
The Aftermath



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
09-18-2023, 10:54 PM

Eventually, she had indeed passed out.

What had happened between dreaming and waking, she wasn’t entirely sure. Though as she began to stir, she quickly came to realization how fucking awful she felt. Aurelia didn’t remember right away what had happened. As she lay still, shrouded in the dim lighting of a shallow cave she didn’t recognize, she glanced around without moving her head at first. The baseline ache that covered her entire body made her grit her teeth from crying out. Where the hell was she? As she gingerly attempted to pick up her head, she was struck with an overwhelming amount of pain. Tears welled to her eyes as she was faced with the desperate reality of not being able to sit up with against the earth shattering about of agony she experienced in attempting to do so. Slipping her paw between her cheek and the ground, she was able to support herself as she slowly tried to rise to see. Though, upon doing so, she saw him.

Her knee jerk response was to freeze. Had he captured her? She gently lowered herself back to the ground so she could use a moment to think. Why was her memory so foggy? It wasn’t until she pulled her arm out from beneath her face did she see the bite on her wrist. One that she had give to herself. Then piece by piece, the previous night had begun to return to her. The Cold Moon ritual. Being interrupted. Their fight … his Sacrifice. Oh god. Their soul-binding. A hard knot immediately formed in her throat as the tears began to soak into the dusty floor. She had tried to get him to kill her. And he couldn’t even do that right. As the grief of her situation settled, she began to burn with rage.

As she lay there, she slowly tried to take stock of her injuries. Her scruff and neck felt mutilated. Her diaphragm felt exceptionally stiff. Taking a deep breath cause a twinge of pain. And as she tried to shift off some of the pressure off her rib cage, she felt a different kind of pain in her hind quarters. She clasped her tail to her abdomen, and in doing so, that particular ache got significantly worse. She was confused at first, but only took her a few moments to draw the conclusion. That was her boiling point. “You fucking bastard! You took my virginity!” She accused with considerable volume coming from someone who was too weak to sit up. The feelings of grief blossomed in her chest as she recognized her connection to the universe would never be as strong again … though having to share a soul with a psychopath didn’t do her many favors either.

"“Why didn’t you kill me?” The disappointment clearly present in her tone.

"Aurelia Veratti"


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
09-18-2023, 11:39 PM

”You’ll kill her!” As the night went on, Sephiran heard the occasional screams of his falcon above him, having perched itself in the trees to serve as a witness in the sinister act. By the time he grew physically tired, the night had already morphed into the frigid, early morning hour when the temperature in the Polar Sound was at its lowest. He decided to pull himself away from the bloodied mess beneath him, forcing their bodies apart with a sickening pop. Panting and licking the strings of bloodied saliva from his lips, he instructed the bird to scout out a cavern. From there, he proceeded to drag Aurelia through the snow, leaving a trail of crimson in his wake. It may have been easier to throw her over his shoulder and carry her to his destination. But that’s not what predators did with their prey.

Upon reaching a cavern, Sephiran dragged her inside and pushed her unconscious body into a corner. The rest of the morning would serve as a testament of her strength; should she survive, she would face a lifelong hell with him by her side. But if she were to die… well, he would need to find another plaything and repeat the cycle. He cast her one last glance before plopping down at the mouth of the cavern, using his body to block the only exit… and he quickly fell asleep.

”You fucking bastard! You took my virginity!” He probably would have slept for several more hours if her screaming hadn’t woken him up. At first, his only reaction was a flick of an ear and a twitch of his lips. But then she asked him the million-dollar question. ”Why didn’t you kill me?” With a long, exaggerated huff, Sephiran propped himself up on one of his elbows and turned in her direction. His eyes narrowed and settled on her, tracing the wounds littered across her body from last night's altercation. Blood was still weeping from some of her wounds, anger was spread across her face, and tears were welling up in her eyes. And he loved it.

“Took?” He said, mocking her grossly inaccurate accusation. “You were withholding it from me," A simple correction, one that was monotone and matter-of-fact.  "So I claimed what was already mine.” He kept eyeing her, waiting to see if she had enough strength to raise up and disobey him. “But that won’t be an issue anymore.” Despite the severity of his actions, Sephiran was being quite nonchalant about it all. Because he didn’t see anything wrong with what he did to her. “The reason is simple.” His lips peeled back into a perverse sneer. “Toys are more fun to play with if they are alive.” He wouldn’t admit that her asking to be killed had also played a factor in his decision-making. "Don't you agree?" All she needed to know was her purpose now… which was to keep him entertained and satisfied.

Code by Shelby
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
09-19-2023, 09:06 AM (This post was last modified: 09-19-2023, 09:52 AM by Aurelia. Edited 1 time in total.)

