
to be loved is to be changed

audra !



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-01-2023, 06:11 PM
Art & Code © Skelle 2023


Her health was failing her.

Her health was failing her, yet she still wanted to go outside. To surround herself with light, to let the sun soothe her flaring joints and aching bones. She was going to do that, no matter how difficult it would be for her. Laeta had just managed to pull through the winter, but her decline was apparent; the woman's ribs were visible again, her shoulder and hip bones pulled taut over a sagging frame of tufted charcoal fur. She looked as if a coat hanger was propping up her body, her limbs thin and trembling violently just standing. It was not Mel's fault she was emaciated -- her appetite was dwindling. Mel had to gently ease her off her bed; he even went so far as to scrounge some wood planks to make a staircase as she couldn't jump down anymore.

She was seven, now. Seven years old in a decades' old body, tired and worn. What seemed to all the Hallows' wolves to be a miraculous turnaround from her bout of paralysis was really just a delay in the inevitable; granted a few more years of travel and wandering and seeing the new generations of Hallows' children born and grow, granted more time to be with her close companion and aide, Mel, granted more time to just be with her beloved packmates. As her fate would have it, Audra was back. Her dear, dear friend, one she would never forget. Oh, she had to see her. Talk to her, again. Because it was really the shift in seasons these past few months that made Lae realize she would not make it to 10.

Mel practically had to grab the loose clothing-like folds of fur off her wiry frame to keep her walking, which at this point is more of a stiff-legged shuffle than a smooth gait she'd had just the past fall. Every step from the third floor was an excruciating effort, and she nearly lost her step more times than she could count. But gods, she must go outside. Must see the sun, and feel it too. A window did not suffice.

By the time they painstakingly reached the ground floor, Laeta had to catch her breath, her limbs shaking. With a slow inhale, she rises gingerly off her haunches, stepping carefully towards the courtyard, her favorite place in all of the castle. "Thank you so much, Mel. I so miss the outdoors." She said to her badger companion, noticing the worry clear on his striped face. Mel turned his head to briefly rub at his beady eyes, masking his sniffling through his forepaw. He turned back to face her as she struggled to lean back into a sitting position, every creak of her bones eliciting a fiery pain that the pain-killing herbs could only touch. It hurt him to see her like this, hurt to see the plummet in her physical body when her spirit was still so vibrant, so happy, so whole. Mel leaned against her, not for guidance, but comfort as she waited for a friend to come by.

Laeta lifted her head to meet the sun's rays, the warm glow like a gentle pat on the head. She closed her eyes, smiling widely. Happy. Just..happy.

comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.



Master Healer (315)

Master Navigator (495)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Derby Winner1KPride - BisexualDouble MasterAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Wordy
09-01-2023, 06:41 PM

Audra had returned from Ashen after an unexpected journey. Per Gloom's request, they had taken the long route there and back to spend more time together. It was something Audra had happily agreed to. It was something she would not regret. Something she still didn't regret even as news reached her. As happy as her heart felt, it still sunk at the news. Yet, she refused to be sad. She was happy Gloom decided to stay permanently, but there was still a tear in her eye. How was she going to be okay saying good bye? Her heart wrenched at the thought when someone came by to request her presence. How could she say no to her oldest and dearest friend? There was no hesitation as she slipped from her quarters and hurried down the steps. Each gentle step faster than the next as she rushed down to the first aid area.

As she near bursts through the door, Audra ignores the stares from the others. She had to hurry. Had to do something. Wasn't there something she could do? "Gwyn, pain. What is the best for pain?" Her tone is hurried, rushed, hoarse, even without a stutter as she shifts through the myriad of herbs and tinctures placed neatly on a table and in the cabinets. The worried look upon Gwyn's face goes unanswered as Audra grabs something nondescript and rushes out. Her next stop is the kitchens where she finds some of the younger Carpathian's learning how to bake bread and sweets. "May I?" Audra offers with a sweet smile and a terse expression as she attempts to hide her emotions. She is offered a basket of baked goods that she takes between her teeth. There is a nod of thanks before she turns and escapes from the good smelling confines of the kitchen.

Quickly, she continues to hurry her steps with her companions, Mack and Tery, in tow and helping her bring the supplies. It is only when she moves outside of the main doors and onto the castle grounds does she slow. Giving herself enough time to collect her breath and calm her features before she approaches Laeta. There, just around the corner, she sees the frail woman leaning against Mel. A tender and sad smile stretches across her face as she continues to approach. Giving Mack the bag of herbs and Terry the basket of baked goods, Audra goes to sit on the other side of Laeta. She too leans in and closes her eyes. For a minute or so, she does not speak. Only breathes and listens as she allows the world to settle around them.

