
So no one told you life was ganna be this way

For Delphi



Beginner Healer (0)

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2 Years
10-21-2023, 12:59 PM
Moira was on her first adventure, her fur warmed in the sun. Like it was blessing her very existence as she walked, It was only the heat of the sun that kept her warm as she walked. The crisp winter air burned through her lungs, as she could see her breath with each exhale. It was strangely beautiful if not slightly annoying to her. She preferred the warmth. Her body shivered the Farther north she went. Her muscles strained as she pushed through the long travels.

She thought back to her parents, and how they’d likely be cuddling up in side their farmhouse. Wondering where their little princess was and if she was okay. And it gave her a small sickeningly happy feeling to know they were thinking about her. That they’d continue wondering if she was still alive. She knew her parents would spend every day wondering about where she was. That she would always be able to return home if she decided to and there would be no anger only relief and more doting love.

Her paw pads had dried out on this walk and they ached with every step she took. Hissing in displeasure she stopped walking long enough to examine her raw paw pads. She needed to find a place to rest for a bit. If she kept on like this then she’d never see the world. Of that the girl was certain. Looking around she was lost. She didn’t know where to go to find help, she knew no one outside of her parents and their few neighbors. She was beginning to debate if she should have ever left her little life of comfort.

How she could be home laying in bed as she was waited on hand and foot by her parents. So she’d never have to step on the cold floor. She did miss that. But she desperately wanted to see the world. To find herself as she did that. She pushed onward. She was no Coward. She wouldn’t run back home to mommy and daddy. She was going to see this through to the end.

She found herself on a small mountain pass, the little stones dug into her already brittle pads and she fought back a string of curse words as she walked. Each step worse than the last. She didn’t realize when she began walking uphill, or well, up mountain to be exact. But her legs screamed and her paws ached. We was about to step again when she slipped on a patch of ice she hadn’t been expecting. Her legs wiped out beneath her and she hit the ground with an audible umph.

“are you fucking kidding me?” She groaned from the ground. Her body now covered in wet snow, that sent her body shaking with shivers, her side screamed in protest as she moved around. And her paws were bleeding. “Just my damn luck” she shook her head trying to push herself back up.



Master Healer (285)

Master Fighter (350)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Extra small

Rapid Poster - GoldWordyUnderachieverCritical Fail!
10-21-2023, 03:14 PM

Fenrir's Maw. A wonderfully disastrous place to live. One minute you're admiring the far-off view from atop a cliff and the next you're being snowed on and almost dying from hypothermia. Delphi understood for many reasons why Vidarr had claimed the mountain as their home, but she would still argue the fact that her being this tiny made it nearly impossible to stay warm. Which, frankly, was why she had been wearing the wolverine pelt as a cloak. Thankfully wolverines were about her size which made it more convenient as she draped the fur and hide over her small stature.

The only reason she was venturing out of the tunnels of Fenrir's Maw that day was to go see if the neighboring pack had any herbs to offer. With Vidarr befriending Elysium and Valta, Delphi had taken advantage of this said friendship and utilized it. Plus she knew Asla personally which was... nice in an odd way considering the first time they'd met, Asla had also physically punished her for trespassing. But that was neither here nor there as she had important business to attend to!

Moving slowly through what felt like deep snow (it was deep for Delphi, okay), she made progress down the thin trails toward the base of Fenrir's Maw. Focused on not slipping and falling off the edge, she didn't notice the other girl until she was practically on top of her. What with the wind whipping around and the wet snow-dampening scents, it was easy to go unnoticed.

Halting in her tracks, Delphi stared wide-eyed at the girl. "Hej!" Her Swedish was getting better by the week and it was apparent as she exclaimed with a quick bark followed with it. Clearly, whoever this girl was, was not a part of Heidinn. "Who're you?" Delphi snaps as her ears flatten and she glares through narrowed eyes at the girl.



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Navigator (0)

2 Years
10-22-2023, 02:43 PM
Moira was freezing down to her bones, it was safe to say the sun coated girl was NOT a fan of the winter season at all. She hadn’t even noticed the arrival of the other girl until she was practically on top of her and rudely asking who she was instead of helping her up. Looking up at the girl of two tones, she glared right back. “Moira, My name is Moira” she huffed out as she again tried to stand back up. Slipping as she did so, she looked like a newborn fawn trying to lean to stand on its own. Her legs trembled and shook as they tried to adjust to the ice below them. She took a small step forward, only to find herself slipping again, as she fumbled trying to keep herself up right in front of the stranger. She only succeeded in delaying the inevitable…

Crashing back down on the ground she grumbled out a string of vulgarities. She laid in her embarrassment for a moment before she glanced back up at the girl. “Who are you?”, SHe felt anything but embarrassed, knowing her fur was wet, clung to her frame, dirty. And her body was wracked with shivers both of pain and cold. Her paws burned where they'd been sliced open.And yet the girl had yet to offer any help. “And are you going to keep glaring at me, or are you going to offer me your hand and help me off this ice?” She snipped at the girl.

