
If we ever meet again



04-02-2014, 02:58 PM

Despite the impossibility of the task, the alabaster brute had done all he could to not think of the strange female who had thrown a fire into his life. The season had changed and brought with it the taste of autumn, and trees once rich with life let go of themselves and within the wind whirled leaves of fading colour against his coat. It had been hard against the gentle whirlwind not to think of that strange fae now that her season was over. It was the strangest mixture of feelings within his chest that answered to his thoughts; No longer would she be on heat, no longer would that terrible, delightful intoxication enrich and confuse his senses should they meet again.

He had no control over his paws, his mind did not register which way they turned and headed, only that gait would quicken and he would feel that shortness of breath again, that twinge of pain from his slowly mending ribs, that burst of black dots that would scour across his eye sight from the blow he had taken to his head. He forced himself to slow, unsure why he had felt the sudden need, the hurry that hummed within his veins. He had to stop a moment to catch his breath before he could continue at a walk. He was already breaking into the scene as he realised where he had come to. Eyebrows would lift in astonishment as the rapids would come into view. He stopped by the edge of the bank and looked into the quickly moving surface wondering what had possessed him to return here. He had not touched this territory since he had parted from that wolf who he came now unbidden into memory. He looked into the rapids, but it was no longer the surface that he saw, instead a silver black shimmer would take a hold of his thoughts, eyes like cold stone that burned with the intensity of her being. He blinked rapidly, and the image was gone. He would take a breath and the sigh would emit from his jaws as he closed his eyes, fighting back the wave of nausea and started from his head injury and bloomed outwards from there.



04-03-2014, 09:58 AM

What about your soul, is it cold?
An intense vigor would coil within her limbs, her frigid stare narrowed, her charcoal audits pinned, and her breaths short and shallow as she sluggishly stalked through the brush. Her azure gaze was sealed on her target- a buck she had managed to pursue until she had finally come within striking distance. A smirk would crease her lips as she drew nearer, the bucks head dropped to the earth as he grazed, completely unaware of her presence. She would avoid any leaves or sticks that could reveal her position, weaving through the brush with a deadly silence. Yards turned into feet, and feet into a foot. She would freeze, the mammals head rising as a breeze began to pick up, swaying the fine hairs along her pelt. Suddenly it's nostrils would flare, an indication that it had just detected her and was processing a predator. Competent muscles tensed beneath her weight as she coiled all her strength into her back limbs, and she would abruptly spring forward, lunging off her back legs and straight toward her victim. Her forelimbs were extended forward and her claws were unsheathed as she aimed to grasp his rump and bite onto his spine. Her eyes would clench shut as she prepared for impact, her lips curled and her jaws unhinged as she went for a lethal bite.


It all had happened so quickly it was hard to comprehend. Lids would suddenly slide open, her battered body jolting awake as she attempted to rise into a sitting position. Her head throbbed with pain, her vision was impaired, her lungs burned, and her nostrils quivered as the smell of her own blood engulfed her lungs. With a pained expression she would come crashing back toward the earth, her muscles quivering beneath her as she laid on her side. The world felt like it was spinning, black dots shot across her vision, and her eyes felt helpless beneath the suns golden glare. She would turn her gaze toward the forestry, expecting to see the buck frantically escaping into the forest - but when she saw nothing she would become more confused. How long had she been here, how long had she been out? A low whimper would bubble from her lips as she attempted to move again, but her body would protest with agonizing pain, causing her to lay back down defeated. Her lips would crease as she let out a long and pained howl for anyone in the area who may be able to help her. She was not too far from Glaciem here, and she hoped Eris or another member in Glaciem would heed her summons. With an anguished grunt she would rest her head gingerly against the earth, the pain beginning to subside as she drifted between consciousness and the unknown.

Is it straight from the mold and ready to be sold?



