
Creatures of Night Brought to Light


09-29-2023, 07:19 PM

The night was bright and the breeze was warm. Alora looked very much like the dream that she was named after. The small fae lay stretched out in the center of a circle of stones. They glowed and pulsed, but none glowed as brightly as she. The marks upon the woman's mane, shoulders, and tail glowed brighter than the very stars above. Her beauty rivaled even the stars and she knew it.

A long tail swished behind Alora in the soft grass, the beat in tune to a song that only she could hear. She was waiting for something. If any found her and cared to ask just what she was waiting for, she would answer with a simple smile and a wink. When the time came, the world would know why she was waiting. Until then, the luminescent fae would enjoy the atmosphere and the warmth of the night.

"Alora Dreamer"


10-06-2023, 09:07 PM
These were some of the lands that his friend’s kin spoke of. Auster, was it not? The sister continent to Boreas, where many wolves called their home. The Hellstrom family had once made their claims here, but now they were off living beyond these lands. Were the wolves here so strong to rip such a family from power?  Maybe the Hellstrom wolves hadn't deserved it.

Alaois had questioned his relationship with Sin more than a few times as they grew. He found him amusing, but he wasn’t sure his loyalties would stay with the other male if it came down to needing to choose. And, despite his poor mother’s best to teach them a lighter path, Alaois found far more enjoyment in the sorts of activities that the Hellstrom wolves took pleasure in. But even those enjoyments paled compared to his thrills when he was with his littermate.

…and shame on him; he had been keeping her waiting.

Tales of a new world for them to enjoy, of new toys to break and use, had caught her attention. But Ala was confident that his sweet Dreamer would have followed him anywhere if he only asked. He was intrigued by the opportunities Auster and Boreas presented, the gifts he could give her. Their bond went both ways; Alaois would have given Alora whatever she wished. If it was beyond his power to obtain it, he would bring the connections to make it a reality. She deserved everything in this world she could ever want. Alaois’ chest was pained with yearning as he thought of her. His love for his sister was immeasurable… and frowned upon by their mother. But alas… their dearest mother was too soft and weak. She would never understand the world that they craved.

Alaois kept a steady pace as he sought their place of meeting. He knew she would be waiting there, radiant under the light of the stars. But they were nothing compared to the light his sister produced. The man’s tail swished at his heels, head lifting ever so slightly as the sight of the Runestones came into view. Sure enough, he could pick out Dreamer’s glow among them. A playful smirk slipped onto his muzzle. She would be expecting him, and though Alaois knew sneaking up on the fae was impossible, he could not resist the urge to take a widened path and approach her from behind. Alora just… knew when he was near. He knew she’d know he was nearby, even with the wind in his favor.

Moving across the grass with practiced stealth, Alaois kept out of the light of the Runestones until he was sure he was behind his beloved. He drew in her scent as he drew closer, body shivering with delight. He would say nothing until he had come up over her and laid his front half across her shoulders to place his lips by her ear. “Miss me?” His voice was teasing. He had missed her.


10-07-2023, 01:24 PM

Alora did know that he was near. She knew many things. Ask her how and the fae wouldn't be able to give you a straight answer. One might call her star-kissed, God-touched... but in the end, even Alora couldn't explain how she knew the things that she knew. She was, for lack of a more fitting term, a mystic. Intuition was her greatest sense and she used it well. Better than most, if not all, that she'd come into contact with.

When Alaois drew in near, it was as though the very stones themselves whispered in her ear, letting her know that he was coming. A sweet little smile spread over the little dame's maw and she waited. Suddenly, the warmth of her brother's body poured into her slender frame and a purr of pleasure filled the air. With his mouth next to her ear, Alora leaned into Alaois, nuzzling against him. It was their first touch in a while and she reveled in it.

With a sigh of content, Alora rolled upon the stone, depositing herself upon her back so that she could stare up at her giant sibling. He had asked if she'd missed him and the fae flashed him a coy little grin. "Not at all," she joked. They both knew that was a lie. With a chuckle, obsidian toes rose to gently grasp either of his handsome cheeks. With a bit of soft pressure, she brought Alaois head down so that she could press their foreheads together, eyes sliding closed as she did so. "Of course I missed you, my love." She purred her truth softly. This, they both knew to be true.

"Alora Dreamer"


10-13-2023, 11:41 PM
His beloved would lean into him, her touch drawing forth a shiver of delight from the man. A purring rumble left his lips and Alaois brought his lips closer to her ear to steal a quick nibble, a taste of the mystical fae before she rolled upon the stone so that she was on her back. That grin was one he knew well. Alora had him, and from the moment he caught her scent, his path was set straight for her. His love for her was boundless, and the man longed to give his lover the world. She deserved it all, everything and more.

Her answer earned her a chuckle. They both knew better, that she had, and that she had lied to him. But what would be the fun if she answered him plainly? He loved that about her, and it made her dangerous to all but him. But they would never know until it was far too late. Both of them worked that charm, with cunning and smooth words on their side. Ahh but his sister could do it so much better. Her figure caught the eye of men and women alike, lured into her trap. But they could never have him as he did. Alora would never allow it, her loyalty to him fierce and unyielding as the wildest storm.

Her paws would take his cheeks and Alaois would shift over her, his body lowering so that he was laying over her. His head would press against hers, and like his Dreamer, Alaois closed his eyes. He drew in a slow breath, taking in her feminine scent. Those gentle touches, her curvaceous body, he let himself relax above her, drunk on her presence. Alora was the only one who could bring out the gentle side of the man. At her soft truth Ala’s eyes flickered open and he drew back, if only slightly. As he felt her heart beating against him, in time with his own, and it was as if the world around them slowed. She was his vision of perfection, and, without a word, Alaois leaned in to press his lips against hers.