After her initial spew of insults, he made her wait longer than she would have liked for a response. However, when he finally did have something to say, it made her angrier than being ignored. His sigh echoed in the space between them, and it was like throwing gasoline on a fire. She was vaguely aware of his shift in movement, based on the sound of him shuffling and the shadow she could see from the corner of her eye. Though she got the impression it was a casual movement. The brute explained that in his own convoluted mind, that he was entitled to her. "The problem is, your made up logic is so fucking crazy, I can't even follow it." Aurelia answered, glaring at the wall she was stuck facing.

As he transitioned into explaining why he hadn't taken her life among other things, she couldn't help the scoff that erupted from the back of her throat. The roll of her eyes as she lay with the side of her face pressed to the dusty cave floor. "What now, then? Hmm? Where do we go from here?" She inquired, refusing to gratify this cat and mouse game he insisted on playing. "Or are we just going to lay here chit-chatting while the septic shock kills me?" She quickly added, not fully aware of the extent of her injuries ... but by what she could feel, she knew it certainly wasn't pretty. Though, after a moment of hesitation spent in snarky thought, she had more to add. "That wouldn't really be my first choice in demise, but I suppose beggars can't be choosers." Perhaps his plan was just that. To allow her to suffer first, and then die. If that were the case, than so be it, but she simply didn't have it in her to lay quietly until then.  

Code by Shelby


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
09-20-2023, 11:19 AM

His tail flicked behind him, tapping against the cavern floor a few times to emit a ticking sound. A sign of indifference, because whether or not Aurelia comprehended his thought process, didn’t matter to him. His grandiose delusions beckoned sweet nothings in his ears, telling him he was an infallible creature… one who could manipulate and mold the world around him, until it met his expectations and he could thrive. This meant claiming what he wanted and destroying what opposed him... just as a god in the heavens would do, or the devil in hell for the latter.

Sephiran was shifting in and out of his thoughts, still high on the elation of his mood that transpired after last night's events. Aurelia mentioned something about septic shock, laying-here, what now. Her sentences jumbled themselves in his head. With another exaggerated huff Sephrian glanced towards his falcon, who was perched on a boulder at the mouth of the cavern. With a single nod, the bird was off, his eyes tracing its movement as it flew off into the forest in search of what he wanted.

As he turned his attention back to her, he was lulling over his aspirations and how he would use her to obtain them. “You’re quite dramatic.” Another downplay of the situation, which was entirely psychotic. “But if you must know,” His tongue slipped past his fangs to slide across his lips, removing some of the crusted blood in his whiskers. Delicious. “You’ll be playing a part in my creation.” He spared her the details for now, assuming she was too much of a peasant to understand the necessity of hierarchy and dominion. "Once the pieces come together, you'll understand.” Members of his family came to mind. He knew they would be drawn to him eventually, and assist him in creating another Saxe kingdom. It was an innate desire that resided in all of the Saxe lineage.

The falcon suddenly returned with a small bundle of miscellaneous herbs clutched in its talons. Descending to the floor before hopping over to Aurelia, it set them down in front of her before hopping back a few feet. ”Almost dead, almost dead. But not yet!” It’s voice was sing-song-like, yet it was insulting and sarcastic. The falcon was an ornery little creature, one who enjoyed watching Sephiran’s antics and encouraged them… which was why he tolerated it being around. “For now, you only have one purpose-“ He suddenly rolled onto his belly and stood on his feet, sauntering towards her to possessively hover. “-entertain me.” He wanted to see her face clearly, needed to watch her squirm and pack her wounds with whatever concoction she would make with what he provided…. Because that would entertain him.

Code by Shelby
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
09-20-2023, 05:23 PM

Her soulbound captor was quiet for a bit before she heard another exasperated sigh- likely one of annoyance. Though it was quickly echoed by a shuffling of wings at the presumed entrance of their shelter. After a few more moments of extended silence, he made the observation that she was dramatic. The throaty scoff that escaped her lips was a reaction of reflex, but beyond that, she was rendered pretty well speechless. He didn’t give her much time to think before continuing on to the explanation that she had asked for. But honestly, it frustrated her just as much as not knowing anything at all. Sephiran’s words were cryptic. What he hid from her, she wasn’t sure. Which meant there was very little that could be done to hold back the venom that welled in her words. “I already understand fairly clearly that you’re delusional. I don’t need to wait for your creation to make that call.” She sneered angrily- maintaining her glare at the wall. She wanted to shift- to pick her head up- to glare at him. But every attempt she made in doing so brought a flare-up of agony- one that she could not bear.