04-03-2014, 01:55 PM

The silence of his revere was torn asunder as the drawn howl of pain cut precedence against his thoughts, and the brute?s head would shoot upwards as cloudy azure eyes would return to focus. His nose would touch the air and within the swirls of the wind he could taste desperation and pain. He was gone from the shores of the water in an instant and plunging into the forests depths. For a frantic moment as the howl died down to silence he thought he would fail to find it caller. His eyes blurring with pain at his frantic movements, each misplaced step a jolt against his head and the still semi-fresh injury boosted there.

The scent of blood would be her saviour as he copper taste would flood his mouth and senses and he realised he was near. The scent of the wolf a musky fragrance filled with familiarities even as it was wildly different. For the oddest moment a smirk would grace his features so that?s what you smell like out of heat was the thought that for a moment took his sanity but it was fleeting and the panic would take told again within his thoughts as he plunged forward in a careless gait and come tearing down into the scene. Again, with the effect of anything more than a power walk his vision would swim and dark spots would float merrily against his vision as he blinked rapidly in frustration to clear them. Short moments would slip him by before he could see her form against the earth.

The limp outline of her form would worry him, and the spots of blood against her lips where crusty telling him she had been in this pain for some time. His breath would catch in sympathy and worry as he approached her with the caution of one nearing a wild animal. He still knew very, very little of medical herbs, but at least now he held a basic, if somewhat tiny knowledge of what to use to heal. He would shorten his steps the closer he got to her, approaching by her head as his nostrils flared, trying to catch an extend of her injuries, he wasn?t sure but thought that she was barely conscious if even that and he lowered himself by her muzzle, looking her over with concerned and weary eyes. He wasn?t even half a healer and expected she needed better then he, but it appeared that the luck had once again thrown her with him and once again she would have to contend with what he could give her. He would heave a sigh and move past her to examine her side. His biggest fear here was internal injuries, he was well out of his depths. He did his best to assess the injuries, he could see that she had been trampled upon and assumed broke ribs, the blood from her mouth definitely frightened him. He would give her a soothing lick upon the check before darting off into the forest again. He wouldn?t be gone long and upon his return he would have a pain relieving herb in his maw, to which he would attempt to place on the tip of her tongue, willing her to swallow it.


04-08-2014, 01:12 PM

What about your soul, is it cold?
She is unconscious by the time he reaches her, and it is not until her muscles tensed from his lick that she would awake. Groggily her eyelids would lift, and she would make out a faint white figure bounding off into the forest. Her nostrils would quiver and she would blink again, and it was completely gone. Was this a figment of her imagination, an allusion due to her injury? Or had she really just seen someone bounding away from her? She would groan as she closed her eyes again, hoping that whoever found her hadn't thought she was dead and left. "Just my luck..."

A few minutes would pass before the pounding of paw steps would spill into her ears, and her head would idly raise as she set her frigid stare on the stranger- only, this wasn't a stranger, and it wasn't a member of Glaciem either like she had hoped. "Al....Alpine?" She would mutter bewilderingly as he approached, and she would recoil her head backwards as he attempted to place a herb in her mouth. Not only did she not want their lips to touch, but she wasn't about to start shoving plants in her mouth that he had brought her. How did she know he wasn't here to finish the job, or drag her back to Valhalla for some injustice trial? Her ears would pin and her expression would grow inhospitable, the natural gleam in her eyes long gone as she glared at him. What in the hell was he doing here?

Is it straight from the mold and ready to be sold?



04-08-2014, 03:21 PM

Before the herbs could touch her lips she awoken, he could see her eyes blinked slowly open and the confusion that clouded her pretty blue orbs. His name would be upon her lips and he would be grateful that if nothing else, her brain hadn't been injured by whatever had trampled her. His relief would be short lived as she recoiled from him, refusing the herbs he wished to give her and in her eyes he could see... mistrust. His heart coiled painfully inside of him and and his head seemed to respond as it burned with a fresh wave of pain. He had to stop a moment, roll back on his hunches and take a deep breath to clear his head. When he held sanity again he would look back at her venomous expression he pushed past his sadness, and the feeling of something lost, knowing he could not afford to hold this. Alpine's foremost need her was to save her life.

