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Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

2 Years
Extra large
10-16-2023, 05:31 PM

Tate had been... lazy, and bored. The best combination obviously. He wasn't really doing his part for this 'new' pack they had joined and he was getting away with it! Or, at least for now. Though as that stir crazy brain went on he was thinking a hunt more for sport than food. Though maybe he could show off a little if he got something big or cool. Classic Tate.

He made his way up the mountain ridges of the maw and as he went further and further up the cliffs did he start to regret his decisions. It was freezing! The high cliffs hosted a strong breeze and the dormant snow was blistering into his face. The thought that he could slip off the mountain and fall into the snows beneath to never be found again... That was not even a thought in his mind. He stubbornly kept his paws moving forward.

Soon he would spot a couple sparse dall sheep ahead of him, the winds giving him the advantage from his scent and sounds because he certainly wasn't the most seasoned hunter. At all. He did stop in his tracks to think of a hunting plan. At least he was using his head in one way.




Expert Fighter (205)

Advanced Hunter (90)

4 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

Critical Fail!1K
10-27-2023, 02:06 AM

The Maw had been feeling more and more like home with each passing day. No longer was she a lost, traveling warrior in training. No longer was she alone. She was with what felt like her own kind. Similar in spirit, body, and mind. Same values. While she missed her Imperialis & Regni family, they had scattered to the four winds and she had no clue where any of them were. With the exception of Ulmaria, of course.

The young woman climbed toward the top of the mountain, her ravens flying overhead on silent wings. She shivered against the cold, deciding then that she really needed to get something to help with the cold. She had yet to explore all of these cliffs and crags, but she knew enough of the worn trails and where the more precarious drops were, especially with the help of her ravens.

As she crested the ridge, she could hear and smell prey nearby. But that wasn't all. She spotted a splash of red among the rocks and snow, and the scent coming toward her told her it was a pack member. Not one she had met, but she had yet to meet everyone here. She approached the near-yearling. "Would you like to hunt?"




Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Hunter (0)

2 Years
Extra large
12-22-2023, 08:39 PM
Hotate didn’t know there was another pack traveler behind his paws. It wasn’t their intention, he wouldn’t really care either way. A shrewd look towards the woman, or maybe that was just his face. His gaze moved back towards the trails ahead. ”Only if you’re the one helping me.” Too confident, and he’d probably pay for those words later if not now. It was all mostly a charade. But maybe expected for a young angsty boy like himself. To him he was just being him, to others probably very rude. Probably nothing could change that course of his everyday action. But right now… yeah he’d need help tracking the sheep nearby. And quietly.



Expert Fighter (205)

Advanced Hunter (90)

4 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

Critical Fail!1K
01-05-2024, 11:33 PM (This post was last modified: 04-10-2024, 07:36 PM by Brida. Edited 1 time in total.)

Her gaze narrowed at the boys words, but soon her lips turned up into a grin. He was cheeky, she'd give him that. Young still, and even just that small interaction and single sentence, he reminded her of...well...her when she was that age. She was still that way in some shape and form. Her whole family was. And it never deterred her. "Let's get to it then, boy." She didn't know his name. so for now he was boy. No offense to be made, no particular time for pleasantries, and he didn't seem the type. Neither was she for the most part. He wanted sheep? She'd help him get sheep. She motioned for him to lead (or follow her, she wasn't gonna slow down), as she scented the wind and sent her birds to scout ahead. She checked the ground for tracks, and sure enough, she had found them. Pausing, she looked to him for a moment, and figured he wasn't the type to say much. Honestly, fine by her!

Going on ahead, she carefully picked her way over worn paths, ears swiveling to catch the sounds around her as she stalked quietly along. The snow helped to hide her blue fur better than it probably hid the red marked boy, but with or without his help, she was determined to get one of those sheep. Her ravens would help of course, they were good at heckling and harassing others.

Careful with where she placed her paws, Brida drew closer to the sheep as they steadily made their way down the ridge. Alot of her stalking was stop and go, mostly when they looked her way or when a particularly strong gust of wind threatened to unbalance her. She was certain that if she lost her balance, she'd go tumbling down the cliffs, and that was not a fate she wanted to meet.

Finally, she was closer now. Almost within striking distance. The pair of Dall sheep had dropped down to a small flat plateau. Could she be any luckier? She worked her way a little more, motioning for her ravens to start their heckling. The pair dove at the sheep, cawing and harassing them, doing their best to get them closer beneath the ridge where Brida was. Annoyed, the sheep turned away from the ravens and did what she had hoped! They turned around to try and escape the ravens, hurrying toward the shelter of the ridge. That's when she struck. Like a mountain lion, Brida pounced from her perch above straight onto the back of one of the sheep, her weight bringing it to the ground in one fell swoop. Alarmed, the other sheep managed to get away, but the one Brida had wouldn't be so lucky. It took a few moments for it to get back to its feet, but by then, Brida was already lunging for its throat. Heavy paws held onto its neck, her claws digging in while her jaws wrapped around the base of its neck just behind the head. With her weight and the force of her bite, it took very little time for the sheep to succumb to the dire wolf. Now that she had her prize...all she had to do was take it down the mountain and back to her den so she could butcher it. But that was going to be a whole other task now..


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1. Pay Up Fenrir's Maw 05:31 PM, 10-16-2023 09:28 AM, 05-05-2024