
The Red String of Fate


The Hallows

Master Fighter (279)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years

Samhain 2022
09-26-2023, 09:33 PM

The older that she grew, the more that she began to wander. Dusk wanted to travel. She wanted to see things and learn about different cultures. The world was out there, she just needed to make her way out into it. From the stories that she'd been told, Dusk knew that there were wonders just waiting for her to find them. She wanted so badly to find them!

The obsidian wolf moved through the fjord, picking her way carefully over the rocky terrain. One paw out of place could send you tumbling down the mountainside. With as many spindly trees as there were, you were bound to hit at least one or two... or ten. That simply wouldn't do, so Dusk was careful. Claws dug into the earth with each step, carefully carrying her around the edge of the fjord. She was moving towards a very specific place. From where she'd stood, the fae's blood orange eyes had spied a somewhat flat piece of land in the center of the woodland. It looked like a stone shelf in the middle of nowhere. To Dusk, it seemed like the perfect place to rest and take in the scenery.

In time, the shadowy lady arrived at said shelf. It was surprisingly clear of trees and even clear of the pebbles that littered the ground everywhere else. Perhaps the wind had swept this empty place clean? Either way, she wasn't complaining. Dusk settled down upon her long, lean stomach, paws hanging over the edge of the stone. The fae's long tail shifted, curling around her side, Whisper making a slight hiss as she did so. A sigh of content left the fae and she brought her chin down to rest upon one foreleg. The view was beautiful and she planned on simply enjoying it for a while.

"Dusk Carpathius"

[Image: WlfCSL1.png]


The Hallows

Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

By the skin of my teethPride - Bisexual
09-27-2023, 08:53 PM
Picking his way through the Fjord was slow moving and particularly his first choice in terrain when it came to navigation, but he had gotten an itch to go south to visit Auster now that winter had taken over Boreas and this was his path to get there. Luckily he had Slate with him for the trip so the gray-eyed snow leopard could forge the path ahead of him and help him keep an eye out for any treacherous places that might spend him tumbling down the steep incline. With his companion's guidance he was able to take his focus away from where he had to put his paws a bit and he was able to look up and enjoy the scenery a bit. Between the gaps in the trees he was able to see the glittering stretch of ocean below and he had to admit that it was a very scenic view even if the trip through this area was a bit rough.

Eventually he realized that Slate had slowed and seemed distracted by something and after following the cat's gaze he realized his companion was peeking at a dark figure that was laid out across a shelf of rock that overlooked the cliff. His ears perked with interest and he leaned around one of the trees to look at the wolf that almost looked like a shadow with how her fur was nearly all black and even her antlers matched the dark coloring. He hadn't really expected to see anyone else out here or at the very least not anyone lounging around like she was, but it was a welcome surprise to have the chance to meet someone new while he was out exploring. He nodded for Slate to go off on his own for a bit, knowing the leopard was more than happy to go lounge in a tree or something for a while, and then he started carefully stepping down to where the stranger was resting.

He made sure to make a bit of noise as he went–rustling some leaves, knocking a few pebbles to send them rolling–just to make sure he didn't sneak up on her. Last thing he wanted was to startle her. Once he got close enough to get her attention he was met with a pair of bold, fire-hued eyes that stood out dramatically from the shadows of her fur. He was already eager to meet someone new, but the more he saw of her the more intrigued he became. "It looks like you've found a perfect spot to enjoy the view. Mind if I join you?" he questioned with a grin, waiting for her to accept before he made himself comfortable at the edge of the rock beside her. He might be the kind to have no hesitation in approaching a pretty stranger, but he still had the manners his parents had drilled into him and his siblings as kids. "I'm Sitri, by the way. Nice to meet you."

"Sitri Klein-Destruction"


The Hallows

Master Fighter (279)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years

Samhain 2022
10-08-2023, 09:21 PM

Sound from further up the incline made Dusk tense for a moment. Fiery eyes cut to the side as several pebbles rolled over the edge of the cliff, falling down into the lower tier of forest. She didn't spin about in alarm or anything like that. More pebbles were pushed and it was obvious that someone was trying to alert her to their presence. A moment later, the creator of said sounds showed his face. His very handsome face.

