
Dramatic Emotions


09-05-2023, 11:40 PM
Born into a world he hadn’t a clue that his life would turn into an abundance of disasters. Khranbari felt as if he were cursed. Poisoned by the ability to breathe and think. Where had everything gone wrong? When was it foretold that his life would come to an end so fast in nearly four years? His gaze lost. Empty. Mind silent. Heart slowing in beats. He just sat there. Staring off into nothingness. Darkness clouding his sight. Ears failing to listen to what was to come. All he knew was life was coming to an end.

Or was it?

He’d left that morning. Early. Before the sun replaced the moon and peaked over the horizon. Steps silent when crossed over borders. Barely audible crunches over layered snow. Wandering off to the direction he knew few rarely visited. His nose guided him. Brushing the ground’s surface and sniffing. Easily to find a path to the abundance of berries and growing thickets. His brain screaming at him. Heart taunting him. What was he to do? Nothing. Move. Move.

Too much happened in such a short time since meeting her. Did Varuska place some type of spell on him? No. She couldn’t have. There was something lingering in the depths of his chest. An emotion he did not know or even understand.

All he knew was he needed time. Space. His father’s words torturing him. “You are nothing. You were bred to do one thing and one thing only. To kill. To work. DON’T LOOK AT HER! Your mother can not help you! Remember this boy! You will be alone and you will remain as such. No one can help you.” "NO!" Snarls raked his body. Thorns brushing his fur. Poking him in various places.

Khran was fighting something within himself that he knew had been there for quite some time. And now? It was all coming to the front stage. Revealing itself like a monster. Its ugly head high with sharp teeth snapping at his mind. Was he going insane? Attention shifted swiftly to the scent of another. Not a wolf. Prey. A weakened bull elk. His head low to the ground. Feasting on the berries still clinging to the last of life before the great blast of winter.

He lowered his body. Stalking closer. The distance not that much between them. If he were to launch himself, the fight would be on. And, that’s exactly what he did. Back paws provided the motion he needed to jump over the thickets. Jaws parted wide. Of course, he wasn’t thinking. He miss calculated. His body clashing instead into the bull elk’s side as it turned sharply to run. Only finding the large male had fallen on his back. Rolling onto his side.

It knew the opportunity to strike. Front hooves came down hard. Attempting to hit Khran in his side and shoulder. He moved away as fast as he could. Missing the next attempted hit from those powerful hooves.

Adrenaline coursed through his body. He wasn’t giving up. The bull elk. It knew it stood no chance. Deciding to fight back. Khranbari snarled at it. Meeting his challenge. So lost in a fucked up state of mind, he charged forward. Meeting the bull head on. Taking note to how the Bull Elk’s antlers were held down. As soon as the male came close, he shifted. Body jolting to the side to aim jaws at the exposure of its throat. It bulked. A frenzied kill. Deep in the overtaking of a darkened mind, all thanks to a certain someone, Bari tore at the jugular without remorse. The bull finding it hard to escape. Falling onto its side as life began to slip away from reach.

The male did not stop there. He continued to tug. Rip and tear at the bull elk's throat. Until only blood and a lifeless corpse lay inside his mouth. He did not know how to handle these emotions. The feverish heat choking him into a sweet oblivion. Anger. Hot, molting inside his very insides. Bari did not want to take it out on her. He couldn't. No. To see that beautiful earthen face void of any further light brought a snarl to release itself. Liquid golds taking in the damage done. Returning back to hisself. Reality of what had just taken place only moments prior.

Khran said nothing as he searched for a vine nearby. Quickly making a noose around the bull elk's neck and one for himself as well, he began the journey back home. Both calmer and with food.

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1. Dramatic Emotions Serpent Plains 11:40 PM, 09-05-2023 03:19 AM, 02-13-2024