
Feeling Blue




3 Years
09-29-2023, 06:51 PM

"Cirrus Mireya"

Cirrus was listless. The clouded woman lay sprawled on a pile of soft moss and lichen. She and her brother had been forced to flee the last place that they'd taken a liking to. A moment of darkness had an entire pack giving chase and snapping at their tails. It hadn't been her fault though. One of the packs wolves had approached her in a very... adult manner. Not that Cirrus wasn't an adult, mind you, the attention simply hadn't been welcome and apparently no didn't mean no in those parts. So the black abyss had taken its hold on the ash and snow fae. When she woke, there was blood and it wasn't hers.

Finding this cave had been a stroke of luck. It was mostly dry, fairly comfortable. The glowy mushrooms were pretty to look at. Despite all of that though, she was bored. Tiros had told her to stay inside while he went out to scout and make sure that the pack had moved on. She hoped that he'd bring some sort of dinner when he came back. The fae's svelte belly gave a rumble of agreement.

Mismatched eyes looked towards the direction of the caves entrance. As she waited, she'd begun to pull up the moss from the cave floor one little patch at a time until she had a pile beside her. Once she had this pile, she began tossing it piece by piece into the little stream that crept through the center of the cave. When the pile was gone and Tiros still wasn't back, Cirrus gave a growling groan of frustration and leaped to her feet, making her way towards the entrance. She was going stir crazy in here!

As her brother, Tiros is allowed to enter any thread regardless of tag. He is always nearby.

Cirrus should be considered a very adult character. All trigger warnings apply. You've been warned.


09-29-2023, 07:12 PM

Slow, agonizing claw slid across the furred belly of an unexpected prey. Their eyes gone from the life that once shined brightly. Dull and empty stared back at him. Tiros had left Cirrus to scout. Telling her to stay hidden. Away from the sights of any who looked even the slightest bit similar to the pack they'd escaped. Not blaming his twin for any of her actions. They'd been justified. Something that clearly was not taken serious. The moment he arrived, their was nothing left. Maybe a few limbs. Ripped flesh tossed to the ground. He, himself, could not help but take a blooded bone for collection. Teeth snapping at fleeing heels as they ran from angary snarls. No sign of anyone lingered. Scent carried far from where they now took refuge.

So, Tiros chose to have a little... fun. Hunger plagued his stomach. Knowing Cirrus would chastise him for taking as long as he did. But he could not help himself. A pile of skinned snow rabbits littered the winter's crust. Painting the white a beautiful rose red to bloom with every kill made. Lips stretched unevenly in a devilish smirk of concentrated measures. His brows raised as he continued the mutilating actions. Careful in his movements, he didn't dare wish to ruin the pink skin. Breaking the surface of his victim would tarnish the art of it. Tiros wanted his twin to eat without the annoyance of plucking away an unnecessary hassle.

He was nearly done when an ear circled to listen. Those familiar soft paws of his twin approaching. The knowing of her emotions disturbing the calming one of his. Tiros stood. Mix matched gaze landing solely on the cloudy woman with a look of adoration. His beautiful sister had graced him with her presence. "What bothers you, Citrus?" He called her by his nickname. She was both sweet and tart in his eyes. A perfect texture made to fit in any remedy of life. Rub her the wrong way and well... one did not want the flavor to become sour.

"Tiros Mireya"



3 Years
09-29-2023, 07:30 PM

"Cirrus Mireya"

Pushing out of the cave, the fae's gold and blue eyes instantly found the large, strapping form of her brother. She looked then to the pile of rabbits and frowned. He was having fun without her? Knowing Tiros, he was trying to do things for her rather than deny her fun, so Cirrus didn't grump over it much. Intuitive to her moods as he was, the dark man asked after her well being. The smaller wolf grumbled then moved towards him to press her face into the thicker fur of his neck, mumbling an apology.

"I didn't mean to ruin things," she spoke softly. "You aren't upset with me, are you?" Cirrus pulled back just enough to search her brother's face. Nothing in the world mattered half so much as he did. If she had upset him, it would have thrown her into a mental tizzy. She would have to figure out ways to smooth things over. That was, if he was mad. If not...

"I don't like being cooped up," she informed him, thumping her face into his body once more with a groan. Because of her, they had to pick up and start over again. What would they do this time? Yes, she knew that they would manage. They always had. It was simply the fact of starting over that was tedious and irritating. She wondered how Tiros truly felt about all of it. He would likely say that everything was fine, but was that true or was he just trying to protect her?

