
through water and mud

cifarelli - seasonal


Raiders Hollow
The Crow

Master Fighter (450)

Master Navigator (354)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!UnderachieverSamhain 2022
10-25-2023, 02:23 PM

He traveled west. Why? Who knew? Maybe because he wasn't quite ready to go home. Instead, he wanted to linger. To think, to consider, to just be. Scald was ready to be his own self. A wolf that wasn't attached to a pack or to any King who thought he was better than everyone else. Any time his father crossed his mind like that, he felt a particularly nasty feeling in his chest. One could see it on his face as his lip quivered with agitation. This much was apparent as he moved north past Ashen and farther toward the coast. He figured maybe if he made his way toward the islands that rose over the water there, he might be able to cross a few familiar wolves. If he could find someone familiar... Maybe his mood would get better.

Or not.

Rain began to pick up and quickly. What was once a deserted, arid, and desolate place was soon a rush of water. Scald stops in his tracks as he stares at the river that was not there a few minutes ago. His coat is soaked to the bone as the rain continues to pelt him from above. Minutes ago, the sky had been clear, blue, and absolutely perfect for a winter day. The breeze that had rushed by should have signaled him to worse weather, but his grumpy attitude had chosen to ignore the rolling storm. Scald had failed to recognize the signs of a flash flood.

Cursing under his breath, Scald turns to head north, along the newly formed river, hoping to find a place to cross. It isn't long before a dead tree has fallen and lays securely over the river's width. Hoping onto the tree, he quickly makes his way across with agile paws and his eyes half-closed. Today was not going to be his day to die! Once on firm ground, though now muddy and slick, he continues to hurry along through the terrain. Ahead, he sees another riverbed, but this one has yet to fill with water and mud. Yet...



The Syndicate

Expert Hunter (130)

Expert Navigator (140)

2 Years
10-26-2023, 10:41 PM

Cifarelli could not understand how he’d wound up so far from the darkening structure of the north. A scent had caught his attention. Leading him away from the boiling sooted air of Hell’s river. To find himself wandering the snowed sands. Such a weird piece of land to be so barren of life. Yet, he found it quite peaceful the more paws carried him along.

Bright skies hovered above. The heavy scent of a storm swaying in the winter’s breath. He cared not for what was to come. Continuing on a path with no direction in mind to go. Sephiran’s voice was becoming missed day by day. Time with his uncle and sister were indeed cherished. Wolves tortured, slaughtered by their teeth and claw. Surely there were other things to do. Like exploring more of the area they’d chosen to call home.

Tail lashed behind him as he pushed deeper ahead. Blue skies now a dark, gloomy gray. Droplets falling down lightly at first. No rush to what he knew would soon be a tyrant of water. As if on cue, his coat became drenched. Clinging to his body like moss on a tree with no sign of ever coming to a stop. Cifarelli walked a little faster now. With his sense of smell blocked by the rain’s onslaught, he could not tell which direction he was going.

Steps became faster. Trotting to a nearby tree that clearly had fallen due to the storm. Quickly crossing over with an occasional misstep, he found himself staring at a moving figure ahead. Some fun in the making, perhaps? Vocals released a hard, deep bark in hopes it sounded loud enough to catch the wolf’s attention.

WC: 283 = 630/1500


Raiders Hollow
The Crow

Master Fighter (450)

Master Navigator (354)

An icon representing the specialty Marauder Marauder

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

3 Years
Extra large

Critical Fail!UnderachieverSamhain 2022
10-31-2023, 09:33 AM

Scald realizes now that he probably shouldn't have gone out this far west. So far, nothing had interested him and he hadn't come across anyone of interest. Plus this storm was absolutely ridiculous. What with the water that rushed over the ground and filled every nook and cranny it could find. Even the wind whipped up around him and made it even harder to see. Hell, he could barely see his paws as he walked! Bracing against the gusts and sheets of rain that battered his body, Scald continued to try and make his way out of the storm to somewhere safer.

Through the storm that has suddenly rolled in, Scald hears a sharp bark behind him. Suddenly on guard, the lanky boy turns to face the stranger. Both ears flatten as his eyes squint against the onslaught of rain falling down around them. Scald knew he was stupid enough to be out in this torrential downpour, but he wasn't expecting anyone else to be that stupid either. Maybe this guy would know the best way to get out of the territory faster than the way he was going...

Approaching the shadowy stranger, Scald looks at him apprehensively. "Ahoy," he calls out as he stops a few feet away. His mouth opens once more to say something, but a sudden shaking of the ground beneath him has his eyes widening. Looking at his paws and then at the terrain around him, he sees a rush of mud and water coming straight for them. "Oh, oh, fuck!" Scald yells as he looks back at the other boy. "Listen, race me to get out of the way! We can chat once we're safe!" He yells out before quickly spinning to the side and taking off. His paws slam into the wet ground as his legs stretch out into a dead run. There is only one glance over his shoulder to see if the other boy is following behind or even trying to race him...

wc: 332 = 962/1500

Thread Move Log
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1. through water and mud Sand River 02:23 PM, 10-25-2023 06:06 PM, 11-08-2023