It was then that the flutter of wing indicated the bird’s return, though this time, it maneuvered its way into her line of sight. She wasn’t expecting it to deliver herbs to her- she immediately recognized the dandelions and marshmallow in a small pile on the floor. Where it had gotten those, she had no idea, and she certainly wouldn’t ask. It chirped something like a taunt at her expense, but her attention remained fixed on the potential remedies for her current state. Just as she was trying to find the strength to reach out for what was left for her, the brute began spewing more of his malicious intent before coming into her view. Aurelia immediately narrowed her sapphire gaze as he described her only purpose to be entertainment. “I’m not really a singing or dancing kind of girl.” She answered hotly, though she knew very well that wasn’t what he had meant in his threat. However, it was her intention to convey that whatever he had in mind, she wasn’t going to be a willing participant.

She glanced toward the dandelion root for a split second, before returning to his eye contact. “If you don’t kill me, I will kill myself the first opportunity I get.” Aurelia vowed. While she knew what kind of relief the herbs could provide her- she was desperate for it, and her body trembled with anticipation. Her spiteful nature should not be completely discounted. The girl would all too willingly refuse to treat herself if that was the fastest way out of this arrangement.

Code by Shelby


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
09-24-2023, 10:24 PM

All she could do in the face of her captor was try and mock him out of contempt, unable to physically disobey given how mangled she was. Sephiran knew she would retaliate if she had the strength to do so, which was why he already decided to keep her in a state similar to this. Eventually, after he had broken her into submission, he would allow her privileges. But for now, his main concern was to keep her alive enough to play with, and luckily, his bird could help with that. Though Sephiran wasn’t against fucking dead bodies.

Looming over her, Sephiran peered down at her face, perplexed by the hatred lingering in her eyes. He stayed just out of reach, ensuring she couldn’t stretch out and bite him if she suddenly found the strength to try. “Don’t worry,” His voice suddenly became smoother, lacking that monotonic hum it held before. "I’ll make you into one.” He took a seat beside her, making sure to make contact with her back. To infuriate her with his touch. He watched her glance at the herbs in front of her before turning back to him. His head cocked at the mention of killing herself, which was a foreign concept to the Saxe boy.

Raising a paw, Sephiran placed it on the back of Aurelia’s head, before pressing his claws into her skin and raking it down the length of her nape. “Kill yourself?” He questioned, raising his paw to repeat the action. His claws raked over bite marks, causing scabs to dislodge and her skin to weep. “You think I would allow that?” This time, his paw trailed down the length of her spine, until it rested on her thigh. There were already claw marks there from his assault last night, given he needed something to hold onto when he flipped her into different positions - not that he cared.

After placing his other paw on her shoulder for leverage, Sephiran maneuvered his paw from her outer thigh to her inner thigh, making sure to brush against her abdomen to ignite a wave of panic.  “I decide when you die.” Slowly, Sephiran pulled her thigh back with his paw, exposing her abdomen until he felt the resistance of her hip being fully abducted. “And until then,” He pulled back more, adding pressure to the already stressed joint, which was surely painful. “I suggest you use whats in front of you to patch your wounds.” As he spoke to her and stressed her joint, his eye contact with her never wavered. He was waiting for a crack in her expression, anticipating an outcry from the pain that was surely becoming severe. Any more pressure and the joint would dislodge from the socket, resulting in a potentially debilitating injury.

Just how far was she willing to go to defy him?  

Code by Shelby
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
09-25-2023, 05:48 PM

The girl could do very little to resist his threats paralyzed by the pain of her injuries, though she would certainly not relent in answering his eye contact. He towered over her- she could practically read the intent in his dual-colored gaze. And it was the first time she felt the edge of panic in her chest. His voice transitioned into something a little gentler, but she refused to fall trapped in the sound of venom on another’s tongue. I’ll make you into one. She remained silent- not answering him. Only reinforcing her own death pact in her mind as he taunted her. As Sephiran sat down next to her, the fur along her neck and spin bristled at his touch- though she couldn’t bring herself to move away. It hurt too much. But when she felt his paw come to rest on the back of her head, she could do very little to contain the feminine growl that erupted from her chest. The brute flexed his claws into her skin, raking them down her spine with enough pressure to catch in the punctures leftover from the previous night. Her injuries were very much still raw, very swollen, and very sensitive. Her fur had been matted from the blood that had dried around her coat. And as he reopened the angry wounds, her growl was cut off in a gasp, and a cry stifled in a shakey exhale. Her muscles through her neck and shoulders went rigid in a reflex, and she was unfortunately punished by her own condition in doing so.

Aurelia was aware that he had been talking, but couldn’t focus on what he had said- or at least, not at first. As the raking claws worked toward her hindquarters, she was able to tune back in. Though she didn’t want to have to hear whatever psychotic musings fell from his lips. She suddenly felt pressure on the plain of her shoulder blade- meant to hold her in place as he hooked the inside of her exposed back leg. The already tender muscle burned with the restraint, but the more he lifted on her leg- the more her body contorted to relieve the strain- the more distressed she became. For the first time in all their encounters, fear began to flood her system. She choked back a shriek behind clenched jaws, though she couldn’t hold back the whimper. But as the pressure continued to build, so did the volume of her cries until she couldn’t contain them anymore.