As her brother, Tiros is allowed to enter any thread regardless of tag. He is always nearby.

Cirrus should be considered a very adult character. All trigger warnings apply. You've been warned.


09-29-2023, 07:59 PM

Her touch warmed a path through bloody veins. Words drawing brows to express confusion. Upset? What in the world would he have been so upset about? Tongue rasping over her forehead. He bent down a bit to nip at her shoulder. Drawing just the slightest bit of blood from her. The metallic liquid coated his tongue and he couldn't help the low murr which filled his chest. "No. I am not upset." He reassured her. Eyes softening furthermore to show what he said was indeed true. Cirrus couldn't do such a thing even if she pissed him off to the deepest parts of hell. He solely lived for her. Whatever she wished, he would do anything to make sure it came true.

"I did not mean to make you wait so long. I got a bit distracted. I was to bring you food." Tiros looked over the four rabbits. Settling back into a seat, he gestured for her to pick first. He could wait patiently to eat until she was finished. Her belly full and sated. His love for her had been frowned upon in their old home. Hidden away to be enjoyed in the shadows. He did not care for what others thought. She as his unless he said otherwise and even then, the male would still have what he wanted unknown to whoever chose to mate his twin. "Eat. Then, we shall find water and return for sleep."
"Tiros Mireya"



3 Years
09-30-2023, 07:17 AM

"Cirrus Mireya"

Tiros seemed to be shocked that she would think he was upset with her. Mismatched ears tucked back for a moment at his slight admonishment but was instantly replaced by an electric sensation of lust as his teeth pulled blood from her shoulder. Cirrus wasn't your normal girl. She was a bit of a pain slut and things like that got her fired up quickly. A soft whine squeezed out from the fae's throat and she pressed her flesh against her brother's teeth, but he quickly pulled away and focused on other things.

The feast that Tiros provided came into view and Cirri's tail thumped the ground in appreciation. The brace of rabbits was plucked clean of fur. The woman sighed, imagining the sound as the bunnies were ripped out of their pajamas. There really was no sound similar. She quite liked it.

The promise of sleep was made and a little giggle sounded before Cirrus took one of the rabbits between her jaws. Despite the cold of winter, the body was still warm. Teeth ripped into the belly with practiced ease, giving the clouded woman access to the rich organ meat. Cirrus ate her fill and, by the time she was finished, blood coated her pale muzzle.

As her brother, Tiros is allowed to enter any thread regardless of tag. He is always nearby.

Cirrus should be considered a very adult character. All trigger warnings apply. You've been warned.


09-30-2023, 10:26 PM

"You're always the most beautiful when covered in the blood of your victims." Vocals fell into a shuddering deep growl. Eyes ablaze with a lusty fire as he stared at her face. Blood drying along the white of her muzzle. Leaving not a hint of white to be seen. Tiros could not help himself. Tongue gliding over her maw to lick away most of the rabbit's metallic fluids. A hum followed shortly after, before pulling away. Cirrus had filled her needs. Belly extended and full to compacity. It was now his turn.

He stood to move away from her. Selecting a corpse that he'd found to be fat and plump. Pregnant, perhaps? Tiros didn't stop from letting a claw slice through the fleshy section. Layer by layer until he came to conclude his hypothesis. A total of four small bundles, lifeless, rested inside. Huddled together in waiting for the moment their lungs would be filled with life. Unfortunately for them they would never know of such things. He had taken that away from them the moment their mother became his prey.

Tiros didn't wish to feast on them. They were too small and he intended on doing much further surgical work on them. Carefully removing each one to place onto the ground beside his meal, he ate uninterrupted. Occasionally glancing at his twin and the surrounding area. The pack was no longer chasing them. Both could relax and proceed with their lives. Happily.
"Tiros Mireya"



3 Years
10-06-2023, 02:54 PM

Almost like a pup with it's parent, Cirrus began to wag when Tiros complemented her and cleaned a bit of the blood from her muzzle. She was devoted. Besotted. Obsessed. In love. It was all Tiros. Nothing else mattered. Without him she would surely waste away and die. Not because she was incapable, but because there was no existence without him. Nothing. Else. Mattered.