"The sun feels nice, doesn't it?" Audra whispers as she turns her chin toward Laeta's cheek and looks up at her bestest friend with her one good eye.

audra's companions are to be assumed next to her unless stated otherwise



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-16-2023, 11:50 PM

Laeta’s basking in the tender sunlight is pleasantly interrupted by the presence of a close and beloved friend. Her two companiosn trot by in tow, one carrying a sack that smelled of medicinal herbs, the other a basket of freshly baked pastries. The woman turns her head to meet Audra’s one-eyed face, the smile upon her tawny snout both happy and deeply sad beneath the surface. Lae knew her froend well enough to recognize that her decline has likely reached Audra’s ears, and she had rushed over to meet her.

But that was mere assumption, based upon the umber-hued woman’s expression. Regardless, Laeta was just overjoyed to see her again.

When Audra mentioned how nice the sun felt, Laeta nodded in agreement, though she was facing her friend, and not the skies now. ”That it does, Audra. Oh, how wonderful it is to see you again!” She pauses, adjusting her seat upon her frail haunches as her joints creak and grind with every movement. ”I heard you were traveling to Boreas — how was it?” She intended on carrying a casual conversation, but she also recognized that Audra’s sadness might change the course of the tone to that of a somber one, to point out the obvious they both could see. She didn’t mind speaking of it, though. Her progression was sad, but it was the natural course of things considering her poor health. ”The herbs and baked goods smell lovely, too. Thank you kindly.”

”Speech” ’Thought’

comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.



Master Healer (315)

Master Navigator (495)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Derby Winner1KPride - BisexualDouble MasterAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Wordy
10-20-2023, 09:51 AM

Audra was more than pleased to keep the conversation steered away from the obvious. The inevitable. The reason her chest felt tight and her throat dry no matter how many times she swallowed. Facing her now, even with her one good eye, Aura could see it. Could hear it. The frailty that covered Laeta's dark coat, the grind of those joints. Laeta would soon... No, she wasn't going to think of that. Her teeth clamp together as her smile falters. She had to hold it together, if not for Laeta, for herself too. Beside her, Mack and Terry, sidle in close and peer around her over to Mel with curiosity. Well, Terry did. Mack didn't care to look at anything except the blue sky above. They did set the nice gifts down in the grass between the group though so that Audra could shift them closer to Laeta.

"I'm glad we could find time for each other!" Audra commented as her tail gave a few wags against the soft grass. Her smile broadens as Laeta asks about her travels to Boreas. "Ah yes! I took a girl named Gloom back home to Ashen after she was healed up. The sights were absolutely lovely," she pauses as she feels a flush spread over her cheeks. "You will have to meet Gloom though! She ended up coming back to the Hallows with me," glancing away for a moment, she shifts her weight and feels nervous. Though she knew Laeta and Gloom would be fast friends, Audra was worried about Laeta's declining health.

When she looks back to Laeta, she nods happily. "Anything for you, Laeta!" Her voice is chipper though it wavers. Would her bestest friend make it to the next summer bonfire? To the next winter? Audra tenses, fighting back her emotions, trying her hardest. "The Carpathian pups are really growing into their own as well. Have any visited you lately?" Audra asks, eager to change the topic.

audra's companions are to be assumed next to her unless stated otherwise



Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
01-03-2024, 06:29 PM

Mel tilted his head as one of Audra's companions approached him, just as curious as the other. Laeta smiled softly, letting the companions get to know each other as she listened to Audra's updates. "I am so glad we've been able to catch up, as well!" She replied cheerfully, her smile widening in response to Audra's comment. She knew her friend was trying to put on a brave face, trying to appear stronger and not so worried about her own declining health. But Laeta knew and understood her friend's anxieties. Terminal illness was a heavy topic, and not one that needed to be addressed. At least, not at this time.

Laeta listened closely and with great interest as Audra explained of her travels to Boreas, and of her newly found friend from Ashen. Though Lae had long ago sworn to never visit the other continent again, she felt she had resolved enough of her trauma to explore its southern reaches more than once. And she had to agree - the sights were marvelous. Laeta's own thin tail swept side to side in joy as she said joyfully, "Oh, I must meet her! She sounds nice. Perhaps we can arrange a get together - all three of us. And I'm so glad you enjoyed Boreas; its views are spectacular. I'll never forget them." Now that this Gloom girl was in the same pack, a meet and greet was in order. She so enjoyed seeing new faces!

Audra graciously accepted her gratitude for the basket of herbs and pastries, and then inquired as to wether the older woman had met the young generations of Carpathians running about. Admittedly, Lae hadn't met them all face to face, but she'd be ecstatic to meet them all. "I've seen them running about the grounds, though I haven't met them personally. But how lovely it is to see new generations grow and thrive in the pack. It's a true home." Nothing but a true appreciation for life lit up her ruby gaze as she spoke, nothing but a lovely smile gracing her lips. All the pain in her joints and the tremble of her limbs barely propping her upright could amount to her happiness.

”Speech” ’Thought’

comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.

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1. to be loved is to be changed Amron's Castle 06:11 PM, 09-01-2023 05:21 AM, 02-19-2024