?I.. yes, its me, and I would never hurt you... do you want something for the pain?? he would ask her, nodding his eyes towards the herb in his mouth as he placed it on the ground near her, she could decide for herself if she wanted it or not. ?The other thing I wanted to give you helps clot blood and could slow the internal bleeding, would you take that? Or do you enjoy bleeding to death?? He barely kept the sarcasm out of his tone as he placed another herb next to her. He would sit on his hunches now and force himself to think again. He closed his eyes, struggling with another wave of pain that would start from his head and wave down his body. He would sigh and open his eyes again. ?I would also help you get to a better place to recover? He told her, but fraised it almost like a question as through expecting her to refuse. If she truly distrusted him that much... well, he would probably just ruin everything a step further and force his help upon her. There was not a single part of his soul that would allow him to leave her here alone like this.



04-11-2014, 01:56 PM

He would recline onto his haunches with a heavy sigh, and her ears would fold atop her skull as she glanced away from him, unsure what to do. He would sit there for a moment before turning his gaze back toward her, her hackles raising a bit as he began to speak as she was expecting something foul right back. She would remain silent throughout his little speech, her frigid stare trailing his movements as he set down the herbs before her, explaining them both with a hint of sarcasm. Of course she did not "like" bleeding to death; not that she actually was or anything. When he mentioned moving to a sanctuary of some sort her lip would curl slightly, revealing the whitened tips of her canines as she glared daggers at him. "I am fine Alpine. I do not need your herbs nor your help." She would huff, her tail flicking out in irritation as she attempted to lift herself up and literally show him.

Her front limbs uncoil as she attempted to sprawl out onto her belly, a pained moan seeping through her clenched lips as she battled the agony with perseverance. Her thighs would press against her sides, and she would begin to lift herself upward using her font limbs, and instantly they would quiver beneath her weight. She would begin to rise farther off the earth, her chest lifting as she forced herself onto her haunches. Her legs would tremble beneath her as she held herself up, her tail coiling against her bodice as she stared at him with cold, narrowed eyes. She would deliever a silent message along the lines of "see, I don't need your help" before her weak gaze would drift away from his stare. She would remain sitting up despite the immense pain she felt in her legs, side, and head. She had to prove a point.




04-11-2014, 05:54 PM

He watched her expression carefully, looking for any sign of pain or need, for signs of mistrust and anger, anything to display what was going on within that mind of hers. What he saw did not give much light to the hope he was harbouring. She bared her teeth at him, her eyes an icy fortress that held no weakness, nor way inside. She pushed aside his offers for herbs and help and his stomach clenched again. He didn't understand where he went wrong, she had seemed so... open to him before, and he had seen something in her that he oddly liked. It was something to do with the fire, the life that she held. Despite the circumstances of their meeting, nor how it had ended he had not thought she would look upon with this anger and mistrust. It was a physical blow to see it in her eyes now and feel like something had been lost. ?Oh.. Liberty? it was a soft sigh, barely audible in his tones as he looked at and tried to hide the feeling of breaking that originated in his chest.

She was moving now, attempting to push herself off the ground, and his sadness would flash to concern and panic in a second as he struggled internally with the desire to rush forward and assist her, and the thought that doing so would drive her further away and cause her to injure herself further. His tail flicked back and forth behind him in agitation as he gritted his teeth and forced himself to remain seated. His large eyes however followed her every movement as she forced herself onto her stomach. He could only imagine the aggravation she made to her wounds with the movements. Eventually she had forced herself to a sitting position as Alpine, struggling, could only watch. ?Is there anything you would let me do?? it would be almost a sigh, cursing himself for his own useless as he watched, he almost debated leaving her and finding another who could help, one who perhaps she did not so obviously hold a grudge towards.

Ooc: Should I exit Alpine and bring in my boy Cru? They would get along I think



04-23-2014, 05:20 PM

He would stare with wide eyes as she struggled to raise herself up, her body trembling in protest against her stubborn desires. She would remain upright for a few more moments, only to realize the pain was increasing with each passing second. Pain flooded her body in waves, drowning out all other emotions but agony. A few more seconds would pass, and she would feel her abdomen tighten as her body cringed. The pain was beginning to grow so intense it was the only thing her mind could process. Enough was enough. Gradually she would begin to slink back toward the earth, her lips creased in frustration as her body defied her commands. "Stay up, stay up! Don't let him see you give up.. Don't!" Silently she would scold herself and slink further, her ears pinning in defeat as the earth met the bottom of her chin. Her azure eyes would harden as she stared at anything but him, tail flicking in irritation as relief began to subdue the aches.

