




Expert Fighter (135)

Expert Hunter (171)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
10-15-2023, 11:21 PM

He had been away from home for a long time… and longer still after he ran into Dagrun. Alexander had needed to process his feelings about what had happened. To accept that when he came home his mother might not be there, that she needed help from the Hallows, and that his father was dead. It had been a blow to the normally happy go lucky man, and even his energy had faltered. He cried, missing his father, taking the time he needed alongside his companion. But finally, more than halfway through the summer season, he had felt ready to return home and help his little sister until their mom came home. Keeneye led the way to the border… and Alexander would stop where he saw the pelt of the man who had stolen his father hung up. His gaze narrowed, and he gave a small nod. Justice had been served. He was sure his mother would have made sure it was as painful as she could have. Tilting his head back, Alex called for his sister. He was home at last.

"Speech" 'Thought.'
Alexander has two companions - an American badger and a sharp-shinned hawk. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
10-17-2023, 01:16 PM
Since Haydée had taken over as Leader of Ethne, the girl has been inundated with a seemingly endless stream of tasks. Between touring Boreas, seeking Gavroche II, and making sure that Bellamy had the medical treatment she needs, the young girl has barely had time to keep her head on straight. When she was in the north, she had visited Avalon in the hopes of bringing the news of their father’s death to her brother, Alexander, in person but had found out that he was no longer there. Worry for her missing sibling has followed her but, with the pack needing so much of her attention, Hay has had no time to go out and search of him.

In her den behind the waterfall, the girl sorts various books, gently placing them on the wooden shelves that Bay had lovingly made for her, when a call reaches her ears. Head swivels around in shock and the girl immediately drops all of the books that are in her arms so that she can quickly, race to the summons. Excitement, worry, and hope flare to life like a series of supernovas, warming her chest and burning through her body. It has been months since Haydée has seen her brother but, as his form appears through the trees, she knows he is home.

Haydée does not stop, or even slow, as she barrels toward her much taller brother, tears suddenly biting at her emerald eyes as she streaks toward him. Without a word, she slams into him, rocking them both as she huddles into his chest and allows the tears to quietly fall. With the pelt of their father’s murderer watching over them, the girl hugs Alex with everything she has, wishing that she never had to let him go. Soft voice wobbly says, “You’re home. Alex… you’re home.” The tears flow freely.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.



Expert Fighter (135)

Expert Hunter (171)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
11-25-2023, 10:36 PM

His sister comes, and as he sees her a twinge of guilt fills his chest. Tears prick at his eyes and the young male braces himself for his sister’s embrace. Once she slams into him Alex is quick to wrap a foreleg around her, cooing softly as she curls close to him and cries. “Course I am.” He holds her close, and, just like Hay, does not wish to let his smaller sibling go. Had she gone looking for him? Surely their mother would have told her about their arrangement with Corbie… but… “I’m sorry if I worried you.” Alex apologies, lowering his rear to the earth as he holds her and rocks her back and forth.

“When mom never came to get me I figured something was wrong. I just… I got lost... I ran into Dagrun though. She… she told me what happened.” His ears fell and he closed his eyes. “I took some time, selfishly… I’m sorry… I wanted to make sure that when I came home to stand by your side I would be able to support you. Just like when we did stuff when we were little. But… better.” He pulled back now, brushing away her tears with his nose. “So no more tears, okay? I’m home, and we’re going to keep Ethne going stronger than ever. Mom is going to be so proud of you, Hay.” He offers her a warm, reassuring smile.

“...and dad would be too. If anyone can do this, it's you.” His words are a promise.

"Speech," 'Thought.'

Alexander has two companions - an American badger and a sharp-shinned hawk. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.


"I'll Rise Up"


Master Fighter (320)

Master Intellectual (305)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

3 Years
Extra small

ScarredDouble MasterRapid Poster - SilverSamhain 2022
12-04-2023, 07:44 PM
The family has slowly been returning home as the Kedieo’s once more are uniting under the banner of Ethne. Joy, relief, and an overwhelming sense of melancholy all bombard the girl as she slams into her brother, short legs wrapping around his chest as she anchors herself to Alex and the fact that is finally home. Haydée had tried to find him but she had been late, arriving at Avalon after he had already departed and her search had ultimately proved to be fruitless. Yet, in spite of all that, he had found his way home.

Not that Hay didn’t believe him capable of doing it but because the girl had wondered if he had stayed away because he had felt abandoned. His apology has her gently shaking her head, which, with her face buried in the fur on his chest, just ends up smearing her tears all over him. As Alex explains, her hold tightens on him regret swelling in her chest as she realizes that her brother had not known about what happened to their father or… anything. A sob is ripped from her throat, at his praise and his faith in her even when she has failed him at every turn.

After he finishes talking, she simply holds him, allowing the tears to fall and the grief that they share to unite them. It is a long while before her grip is released and she takes a step back so that she can look up into his emerald eyes. Tears still cling the edges but they have stopped falling and she gently reaches out to lift one of his large paws with her own and place her other one over top. A sad sigh fills the space between them as Haydée says, “I am so sorry Alex. After what happened to dad… we all got lost in our own worlds of grief. I didn’t know that you were in Avalon and had no idea about the situation until I took over for mom.”

Leaning down, she gently presses a kiss into the top of his big paw, a show of affection and gratitude that he has returned before releasing her hold. With a wave of her paw, Haydée ushers him in, saying, “Follow me, brother. There is so much that you need to know and so much that I want to hear about!” A bright smile is on her lips that crinkles her damp cheeks as she moves to lead him toward the falls.

"Haydée Kedieo"

"Love all, trust a few, do wrong to none.”
Haydée has a male northern cardinal named Chanson and a female fossa named Manon. They are always close by.



Expert Fighter (135)

Expert Hunter (171)

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
12-23-2023, 09:48 PM
Haydee apologized… but Alexander shook his head. “No one needs to apologize, sis… especially you or mom. I… I should have realized something was up when Mom didn't come for me. But it is not the fault of anyone in Ethne.” Alex is firm on this. He shoots a glare at the hide. The one who broke his family was gone, a warning that the pack would retaliate to any who struck against their own. He found it fitting. But now is not the time for anger. He moves into their home, moving alongside Haydee as a smile returns to him. No more sadness. He is here to help heal and be healed. “Yeah you do! I bet Corbin and Rocky would have loved Avalon you know, they keep so many sheep! It's awesome.” He moved with a pep in his step now. “You should’ve seen the spike elk I took down too! They're the young bulls - kind of like yearlings. He was strong, and gave me a run for my money. But we Kedieo’s are a stubborn bunch.” He winked, gaze and voice softening. “We don't give in, no matter what.” A reminder for her. Their family was hurt, but they would never be truly broken.
Alexander has two companions - an American badger and a sharp-shinned hawk. Unless otherwise mentioned IC, assume that they are close by.

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