through her and the fae's white ruff bristled, standing up tall. Stiff legged, she stalked towards the girl, a snarl lacing her words. "No, it's not yours. Once anything passes into Valta lands, it's mine. That doe belongs to me and, since you were stupid enough to cross the border, you also belong to me." The fae's purple gaze cut to Khran. "Bring her."

The girl had admitted that she came from Heidinn, which was Vidarr's territory. No doubt this was one of his young wolves that had not yet learned manners and etiquette. Well, today she would learn. Aslatiel stalked towards the border between Valta and Heidinn. As they walked, Asla released a distance eating howl, calling out for Vidarr. While they waited for him, the girl would receive some schooling.

Again, Asla indicated that Khran could let the girl go. "Do you love your family, girl? Do you care for them at all?" She didn't wait for the pup to answer, but continued speaking, her amaranthine gaze burning daggers into the pups own eyes. "Borders are there for a reason. By choosing to step foot over a border, especially one that you knew existed, could bring about the death of your pack. Of your family. Valta is well within our rights to take your trespassing as an act of war." Asla flashed fangs once more. "Valta and our allies could destroy you and everyone within Heidinn. No one would even remember your existence." Was she trying to scare the girl? Yes. Was she telling the truth? Also yes. Borders were important. Very, very important. Not just for the individual, but for the group.

Aslatiel's gaze softened ever so slightly. She was just a child, afterall. "You are lucky that I've met Vidarr and we're on decent standing. We'll wait for him to arrive and he can choose how to properly punish you." Asla nodded to Khran. They would have a discussion later but she was glad that he'd pulled his weight and had done exactly what was necessary for the situation.

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]



Master Fighter (245)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

7 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverUnderachieverRapid Poster - BronzePride - PansexualDouble MasterSamhain 2022
Statue 1 Worship1K
09-05-2023, 11:09 PM

The days had been passing quickly, getting everything sorted and straightened out ahead of winter on the mountain. Putting up measures to control the snow, lest they get buried. There was the question of keeping warm at the high elevation, of ensuring they'd built their food stores and preserved it properly. They were still settling in, in large part, chasing away predators and padding dens. It would be their first trial as a pack, and the first big test of the viking king's leadership.

And there was the question of speaking with the other leaders. Asla's call surprises the shadow, coming while he checks traps in the Steppe. He calls back, letting her know he's on his way before departing. Though his arrival is prompt, Viðarr wasn't built for speed and he probably should be polite.

His arrival brought a... strange scene, to say the least. His favorite granddaughter was a spirited thing, he'd give her that. "Vi ska prata hemma," Viðarr shot a pointed look at Delphi. His gaze moved next to Aslatiel, a cordial smile twitching at the corners of his lips, breaking the stillness in his rough-hewn features. "It is nice to see you again, Aslatiel." The man offered a respectful nod. "Please forgive my granddaughter, she is still learning." The Stargzers had different opinions than many on the sanctity of borders. This had apparently led to a bit of trouble, though he'd arrived too late to hear exactly what Asla said to the child. Viðarr's gaze remains on the pale woman before him, though he's certain he doesn't like the proximity of the grey brute to the child. Still, the viking king would remain carefully neutral.

"Viðarr "

[Image: bfcOTDt.png]
Víðarr has two Karelian bear dogs and a white morph tawny owl.  Assume they're within calling distance unless otherwise stated.  
Víðarr speaks with a dense Swedish accent.



Master Healer (285)

Master Fighter (350)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
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Rapid Poster - GoldWordyUnderachieverCritical Fail!
09-06-2023, 08:45 AM

A flash of teeth, an intimidating snarl, aggressive stances. The two wolves in front of her clearly meant business. Did the little girl care? Frankly, not currently. Her life meant nothing if she didn't fight for what was her's. Borders or not, she had chased that doe, hunted that doe, killed that doe all by herself which meant she was taking it home to where it belonged. "It is only stupid if I mean harm," Delphi snaps back at Asla, her ears furrowing farther into her fur as her own lips peel back to reveal sharp teeth.

Before she could understand what Asla had meant, she felt Khran pick her back up. Dangling in the air, nearly helpless, she didn't give in. Wrestling, thrashing, struggling until her shruff was nearly tearing. "You'll regret this," Delphi seethed as she glared up at the wolf carrying her to the Heidinn and Valta borders. In a way, the echoing and commanding howl from Asla calmed her nerves. Knowing that her adopted grandfather would be here soon to collect her only lit the fire in her belly more. With Vidarr at her back, she was unstoppable.