A few minutes of labored breathing would pass before a long drawn out sigh would leave the nymph's lips. Laying here alone would not bring the relief she truly needed, and so she would begin to weigh out her options, her eyes sheepishly glancing up at Alpine who she hoped was still there. Silently she would raise her head, and her neck would tremble as she struggled to bring it up. She would stick her toungue out at him, her eyes clenching shut as she prepared for the awkward lip touch that was soon to come. She could only hope that he would still give them to her despite the little act she had just put on. It was obvious Alpine could see straight through her bitchy exterior- there was no need to give him a show, especially in a condition like this.




04-23-2014, 07:01 PM

God, the feeling of helplessness was monstrous, he fought against himself, to stand up and force his care upon her, struggling not to admit defeat that his presence could only make this worse. Surely leaving her alone was truly worse, and not his presence here. He couldn?t stop the whimper that vibrated in his throat, nor that horror in his large eyes as she likely worsened her injuries by sheer force of willpower as she found her way up. But even so her strength seemed to fail her and despite the protest he could see within her eyes she would find her way to the floor once more, her chin against the earth. She refused to meet eyes with his, and he still could not find and easy solution. If she died from this, if she died because he could not help her? he could never forgive himself.

Then there would be the resignation, he could not call it defeat for in fact it would be her saviour. She still refused to meet his eyes, closing them tightly in fact as through to defy any action he might take to meet her eyes. But then, at last, her tongue would admit from between her jaws, and for a surreal instead he thought that she was mocking him with that action, another minute would pass before realisation would dawn, that she was allowing him to administer the herbs she desperately needed. He would gently pick up the herbs between his gums and drop it lightly against her offered tongue. ?For pain, and for blood clotting to slow the eternal bleeding? he murmured softly to her now, assuring her that there was nothing else placed against her tongue. Although he knew that the pain reliever would make her drowsy and a little numb.



05-07-2014, 11:32 AM

The seconds seemed to drag by as the injured nymph sat in silence, her pink tongue pointing straight toward him, and her cobalt eyes clenched shut as she waited for Alpine to give her the herbs. Finally, after what seemed like a minute or so, she would feel the herbs touch her tongue, and she would taste their earthy flavor as she quickly pulled it back into her mouth. She would roll them around for a moment, her eyes slowly sliding open to gaze upward at Alpine's eyes as she debated on whither to swallow them or not. Her brow would furrow as she forced herself to finally swallow, and she would continue to blankly stare upward at him, her mind running miles an hour although she was silent. He said he had given her a pain reliever and something for clotting, and she could only hope Alpine was a sincere man and truly wished to help her. She was at his mercy.

After a few moments of silent tension she would force herself to look away from him, her head lowering toward the earth as she sprawled out once more. Surly the herbs would not work the second she ingested them, and so she would lay there in silence, the tip of her her tail flicking from left and right as questions spilled into her mind. She wasn't very knowledgeable in the art of healing, but if she remembered right most herbs had side effects, and some of them were deadly. Did these have side effects too? "Alpine, what are the side effects of what you just gave me." She would not ask in a friendly manner, but instead she would almost demand an answer, her tone laced with impatience and irritation. If he had given her something that she was allergic to, or had a bad reaction to, she would murder him.



05-07-2014, 03:22 PM

The poor boy would simply watch as she drew her tongue back in and moved the hers about her mouth. He could see the action of her throat as she swallowed and visibly relaxed as she did so. It ate at him to see her so in pain and the helplessness he had felt had not been a welcome one. With the swallowing of the herbs he knew she was coming some way to getting right again, but she was not there yet. He still wanted to move her somewhere safer, get some water and perhaps a bit of food into her body. He wasn?t certain how long it would take for her to heal, in truth he was far out of his depths here with his meagre training in healing.