Moira was unaccustomed to having to ask for such help. If she’d been home, her parents would have rushed to her side, helped her up off the ground and fawned over her injuries. But yet this girl just stood there, glaring at her like she’d grown to heads and done something to offend her.



Master Healer (285)

Master Fighter (350)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Extra small

Rapid Poster - GoldWordyUnderachieverCritical Fail!
11-08-2023, 12:03 PM

Delphi watched with a narrowed gaze and apprehensive expression. Random wolves didn't just appear on the mountain for no reason. A huff blows from her nose as the girl introduces herself as Moira and tries to stand once more. She can't help but raise a brow and stifle a laugh. Had this Moira girl never walked in the snow before?

In the next moment, the Moira girl is cussing up a storm and Delphi can't not laugh at this point. Taking a step back as the giggles left her lip, she raised a paw to try and stifle it. She hardly heard Moira ask who she was through her fit of giggles. It isn't until Moira is snapping at her about helping her does Delphi calms her laughter and go back to glaring at her. The switch in emotion is quick as a whip.

"What makes you think I should help you?" Delphi lifts her lips in the form of a sneer. "You are trespassing in Heidinn lands and therefore, I should leave you here to perish for such a foolish mistake," she smirks as she lowers her head closer to Moira who still lay upon the ground. "But you're lucky you came across me. I'll take pity on your poor soul." Delphi finally extends a paw toward Moira to help the girl rise to her paws.



Beginner Healer (0)

Beginner Navigator (0)

2 Years
01-05-2024, 06:30 PM
Moira was growing more and more frustrated by the girl's actions. Laughing at her as she stumbled like a newborn calf. It wasn’t her fault she’d never had to do this before. Her parents were more than happy to let her stay nice and warm inside their home. And when the girl heard her snarky tone she glared at Moira. Which only made the spoiled brat glare back more.

“Because I clearly have no clue where I am, or how to navigate this area” she bit out. She had little to now knowledge on border rules it would seem. Her parents were more than willing to help strangers, even to Moira’s disapproval. But she found herself in a situation that required a helping hand.

Accepting the help finally presented to her, Moira placed her paw in the other girl’s, Slowly pulling herself from the patch of ice. Her body shook from the cold. And her paws bled in spots. She was really starting to regret leaving home. Her parents we’re probably curled up together in the warmth of their home, while she was stuck in the snow, with this girl - Who lacked manners

“Thanks” came her only sign of gratitude towards her savior.



Master Healer (285)

Master Fighter (350)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

2 Years
Extra small

Rapid Poster - GoldWordyUnderachieverCritical Fail!
02-18-2024, 06:18 AM

"Ja, because you shouldn't be here," Delphi snips, her eyes narrowing slightly as she assists the girl out of the snow bank she's fallen into. Taking a step back to give the girl some room, she glances her over and only lets out a snort in response to the thanks. Pursing her lips, Delphi does notice how rough of shape the girl is in. Bleeding paw pads, lacking some meat on her bones, fur all out of shape.

"Ugh, fine, come with me," Delphi finally loses her resolves, letting out a dramatic sigh and beginning to walk down the snow covered path. It's not a far walk before Delphi turns toward the mountain and through a doorway. On the other side of the doorway is a hallway, it is a short one before it opens up to a decent sized cavern. A food storage sits on one side with a crackling fire nearby. There's a small makeshift cabinet with other supplies such as blankets and medical supplies. Other than a small table that some may sit at, the floor is covered in pelts and similar items to lay and relax on.

"Make yourself comfortable," Delphi says to the girl as she moves over to the fire, adding another log to it and then moving to the food storage to grab some salted fish. As she brings the snacks over to wherever the girl decides to sit, Delphi looks to her companion, a binturong, who had followed in after them. "Binti, fetch Vidarr," she commands rather abruptly, but smiles too which is returned with a stuck out tongue before the companion disappears out back into the cold and snow. Turning back to the girl, Delphi sits and offers a piece of salted fish. "How did you end up here?" She asks, her head canting to the side.

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1. So no one told you life was ganna be this way Fenrir's Maw 12:59 PM, 10-21-2023 11:37 PM, 04-06-2024