In a desperate attempt to relieve the stress, she fought to shift her pelvis- kicked out with her other leg. Tried to raise her head, and snap- oh what she would given to make contact with the limb holding her down- though that didn’t get her very far. She tried to worm her way out from beneath him. In her weakened state, she struggled against him, as hard as she could muster. She was aware of what he had said … but in her anguish, she couldn’t make the right words come out. “Sephiran!” It was his name that she found first as she continued to writhe beneath him. “Sephiran! Stop!” Aurelia cried out something that vaguely resembled a plea for mercy. She had lost his eye contact long ago, her sapphire gaze clenched tight as she made her feeble attempt to fight against him.

Code by Shelby


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
10-05-2023, 02:46 PM

Stifled cries. Shaky exhales. The tensing of muscle. Weeping of blood from existing wounds. The strain her ligaments were under, as the head of her femur threatened to pop out of its socket. The increase in volume of her cries, echoing off the walls of the little cavern that served at her prison. It created a symphony so intoxicating, Sephiran felt his brain starting to become muddled in euphoria. More. More. More. Even as she screamed his name, begging for mercy, Sephiran couldn’t stop. This wasn’t about the herbs anymore. He was so aroused he had already forgotten about them.

She kicked out her other leg, shifting beneath him and trying to lift her head to no avail. She was defenseless beneath him, a mere puddle of clay for him to mold within his paws. And mold he would. He pushed down against her shoulder with more force, ensuring she was pinned down harder. Even as she clenched her eyes shut, Sephiran didn’t take his eyes off of her. He fed off her expression for a few more seconds, holding her abducted limp which has been stretched to its max. Drawing a deep breath, his callous expression contorted into a smile. “Remember Aurelia,” He said, words bitter and venomous as they dripped from his maw. “You did this.” The moment his sentence ended, Sephiran jerked her hip beyond its breaking point.


The sound of her femur dislodging from the joint resonated as a sickening pop, which Sephiran heard clearly even beyond the screams. Even the bird went silent, staring in slight disbelief. And, as she writhed beneath him, passed out, or whatever it may be. Sephiran leaned in and pressed his muzzle against the back of her neck, inhaling her perfume tainted with the smell of blood, shuddering from the elation coursing through his body.

And then, he laughed.

Code by Shelby
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.



Master Intellectual (246)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Cosmetologist Cosmetologist

2 Years
10-06-2023, 09:04 AM

In the end, it seemed that her weakened struggle wasn’t much of a challenge for him to contain. She felt him press what she assumed to be the rest of his weight into her shoulder to keep her in place. She cried out until she couldn’t no more, unable to draw a breath from the compression of his body over her chest. Every muscle in her upper body burned with the assault, though as her leg was being ripped away from her, the rest of it didn’t seem to hurt so bad. As her vision began to darken around the edges, she heard his voice, but couldn’t concentrate on what he was saying. Aurelia felt the sudden trauma as it resonated through her entire body. When the joint in her hip finally buckled, the unbearable pressure tore into something far more painfully sharp. It was blinding. Her nearly silent cries culminated in a gasp, as her already weakened system abruptly faded into unconsciousness- her body going limp from beneath his hold.

-Fade via Passing out-

Code by Shelby


The Syndicate

Master Fighter (380)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

3 Years
Extra large

Double MasterBest BudsCritical Dodge!Rapid Poster - SilverOoh La La
10-09-2023, 10:07 AM

His laughter resonated throughout the small cavern, echoing off the walls until it escaped out the entrance. Aurelia gasped once more before falling limp beneath him, unconscious from the pain riddling her body. Everything fell eerily silent. Sephiran sat where he was for a few more minutes, savoring her perfume and licking the matted blood on her neck before forcing himself upright. Using a paw he scooped her face beneath her cheek and turned her head towards him. In this state, he could really study her facial features. She was kinda nice to look at. Shoving the thought away, he dropped her head to focus on the task at hand.

Aurelia hadn’t patched herself up before she lost consciousness. Which meant Sephiran was burdened with the task now. A low, irritated growl bubbled inside of him, but he went to work on grinding up the herbs in his mouth so he could apply them. The falcon lingered off to the side, watching Aurelia to see if she would suddenly wake up. And once Sephiran was content with his poultice, he roughly shoved it into her wounds to pack them full. Over the next several days she would need a few rounds of this treatment. Which would be more fun when she was awake. And they would heal, but leave behind scars to serve as a reminder of this day.

-end thread-  

Code by Shelby
Caution: Sephiran is a rated M character. Viewer discretion is advised.

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1. The Aftermath The Polar Sound 10:54 PM, 09-18-2023 11:55 PM, 10-13-2023