Her gaze upon her felt oddly accusative to him, and he would shift slightly where he sat and watched her. His gaze however was openly honest, he would not lie to her, nor would he hold anything back. On top of this her question was a valid one. He struggled to recall everything Friction had told him, and spoke slowly with a farrowed brow as he called it all back to memory. ?The Yarrow I gave you for blood clotting? can be toxic if you take it regularly, and thus it will have to be given to you sparingly as we asses you injuries and healing.. yes, he was certain that was all there was to say about the Yarrow.

He would blush a little here, because there was certainly more to say about the pain reliever. ?What I gave you for pain? its stronger than most, because of your injuries. It?s quite numbing, and.. and its going to numb more than just your pain but your stress and emotions too so you might be.. er.. a little more forward and relaxed and what not? he stumbled with his words knowing for a fact that she was not going to be happy to hear this part. All the same he found himself watching her quizzically. If the drug had started to take effect perhaps she wouldn?t be that mad at him just yet? maybe that would come when it wore off. Or, perhaps the absence of pain would be worth it for her, the boy could only hope.

"Talk" "You" Think


05-08-2014, 12:49 PM

He would seem to shift uncomfortably as her frigid stare glared at him, the tip of her tail flicking impatiently as she waited for his response. "The Yarrow I gave you for blood clotting? can be toxic if you take it regularly, and thus it will have to be given to you sparingly as we asses your injuries and healing.." Yarrow? What in the hell was Yarrow, and where did he get this "deadly" herb from, and why was he shoving it in her mouth!? She would sigh heavily, the realization that she should not have swallowed the herbs setting in ten fold. He's probably trying to make me overdose... She would think to herself as she listened to him talk about the pain reliever, which had worse side effects than the Yarrow. ?What I gave you for pain? its stronger than most, because of your injuries. It?s quite numbing, and.. and its going to numb more than just your pain but your stress and emotions too so you might be.. er.. a little more forward and relaxed and what not? Her head would cock as she blankly stared up at him, her eyes growing wider than usual as she blinked. "If you are lying or have any ill intentions, may the gods help you Alpine." She would grumble, her eyes narrowing as she glared into his baby blue eyes. Though she did not take him as being a devious soul she couldn't let her assumptions calm her- she did not know Alpine very well, and for all she knew he could be a mass murderer who uses poisons to stun his victims. Ever since her kidnapping she has been very weary, even toward those she thought she trusted and knew.

Her head would slowly sink toward the earth as she laid it against the soft soil, her eye lids slipping shut as the pain began to subside. She would lay there in silence as the herbs numbing effect consumed her body, and within a few minutes, she was completely numb. She would attempt to stretch her legs out, but despite her demands her body would remain lifeless, though her brain was running miles an hour. She would glance down toward her chest, her eyes growing wide in astonishment as her breastbone continued to rise and fall despite the fact that she could not feel herself breathing, or her heart beating. This is when she would panic. Fear coursed through the woman as she helplessly tried to open her mouth to speak, but her jaws seemed to be glued together, as she could not open them. Instead she would whine weakly, her cry laced with fear and worry. How long would she have to feel this way, how long until she could feel her body functioning?




05-08-2014, 01:18 PM

Alpine uncomfortable features would remain upon her. He had also left out just out of his depths he was caring for her.. but he just didn't know what else to do. At least once he had her stable and somewhere safe he could find a true healer to tend to her injuries. Really alp didn't know how to do much more then slow the bleeding and take away the pain. Maybe from there it really was just about resting ans recovering... But he just didn't know. She would speak again, once more doubting and disbelieving that his intentions might actually good! "No, because leaving you would have been a kindness.." he grumbled in sarcastic sourness beneath his breath.

He would watch her as she sunk to the ground, sighing with relief and thinking soon it would be best to move her from here. First, he would have to scout the area and find a suitable cave. That was another reason why he had to ensure her stable and safe before he left her side to find one. He would hold back another sigh at the thought of being stuck nursing a wolf he was certain hated him..

