
Fish fish crab!

Open solo seasonal


09-16-2023, 08:52 PM
Man was this place WARM. Winter was beginning to settle back home, he'd be two years old come spring. Sorra couldn't help but to feel out of place. He felt like his training lacked and how was he supposed to help the pirates if he didn't try. Sorra wasn't much of a fighter, sure he'd grown up with images of being a fierce raider. Now though he'd been thinking because of his speed and small size maybe it'd be better if he played more to his strengths. Hed caught the rumors of the high tides for good fishing. Next thing the wily yearling knew he was at the shimmering shore. He assumed it was a lot more beautiful at night, but with the sun shining in the sky it reflected off the swelling blue waves crashing into the shore. He wasn't much of a fisherman but surely he could impress his pack mates if he gathered a butt load of fish. Let the pirates FEAST!

Sorra let his small paws carry him across the shore. Avoiding the water while it left impressions in the sand. If he could find a small enclave or perhaps a lip of rock then he could set about his task. If he could fashion a net perhaps that could catch them, his teeth certainly would be helpful in this endeavor. He’d been too embarrassed to ask his father how to fish, not to mention he felt like a loser compared to his dad and brother. However! Now was not the time to be wallowing in his feelings. He had fish to catch and he was beginning to see why this warm weather was so good with these swelling shores.

Sorra could see the fins sticking out of the water at first. While he climbed a small hill a low piece of stone covering the shore to the water. It was made like an overhang only a few inches from the water. Once he got to the edge his paws clung to damp gray stones looking over at the fish that’d come a little too close to shore. Sorra didn’t think he’d seen anything like it. Many fish wriggled about each other. Their scales glinted off in the sunlight. His tail wagging a wide grin showing off his serrated teeth would possibly be the last thing these creatures saw.

“Should I just?” He said out loud, stepping forward before slipping. He felt his paw crumple his body waving forward. Sorra let out a surprise yip before he fell into the water among all those writhing fish. Cold engulfed him, his paws wildly flailing out before he caught them on the ledge. Sorra felt fish flee from him and a few others jumped onto his head. Well, He might as well take advantage of his mishap. It was then he saw it, a strange reddish orange creature crawling onto the rocks. What was that!

“Is that a crab?” He gasped, he’d heard about them from other fishers. Their meat had to be delicious if it was protected by that shell. Sorra leapt from the water landing on the rocks with a satisfying rushing noise. Fluffing out his fur he shook the water off his tail dripping slightly while he came up beside the crab. It was raising its claw like appendages snipping the air while standing as tall as it could. Sorra raised an eyebrow, did it think it could fight him. Taking a paw he slammed it down on the top of the crab. Biting into the shell before it went limp. As he hit down he realized his bottom set of teeth had cut its softer underbelly. There was little blood Sorra tossing the crab onto the sand before he turned and again dove into the water, at least this time it was on purpose.

Sorra gleefully chased fish of all kinds. Tossing them onto the shore one by one, even finding a few more crabs. This influx of strange sea life was a surprise to him, the high tide surely was a sign of good luck then. He could show these all off to his fellow pirates and go on proving himself worthy of having a home there. No more would he be complacent! Sorra had gathered two crabs and three fish by the time he was left panting on the rocks. He swallowed trying to ease his burning muscles as he watched the tide flow to and from the shore.

One problem though. How was he going to carry two crabs and three huge ass fish all on his own. Sorra was just glad he could catch anything now with him good and tired he needed to either look for some help or fashion a string perhaps so he could tie them around himself. Why hadn’t he thought of this while he traveled here. Sorra grumbled gathering his pile of food and looking across the shoreline.

Word count; 823

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1. Fish fish crab! The Shimmering Shore 08:52 PM, 09-16-2023 03:46 AM, 02-13-2024