Moments later, she is spat back onto the ground, teetering on the edge between the two packs. Whirling to face Asla, she once more lunges to snap at Khran's toes as a warning to stay away from her before Asla's cutting words pierce her pinned ears. There is no chance to respond. The Sumatar gives her no room for rebuttal as that piercing amaranthine gaze buries daggers into her. Instead of backing down, Delphi straightens up, standing tall, and returns the glowering look with one of her own. Even when Asla flashed her fangs, Delphi only responded by flashing her own growing canines that were beginning to peek out from under her top lip.

Delphi feels the threat is empty. Did Asla not understand who she was? Vidarr was only one of many wolves that she would rely on. In her mind, she had done no harm. The doe was from Heidinn lands. Her parents had taught her that borders were only to keep bad guys out. She wasn't a bad guy. No, she was a friend. Or at least she thought she was. Her fury, her hatred, her angst, all of those bitter and cruel feelings continue to build in her even after Asla softens and tells her that Vidarr will decide her punishment. Delphi can't help but snort at the comment.

Thankfully for the pup, Vidarr shows up before she can allow any more damaging words to leave her. Her eyes finally leave Asla to look up at Vidarr, but they do not soften either. His pointed look only pushes her rage as she lets out a rumbling and childish growl. "Som du vill, gubbe," she grumbles back at him before finally relaxing ever so slightly as he turns to address Asla and offer his apologies. Delphi's fur bristles still as she bites her tongue. Now that Vidarr is in her company, she has to be careful. She has to behave.


09-07-2023, 06:14 PM
"The only thing I'll regret is not taking your life and eating you." To say he was over the cliff sick of this little bitch would have been an understatement. Her words empty with thread to his ears as they walked to the borders. Straying behind Asla to give the woman room. He couldn't care less in that second. Teeth coming down even harder in warning that if he chose to do so, her life was his to end. Nothing but a helpless runt talking big game. "When you are older, find me and I will teach you a lesson about manners." Spitting her from his mouth. The taste of the pup once he wanted to rid of himself fairly quickly. The day he had pups, he would ensure they did not act the same. Respect was earned. Not given. And, she'd lost every ounce of his.

Asla spoke to the insolent child. The response of her flashing fang back to the cream and tan woman caused Khranbari to stepped forth with a viscous snarl. Lips pulling back to expose his own fangs with years of both predator and prey flesh stained in memory over them. He would keep taking the disrespect from a mere adolescent who did not respect her elders. A snap of his jaws, he pulled away with a snort of agitation. Another coming forth. Meeting them at the borders to apologize for the pup's actions. "I will first apologize for how we are coming to meet." Khran nodded in greeting. "I found this one hunting on our lands."

A man of few words and here he stood speaking out of turn. Liquid golds shifting to Asla in silent apology, he bowed his head to her before falling quiet as per usual. This was not his place to speak.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 1 Worship
09-14-2023, 06:55 AM

The interaction between Khran and the girl was amusing, but Asla ignored it. Their beef wasn't her beef, so to speak. As long as the man didn't hurt the pup, Aslatiel didn't care what they spat back and forth. If he did hurt her... well... he'd receive his first lesson from his alpha.

Vidarr wasted no time in arriving and Asla noted the strained look that crossed his face when he noticed the pup. The man apologized for his granddaughter, which was interesting and the blonde fae nodded. It was Khranbari who spoke first in response to the Heidinn alpha and Aslatiel raised a brow. He was overstepping and seemed to realize it a moment later as he bowed his head in apology.

Plum colored eyes turned back to the big, dark man. "It is good to see you as well, Vidarr," Asla spoke honestly. She quite liked his quiet, serious demeanor. "I will not apologize for our meeting this way as Valta is not at fault. Your granddaughter trespassed on Valta lands intentionally, having noted the border markers." The girl skittered to Vidarr's side and Asla paid her no mind. The responsibility had been handed over to her kin. "I have informed her that other packs aren't as forgiving and that, had she trespassed somewhere other than Valta, she may have been enslaved or killed." The blonde and grey fae's gaze cut to the girl. "Or she may have started a war. They've been started for more trivial things." A pinched smile was given to the other alpha. "She's at the age where she knows everything, of course, and paid no heed to my words. Hopefully she'll listen to her grandfather instead." A hint that the kid needed a talking to and it was the Heidinn alpha that needed to carry it out.

[Image: qnvtMu8.png?1]

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1. A Lie Is Only A Lie If They Figure It Out Monument Rapids 12:52 PM, 08-31-2023 09:43 AM, 10-19-2023