She would seem to twitch and panic would take her eyes, and a whine would escape her lips. He would look at her quizzically not understanding what was going on. The herb he had used wouldnt paralyze her body like that.. (through now that he though about it such a herb would have been a good idea here since it would have stopped her from aggravating her injuries) but no, his herb was a pain reliever and might have made her a little... Odd and more talkative perhaps. But paralyze? Definitely not. He had to figure out how he had screwed up and fix it. Then another thought entered his mind what if it was her injuries? What if she couldn't move because he was dying. At this point he was inches away himself from having a full blown panic attack. breath he thought. figure this out could another herb have gotten in the mix? Impossible again, he had held them in his own tounge surely he would have tastes them. He ran he tongue over his fangs, tasting them but he couldn't find a flavour that shouldn't be there.

"I don't know what caused this, its not my herbs but i'll figure this out" he promised her. He felt terrible and relieved that she had no way to protest as he gently pried her lips and placed another herb gently there. This one would put her to sleep. He looked down at her with concerned,worried eyes before gently picking her up by the scruff of her neck. With almost agonizing slow, gentleness he would move her over his back and gently walk with her. He thought he knew where a cave was, and fuck he couldn't leave her alone and scout now. He was lucky, he entered the cave and placed her gently on the mossiest most comfortable spot he could find before slipping out. He was gone for a while but when he returned he dragged an animal skin filled with water and a small rabbit drapped over his back. He left them near her and settled down to wait. Constantly checking her breathing and heart rate.. if she couldn't move when she awoke he would be forced to find a healer.



05-08-2014, 03:32 PM

She would hear him mutter something beneath his breath, and she would shoot him a cold glare before resting her head on the earth. As her body numbed she would grow fearsome of her future, and as she whined Alpine would look at her with confusion, as if he was oblivious to what was going on. Her eyes would plead for assistance as she lay lifelessly before him, and as he drew closer a low growl would bubble from within the mistress. "I don't know what caused this, its not my herbs but i'll figure this out" He would mumble before attempting to open her clenched jaws. She would be forced to lay still as he pried her mouth open, the unfamiliar taste of an earthy herb spreading throughout her mouth. She would reject it to the best of her ability, but despite her efforts it would slide down her throat with ease, and within minutes her world would begin to fade. Her surroundings would begin to shrink as her vision tunneled, and she would clench her eyes shut when the spinning took over. The moment her eyelids slipped closed she would be ripped from consciousness and thrown into a very dark abyss.

-Three Hours Pass-

Hours would pass before the nymph would gather enough strength to regain consciousness, dark accented lids flashing open as she gasped, inhaling the air as if this was her first breath. Azure hued eyes would immediately fall upon Alpine, who seemed to be the only familiar thing in this unfamiliar place. "Alpine.. Wha... What am I doing here?" She would ask, her tone laced with concern and confusion. She did not have any memory of her hunt, their spat, or the herbs he had given her hours before. She was completely clueless.




05-08-2014, 04:01 PM

Time would pass, and the boy would fight to keep his worry at bay. Her breathing continued to remain regular and her heartbeat steady. Despite her injuries she seemed to be doing just fine, but the fact that she made no sounds, no utters of pain or otherwise in her sleep wasn?t necessarily a good thing. He seriously hoped whatever had caused the paralyze had worn off before she could awaken. The scent of food wafted towards him, but he ignored the aroma and moved once more to the mouth of the cave to look out into the world beyond. A lot of the day had gone by now, and it had been bathed in worry and stress.

Azure eyes would finally blink open once more and lock upon him. He returned her gaze, looking into them for any sign of pain or anger. He was surprised that only confusion really seemed to be there. Her voice would reach out and touch him, asking what had happened. He would blink in surprise, had he really fucked up so truly that she had even lost her memory of the incident? Or had that been caused by the accident and blow to the head? ?You got trampled by something; I think a deer or something that you had been hunting. I?m not entirely sure, but I found you and I?ve cleaned your wounds. There?s food and water here if you need? he said, nodding his head to the cleaned carcass that carried the water, and the fresh rabbit nearby her, kept enough apart as to not contaminate the water.