Smooth tones met lynx-tipped ears and Dusk turned her full attention to a brute that was the color of deep, rich blood. He had dark points on his coat and there was mottling of white here and there. His eyes were lovely and the midnight fae had no trouble holding his gaze. Sitri, he introduced himself as he settled beside her on the flat outcropping of rock. "Dusk Carpathius," she replied in kind. "Nice to meet you as well." And it really was nice. Thank you, adolescent hormones.

"Umm..." Dusk was never awkward, yet here she was, unable to decide what to talk about with the handsome stranger beside her. "So where are you from? My home is The Hallows." One paw rose and motioned in the direction of the far off castle. Brows rose slightly as she waited for Sitri to respond.

"Dusk Carpathius"
[Image: WlfCSL1.png]


The Hallows

Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

By the skin of my teethPride - Bisexual
12-02-2023, 08:26 PM
While Sitri had hardly paid attention to all of the talk and lessons from his father and aunt about the other packs and families that Ashen associated with, the Carpathius name was a very recognizable one so when she introduced herself as Dusk Carpathius he immediately knew she was probably from The Hallows before she even confirmed that fact. A little grin tugged at the corner of his lips as he noticed the slight awkwardness as she seemed to search for something else to say or talk about. He had never met someone that looked quite as striking as she did so he didn't really need much conversation to be entertained, but he was happy to make all the small talk she wanted all the same.

He made a brief glance off into the distance as she pointed out in the direction where the Hallows' castle would stand before he brought his gaze back to hers once more with another easy grin. "I'm from Ashen," he replied with a nod back the way he came to a path that would take them back to his aunt's pack. "I've been wandering around for a while, but I just got settled back into the pack recently. Venom is my aunt so most of my family is there. Always good to stay near family when you can, eh?" he added, hoping maybe some more familiar names and the fact that their packs were allies would help her relax a bit. "I've never been to the castle, but I've heard that it's impressive," he mentioned to continue the conversation, looking off toward the horizon again and enjoying the view.

"Sitri Klein-Destruction"


The Hallows

Master Fighter (279)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years

Samhain 2022
12-28-2023, 01:03 AM

Sitri was from Ashen, allies of The Hallows. Dusk nodded as he spoke, giving the man her full attention. He spoke of his aunt, Venom, and of the importance of staying near family. The dark fae chuckled lightly and nodded. Family was quite important to her, so she completely understood. As he spoke, Dusk took the opportunity to look him over. He was a handsome beast and she could find no flaw in his appearance. Realizing that she found him handsome brought fire to the young woman's cheeks and she almost grimaced. Where did that come from? How did she even know what handsome was? What was happening?

It was difficult to pay attention now that she was thoroughly flustered, but she nodded as Sitri spoke anyway. He said that he'd never been to the castle and Dusk gave her head a little tilt. "Since Ashen and Hallows are allies, would you like to see the castle?" Was that too forward? Again heat filled her cheeks and she looked away, trying to get her shit together. "Y-you know... If you wanted to. No big deal or anything." Smooth...

"Dusk Carpathius"
[Image: WlfCSL1.png]


The Hallows

Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

By the skin of my teethPride - Bisexual
01-18-2024, 12:17 AM
With his attention on the landscape ahead of them he hardly noticed Dusk's flustered state–at least not until she asked him if he'd like to see the castle since their packs were allies and swiftly followed it up with assurances that it was only if he wanted to and that it was no big deal. With a bit of a raised brow, he turned his blue and lavender gaze back over to the ink black girl at his side, a little hint of a smirk curling at the edge of his lips when he noticed how she was looking away. "I would love to see the castle... Only if you promise to be my tour guide though," he replied, his smirk widening into a full grin. She was obviously and objectively a really pretty girl, but this slight awkwardness that drifted to the surface felt very genuine and that made her even more cute to him. It was one thing to be pretty, it was another to have some sort of substance behind that pretty face.