There they would linger to savor her taste on his tongue. His eyes would close again, expression shifting again from a teasing joy to the tender look of a lover. He would wrap a foreleg around her frame, drawing her even closer against him. She was so soft, had she groomed herself in preparation for his arrival? She spoiled him. His kiss was firm, but gentle too. His hunger restrained out of the respect and love he had for her. But he would take this kiss before she gave permission, stealing it away in a moment of selfishness. Not that Dreamer would deny him.

Alaois drew breath and licked his lips to take in the lingering sensation of her lips against his own. She had missed him, and he her. Their time apart, while it had only been a few days, had seemed an eternity to him. “As lovely as ever,” His words were soft. “you faithfully waited for me to return. Do I really deserve you, Dreamer?” He spoke in honeyed tones, his dual toned eyes of green and blue lingering on her face. He would give her a moment to respond before he spoke again. "Do you favor this place? We can make this our home, if you wish it. Anywhere you want, I'll ensure it is ours."


10-23-2023, 01:50 AM

A soft murmur of pleasure pulled from Alora as Alaois leaned in to place his lips against her own. Paws wrapped into his thick fur and the dainty fae seemed to glow more brightly. She always did when her brother was around. He was the other part of her soul. Why wouldn't she be at her best when they were together? Big paws pulled her in close and she allowed him to do so, always loving the fact that he could simply bend her to his will as he wished. Alora was no weak-willed woman, but for Alaois, she was more than happy to be his plaything. Anything. She would do anything for him.

Alaois complemented her and Alora gave a soft, lusty chuckle. "You always say that, my love." Paws still kneading at his fur like a little cat, the woman leaned forward, her maw parting. Alora's tongue danced lightly over Alaois' lower lip, her lips a hairsbreadth from his own as she whispered, "And you become more handsome by the day, my king." It was one of her things; giving him lofty titles here and there to prove how highly she held him in regard.

Pressed beneath his thick, muscled frame, Alora gave a little shudder. No one else had ever touched her like this and no one ever would. She was for him alone, a temple that only he could worship. Alaois spoke about her faithfulness and a sweet laugh pulled free of the woman. "I will always wait for you. I am yours and you are mine," Icy eyes glanced about the glowing stone area and Alora gave a gentle shrug. "This place is the same as any." She brought those piercing eyes up to meet his own and she allowed every ounce of love and devotion for him to show within them. "You are my home. I'll never need another." And then she kissed him, long and deep with tongue and teeth. Alora didn't hide her pleasure from him, releasing a soft moan into their locked maws. This was where she belonged.

"Alora Dreamer"


11-30-2023, 09:06 PM

Her comment, accompanied by a soft chuckle, caused the smile upon Alaois’ face to brighten. But of course he always said that, why wouldn’t he? She was his world, his night, his moon and stars. What need did he have for other creatures so long as his Dreamer was there waiting for him? Her happiness, her smile, and most importantly, her love, gave the man more life than the air that he breathed. Truly and utterly devoted to her passion, he was weak for her. As she held him, he found his heart soaring with delight within his chest. Nowhere in the world could make him happier than by her side… Well, other than her bed, of course. Alaois drew his nose closer to hers, the flesh of their snouts touching as her compliment reached his ears.

“Such praise from the beauty of the heavens~” He rumbled in response. He could feel her body react to his own, shuddering beneath him. Moments like this, wrapped in her tender embrace, were precious ones. As much as he loved being one with her, sharing these moments, drinking in each other’s presence and shutting away the outside world, almost made the time around them stop. There could be an endless night, the world ending, and the man would never notice so long as he had Alora within his arms. For her, he showed restraint, and though other women might tempt others, he would never find it within himself to lay with them as he did his sister.

Her words echoed what the man knew in both his heart and soul. “Now and forever onward, my sweet.” His words followed her own, keeping that same soft, honeyed tone he reserved for her ears alone. As she looked upon the land they were in, he could not let his gaze stray from her face. He took in her expression, reading her icy eyes for signs of approval or displeasure. But her response was far more appealing than Alaois expected. A light chuckle left him as he held her against him. He had thought to respond to her, but her lips instead met his own before he could form them.

Alaois would lose himself in that kiss. Dual tone eyes closed, lips parting to let their tongues dance and glide over one another. He could feel the warmth of her breath mingling with his own, feel the vibration of her moan into his maw. His heart skipped a beat, but his heartbeat was not the only part of the man that was becoming affected by her actions. Back where their hips overlapped his sister would begin to feel the presence of his member starting to slide free. Already slick with pre from arousal, he would press his muzzle more needily against her own, letting a bit of that greediness take control. His foreleg would slide down her side, his own body shuddering as a rumble of pleasure passed his lips to press against her own.

He would break their kiss, eyes opening to a half lidded state filled not just with love, but lust. “My love is yours, and only yours.” She knew this, but still, the man stated that devotion with nothing short of adoration in his soft voice. He was holding back, a man who chose to savor every moment. But now that he had her lips, he wanted more things to taste. And so Alaois would shift himself above her, stepping back a step as his lips and teeth found her neck. He would not break skin, but the nips were backed by desire and a possessiveness that Ala had for her. Never would he hurt her, but no other would ever have her as he did. He didn’t need to leave marks for them to know that. These love bites were more for his own delight, another growl of pleasure as he nipped further up her neck, moving towards her throat in a teasing manner.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

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1. Creatures of Night Brought to Light The Runestones 07:19 PM, 09-29-2023 07:21 AM, 02-17-2024