His brow would furrow as he thought, did she forget also about the paralyzing? Should he mention it now? Perhaps he could escape the anger that could have brought upon him, or perhaps he ought to tell her in case it had been caused by something else entirely and happened again. He shrugged it of for now and asked instead ?How are you feeling??


05-08-2014, 04:56 PM (This post was last modified: 05-08-2014, 04:57 PM by Liberty.)

?You got trampled by something; I think a deer or something that you had been hunting. I?m not entirely sure, but I found you and I've cleaned your wounds. There?s food and water here if you need? Her head would cock toward the right in confusion, her bewilderment showing clearly in her azure eyes. She had been hunting and had been trampled on... alright, that seemed to check out. She didn't doubt she had been hunting and something had gone wrong, she had been having a streak of bad luck lately, but what she did doubt was his kindness due to the ending of their last meeting. She had abruptly put it to an end, walking away with a quick sentence and a flick of her tail. Why would he want to help her anyway? When he mentioned food and water her tongue would slip from between her lips to caress them. Dry blood and spit had crusted up, and she would quickly shift to move toward the water, feeling embarrassed that he had seen her like this for this long. Slowly she would lap up water, her audits turned toward him so that she could track his movements. Once her thirst had been quenched she would lick her lips again to find them completely free of blemishes aside from the cuts the blood had seeped from.

?How are you feeling?? His words would draw her cerulean eyes toward him, her brow raising as she shifted to sit upwards and on her haunches. It would take her a few moments to do so, as she was still very sore but at least could move now. "I'm really sore, but I can manage." She would respond before reaching out toward the rabbit with her right fore paw, grasping it with her claws as she pulled it back to her to munch on. She would gnaw on the abdomen for a minute, peeling flesh away from bone as she ate enough to subdued her hunger, but not fill her stomach completely. Licking the blood from her lips she would glance toward him again, her azure eyes soft and sincere as she gazed into his eyes. "Thank you Alpine... but you didn't need to do this." She would thank him, but add her own way to twist her thank you so that she made it clear she was not in his debt. Surly she could have rescued herself from whatever trouble she had been in, he hadn't been required to drag her into a cave and nurse her back to health.




05-14-2014, 02:35 PM

It was another relief to see her digging into the food and water. He felt like it had been touch and go for a moment, with her refusal to be aided by him first, and then the paralyzes later. Finally it seemed that things were going right here and he let out a breath and took in another with a soft feeling of relief pouring into his stomach. He still wasn?t certain how long it would take her injuries to fully heal, but he was sure he could already see a difference in her ? or perhaps the pain herbs still held a lingering touch in her system.

A soft smile would touch his lips as her words went from thank you to something a kin to ?you shouldn?t have bothered anyway? he didn?t mind too much what she thought of him, and didn?t want to get in the way of her pride. Really all that mattered to him was that she would be ok, that she would live. He inclined his head gently to her, shuffling his rump against the earth as he tried to find a more comfortable position. He wasn?t really sure what to say now? ?Do you need anything else?? He would ask gently, doubting she would want any more from him but unable to stop himself for trying to help that little more.



05-21-2014, 11:14 AM

He would shift his position before gently asking ?Do you need anything else??, and Liberty would fall silent for a moment, deciding whither to run him off now or not. She certainly did not need his help anymore, within an hour or so she would feel well enough to travel back to Glaciem herself. Though, she honestly wouldn't mind the mans company for a bit longer, as she didn't feel as uptight as she usually did right now. (effect from the herbs) A composed sigh would seep from her cracked ebony lips, and she would gaze up at Alpine for a moment before responding. "I think I'll be fine to go home in an hour or so. I don't necessarily need anything, but your company would be... tolerable." She would not give him any hints that she secretly wanted him to stay longer, instead making it seem like he had the option to stick around but it didn't matter either way. She would wait eagerly for his response, hoping he would chose to stay until she was well enough to go home. She didn't want to sit in this cave alone.
