
Don't let go


04-03-2014, 10:14 AM

Quiet, that's what she had been. Other than her small outburst to the digamma Caerul. That though, was explained for her rather emotional roller coaster of a state specially since she had been in heat. It was fall now and after the earth-quake she was happy she had collected those herbs prior, and she was happy many were okay. She herself was only just recovering from emotional trauma on many levels. Yet it wasn't like she hadn't dealt with it before. She had been a slave for nearly a year, and in order to cope with those scars she had tried to become an alphess. Those days were long behind her, she was now four years old and it was becoming clear if she didn't sort herself out soon, she would lose herself. Though, she was certain she would be fine. Vahva was becoming more used to speaking with other wolves, while she couldn't be as happy as she wished with them, she could at least be friendly. Quelt had also made her see that, and he was a handsome man, she was happy that he had saved her from the tar pits.
Yawning the blue maned woman remained in the grass, starring at the fields in wonder. She wondered where Cairo's body was buried, and it brought her to think of the saddened fate of her mother. While the walker family of her origins had so many family, they were scattered. Her mother had been the only one she had, and her mother had died alone under a tree unable to be buried. Sometimes the girl wondered if her mother held a grudge against her, but it was impossible for Night to have hated anyone. Even the man who had tore her home apart, Night was of nobleness and her kingdom wiped out in one night. Vavha sighed, why did such sad thoughts have to fill her head.


Twig I


04-03-2014, 12:01 PM

Solitude was her worst enemy, the feeling of being alone tore her up inside and it had since her daughters birth. How cruel the world had been to steal away her newborn, and would not even allow Twig to take in sight of her departed daughter. All she had was a simple dream, but now all she got was nightmares. Even though she would curl next to Jinxx when she slept the horrific visions would come to her at night and disturb her already light slumber. She would wake that morning having found little rest in her sleep, and though the drowsiness would beckon her back into unconsciousness she would resist. Jinxx was gone from the den when she awoke, the unfriendly feeling of being alone would settle into her fur. Only a few short weeks had passed since Fern's death, and still her body would mourn the loss of its child. Her teats had reduced in size, but not with out incredible amounts of pain first. Another reminder of her loss that she had to experience. She would find herself sniffing back tears as thoughts of her daughter occupied her mind. She would inhale softly and whimper as she let the breath from her lungs. She had to get out of the den, lest she become overcome by her sadness once again.?

Her cross marked form would emerge from her place of rest, the sun's easing rays scattering upon her back as she pulled herself from the earth. Jinxx, Alpine, and Themisto all had their own special way of easing her sorrows when she was in their presence. Though whenever they were torn from her grasp the delicate she wolf would feel her oceans of misery swallow her back up. It was a constant trial, gaining two steps towards normalcy but having to go back three whenever she was alone. It seemed like such a losing battle to the girl, it was a wonder she had not given up yet. Alpine had said there would be more to live for, she had to believe him and she had to keep fighting. So Twig would find herself walking the territory, her footsteps slow but deliberate. She needed the company of her moon and sun. Her thoughts would linger on Themisto and Alpine as she swayed through the grasses, her mind so preoccupied she would not see Vahva only yards away from her.?


04-03-2014, 07:01 PM

Quote:Someone had to thank the gods for her, her life, everything. Even with how fucked up it had been there could be worse and she would not wish it upon anyone. A sigh escaped her lips as she turned her head, startled by the appearance of another woman. Giving out a slight bark Vahva rolled backwards landing a few feet away. Panting with heavy breathing, the woman raised her head to look who it was. She didn't know this wolf, then again she really hadn't gotten to know any of the pack members. Most probably thought of her as a corner dweller now. She was beginning to feel like she was her mothers sister the ghost who would slip in and out of peoples lives so easily. The woman stood, she had not heard of Twig's recent becomings, nor did she even know her name it wouldn't surprise her if Twig knew hers.
"I apologize, I should be more careful where I lay." she said in a polite tone. Flicking her torn right ear, the way she was standing her scars stood out in the sunlight. Her arm ached with the reminder of Isardis' jaws clenching onto the skin. How pitiful the looks she had received. Why now did she have worries about it when back then she thought of nothing. Vahva sighed, red eyes gleaming gently as she sat down the blue maned woman looking at Twig.


Twig I


04-05-2014, 09:16 PM
The girl's dark covered paws would continue onward as her lonesome form traversed the plains. She would become suddenly startled at the sound of a bark, from seemingly out of nowhere. The woman would roll backwards, as she did that Twig would leap back. She had been much more jumpy since being attacked, and relaxation would become hard to come by. However not paying attention, she seemed to be very good at that. Her eyes would narrow as she peered at the wolfess, she had not met this woman. Though it was certainly no surprise, she kept to herself mostly. She had just a few friends within the pack, but she was not upset about such matters. There were a lot of wolves in the Valhallan pack, she still was not at all comfortable around strangers. The woman would apologize, ready to take blame for their encounter. "Maybe, but it's more likely I'm just not paying attention." she would say sadly as her demeanor returned from her alerted state. Her head would turn as she looked away, ready to be onwards and to go back to her lonely sorrow. She had no idea of this woman's name nor her story, but she would be glad to keep walking along by herself. Not willing to intrude on the woman's peace.?