
all i know



4 Years
04-04-2014, 01:45 PM (This post was last modified: 04-04-2014, 02:05 PM by Serra.)
ooc: sorry about posting this here, i've already posted in maintenance to get it moved! ;n;

Morning dawned over the unfamiliar lands, the sun slowly warming Serra's pelt as it crept steadily higher in the sky. A long day of wandering had left Serra exhausted, and sleeping later than she normally did. Often, the wolfess was up with the sun, but just this once, it wasn't until the sun was high in the sky that Serra stirred, slowly blinking blue eyes open. She moved slowly as she woke up, carefully stretching herself out and testing out her sore muscles. They ached, but it was nothing unduly painful. She could handle another day of searching, couldn't she? But Serra had no reason to believe that she was any closer to her brother now than before. He could be long gone. Maybe she would take the day to recuperate.

The thought of admitting that kind of weakness was distasteful to Serra, but as she took a few careful steps and felt the silent protest of her muscles, she was starting to be glad that her night had been spent in a sheltered place such as this. A tree's branches brushed at her fur as Serra took a few more steps, the gentle touch tickling her pelt and making the female shiver just slightly. It felt far too realistic to be just a tree touching her, but a swift glance over her shoulder assured her that it was. "Don't be ridiculous, Serra." She scolded herself softly, voice sharp in the cool morning air. What would her family think if they could see her right then, jumping at shadows and bowing to the weakness in her body? They would never think her to be strong again.

That was enough to motivate Serra to pad forward, ignoring the protest of every sore muscle as she yawned massively. The morning was just getting underway, but it was later than Serra would've wanted it to be. Ah well. There was nothing to be done now, and at any rate, she was hungry. Perhaps it was time to hunt down some small game, at least enough to get her moving before she sought out any traces of her brother. Oh, Quelt... Serra found her thoughts circling back to her brother as she began to sniff the air, pressing her muzzle towards the ground. Food first, brothers later.
