
echoo echoo echoo echoo



Expert Fighter (155)

Expert Intellectual (200)

2 Years
Dire wolf
10-24-2023, 03:48 PM (This post was last modified: 10-24-2023, 03:49 PM by Maki. Edited 1 time in total.)

Very sweet but a little weird, that's how most would describe Maki these days.

She'd found a dark and seemingly deep hole in the ground and naturally, cause why not, she'd decided it was time for a bit of spelunking.It would have been smart to tell folks where she was going, that the abyss was calling out to her, and who was she to ignore its siren song? But you know, she was very busy these days and she'd be home in time for tea, so there wasn't an issue, as far as she was concerned.  Just Maki things. Mines were not, she would have realised that just by glancing about, but the few thoughts that wafted through her mind were fluffy like clouds. As far as she was concerned the world was romanticised and safe, danger was just a thing to make things spicy, to add intrigue and for the most part-unless it was angst or hurt and comfort-things usually worked out fine in the end.

There were these strange metal liney things on the floor, with wooden filling the gaps between. But more interestingly a flash of yellow caught her attention as she rushed ahead and gave it a good poke with her paw. It was sort of like one half of a coconut shell, but yellow. Naturally, she was quick to struggle to perch it atop her head, it wobbled a little since helmets weren't made for wolves, least of all ones with nubbin' horns. But she made it work, sort of, balancing it awkwardly as she trotted along, singing a sweet little ditty to herself.

[Image: dfv6kr2-ecca3233-91c7-4b9d-8cd6-563616ef...2RHh0DJeE0]



Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Hunter (70)

2 Years
Extra large

12-20-2023, 12:57 AM
Since Unagi and her mother were spending some time in the Viking pack once more, the young girl has tried to reconnect with all of her siblings. While seeing Delphi again had been… torturous to say the least, she is still determined to check in with the others and make sure that are happy. Now, Maki has a special place in her heart because, of all her siblings, Maki seems to have the most vivid and clear imagination which can be found in all the daydreaming that the spotted girl often does… which often causes Unagi to worry about her. Especially after Delphi was injured, the girl is even more determined to keep her sister safe.

Which is why she has followed Maki out of pack lands, acting as the girl’s silent guardian without Maki even noticing. Not that is difficult to follow her daydreaming sister at all; with the way Maki’s head is in the clouds, Unagi could practically walk up and touch her before the spotted girl even realizes. Unagi knows that she really needs to bring Maki out of those clouds soon so that she can focus on her surroundings more but, right now, the girl just doesn’t have the heart to take away the innocence of her sibling. So, she trails after her, Maki’s quiet sentinel keeping a close watch over her.

Shadows are easy to come by in the mine and the rotund girl carefully picks her way along behind Maki, lifting a paw to stifle the giggle as she watches her horned sibling perch a strange sort of… head guard over her head. The sweet ditty she sings to herself warms Unagi’s heart and she blows out a small sigh before moving up to join her, giving a small laugh to announce her arrival. While her tone is teasing, the words that she offers are filled with warmth and love as she says, “Maki! What on earth did you find?”

She casts her gaze about, spying a dark hole in the ground not too far from where her sister is walking and Unagi moves to place herself between her sibling and the hole, using her body as a guide to keep the spotted girl in the safest areas.

"Hattori-Klein Unagi"

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1. echoo echoo echoo echoo Northern Mines 03:48 PM, 10-24-2023 01:07 PM, 03-08-2024