With the landscape in front of them now falling to the wayside as far as where he wanted his attention to be, he shifted a bit to give her his full attention, a comfortable smile lingering on his muzzle. "I don't think I could possibly forget a face like yours, but tell me something really memorable about you. What kind of things do you like to do? What's your hidden talent?" he asked after a moment of consideration, his forepaws crossing in front of him as he made himself more comfortable beside her. It had been a long time since he had a chance to spend time just getting to know someone outside of his family and he wasn't going to pass up the opportunity to do it now.

"Sitri Klein-Destruction"


The Hallows

Master Fighter (279)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

3 Years

Samhain 2022
01-19-2024, 06:15 AM

Heat seared Dusks cheeks and her eyes threatened to pop out of her skull as she continued to look in the opposite direction, pretending to focus on something in the distance. A pretty face? Was he FLIRTING with her?! Gods above... what did she do? What should she do? Should she flirt back? Should she ignore it? Within, Dusk Carpathius was in a tizzy. Externally, she tried to look as cool and collected as she could manage. Maybe if she just focused on his questions.

"Talent?" There was only one thing that Dusk could think of that she was really and truly good at. "Well, I'm a master of weaponry," she informed Sitri a little bashfully. For the first time in her life, she was considering that her love of weapons wasn't very... girly. Would he find that repulsive? Too late to turn back now.

Rising from her place, the obsidian lady turned a bit, curling her prehensile tail and showing Sitri the intricate blades hidden within the long, midnight fur. "My father had this made for me, she informed the red brute. "I practice every day and it rarely leaves my side." Again, heat rushed to her cheeks and the fae cast her fire opal gaze out over the horizon. "It's name is Whisper."

With her talent divulged, Dusk looked to Sitri. "And you? What is your hidden talent, Sitri?" Again she worried. Had her talent been too much? Was she too manly for him? Dusk was an internal whirlwind. So much self doubt rushed within her that she was beginning to feel a knot in her stomach.

"Dusk Carpathius"
[Image: WlfCSL1.png]


The Hallows

Expert Fighter (160)

Advanced Navigator (60)

4 Years
Dire wolf

By the skin of my teethPride - Bisexual
01-21-2024, 11:04 PM
More and more Dusk was truly surprising him with every passing moment. When he asked for her hidden talent to make conversation he certainly would never have guessed that she was a weapons master. His expression showed as much as his brows lifted with surprise, but an impressed grin crossed his crossed his lips all the same. "Really? That's impressive," he replied. He probably would have believed her anyway since he had no reason not to believe her word, but she got up as if she was going to give him proof and lifted her tail which seemed surprisingly dexterous. Leaning a bit closer he spotted the dangerous blades that were hidden among the inky black fur and he blinked with surprise again, but he looked at them with obvious interest while she explained how her father had them made for her and her dedication to her craft. "Whisper is a great name for it," he agreed with a chuckle. "I never would have noticed them if you hadn't shown them to me."

Even though he wasn't the fighter or tactician that his father was, he still held a strong appreciation for skill and the dedication to a craft that Dusk obviously had. It was even more impressive to him as he put this fact together with the knowledge that she was younger than him–by how much he wasn't sure, but it was obvious that she had started training with this kind of stuff at a very young age and had obviously stuck to it. He very much wished that he had the same kind of dedication that she did when she turned the same questioning toward him. He wanted to have some kind of very interesting, mastered talent to speak to, but nothing seemed quite as interesting as Dusk's mastery of hidden tail blades. He chuckled with a bit of an awkward grin as he admitted, "Well... I'm working on becoming a seasoned navigator. I've gotten pretty good at predicting the weather and knowing when the tides are going to come in, things like that, but... That doesn't sound nearly as cool as yours." Ah well, this could just be motivation for him to put some more effort behind his studies and training. Maybe by the time he saw her again he'd have something new to report. "Maybe you can show me how you put those blades to use one day. I have a dagger that my dad put together for me also, but I'm not sure I've ever actually fought with it. Usually I just keep it around to cut down vines and such."

"Sitri Klein-Destruction"

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1. The Red String of Fate Faller's Fjord 09:33 PM, 09-26-2023 05:29 AM, 05-01-2024