As Tiros moved off to fill his own belly, Cirrus cleaned the blood from her maw and paws a bit. Then, since he was still eating, the clouded woman rose and began moving around the area, inspecting this and that. The scent of water was on the air and she moved towards it, finding a small stream of crisp, clear water running from the base of the mountain. Stepping into the chilly water, Cirrus drank, the remnants of blood washing away into the stream.

The woman seated herself on the bank, knowing that Tiros would follow her scent to this place. She looked to the sky, noting the darkening shades of evening. It looked as though they would spend one more night here in the cavern. At least one more night. Tiros was the mastermind; the leader. She went where he wanted to go.

As her brother, Tiros is allowed to enter any thread regardless of tag. He is always nearby.

Cirrus should be considered a very adult character. All trigger warnings apply. You've been warned.


10-07-2023, 09:38 AM

Tiros finished his meal. Even as Cirrus wandered off, he made sure to keep an eye on what direction she chose to take. Forever the curious woman she was. The enlarged beast followed her path effortlessly. Peeing on a few trees in case one traveled ever closer. They'd know someone occupied these lands for the moment and tread lightly. Thanks to the shadows provided, he chose to simply stand there and observe her. His mouth nearly salivated as her body emerged into and from the water. Droplets falling onto the winter's floor. His focus shifted from watching to a predator stalking its prey.

His body slunk low. Paws shifted as he walked silently closer to come around where he was now facing her back. Oh. He knew she would get a thrill out of this. Tiros surely did. The way the anticipation fueled his veins. A low, vibrating snarl trembled his lips as he launched himself forward. Taking no time to wrap his jaws around her throat. He stood over her in a dominant stance. Tail raised while he pressed down on her. Tongue licking at the fleshy part inside of his mouth. Not being able to control much of himself. He bit down ever so much harder. Wanting... No. Needing to taste that sweet blood he knew ran through both of them. Only hers was so much more delicious than his own.

"My sweet Citrus. Must you always strike a nerve?"
"Tiros Mireya"



3 Years
10-07-2023, 12:56 PM

This was a game that they played. One that Cirrus was all too familiar with. Observant as she was, the woman noted the change in sound, the pressure of the atmosphere as her twin crept closer. She put on a bit of a show, raising her snow white foreleg so that she could groom the fur much like a cat. Toes splayed and she licked between, making sure that she was clean of every single speck of blood from her dinner. She braced for impact.

A small grunt pulled from the monochromatic woman as her brother slammed into her. With practiced ease, she turned in his grasp, giving up her throat to him. Pain seared through her neck as she knew it would. Beneath the woman's coat, her pale skin was littered with the raised marks of her brother's love. She wouldn't have it any other way. The fae's pulse quickened and she released a sweet whine as Tiros held her in his loving grasp, asserting the dominance that they both knew she would never fight against.

Tiros growled out a question to her and Cirrus' paws rose so that her toes could sift through the dark fur of his chest. She felt the lean, hard muscle there and her whine turned into a breathy moan. Lust glazed over mismatched eyes as Cirrus hung there in her brother's grasp. He could kill her now and she would be happy to die for him. "Always," she choked out in response to his question. If she didn't strike a nerve, as he put it, they'd never get to have any fun.

As her brother, Tiros is allowed to enter any thread regardless of tag. He is always nearby.

Cirrus should be considered a very adult character. All trigger warnings apply. You've been warned.


10-09-2023, 05:54 PM
He bit down slightly harder before completely letting her go.

"We've been here long enough. It's time to go." Tiros would take no chances. Regardless of the fact that he knew they were safe. He did not want to wait around in the same area incase reinforcements were on their way. He removed himself from her. Their deeds of what others would call disgusting could and would not be tolerated outside in the open. Slipping himself into the water's cold depths. It surrounds his body as he sunk in low. Only visible being his eyes and ears. His mind pondering in which direction they would take to further emerge themselves deeper into these lands.

The matching eyes of heterochrome blue and yellow looked towards the cloudy woman he loved dearly. Her fur now clean and back to its lovely shade of light greys and winter whites. He admired her for a moment. Juggling through his thoughts until words fell free from his dripping maw. Now having begun making his way back to the banks. "You will find us a place to go next." Always the one to lead them in the right direction. Tiros chose to allow his beautiful twin sister to do so. "I will follow."


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1. Feeling Blue Glowshroom Cavern 06:51 PM, 09-29-2023 03:31 AM, 02-13-2024