
Thorax Carcassonne

Lefty Brennenberg's Betrothed



Toys for Tots
10-28-2023, 01:45 PM
NOTE: Lefty uses they & she pronouns, in that order! They are capable of fathering litters, but due to Lefty being a loyal member of Armada, children aren't particularly likely.

Thorax Carcassonne is the woman who was betrothed to Lefty in the land they both came from. The Carcassonne family, lesser nobility, is a family of scheming warriors and politicians. They were assassins for generations. Thorax's promising to Lefty was almost entirely a political arrangement for power; Lefty would not ever be in the position to take the throne, but marrying in promised a future where the Carcassonne clan could maneuver to be on the throne.

There are two ways that Thorax could have viewed this that I've already thought of, but you don't have to use either of them. The first is that she did genuinely come to care for Lefty, but was aware of family loyalty, and so was conflicted--

Because the plan was to get in, have a litter, and then assassinate members of the Brennenburg family. Once Lefty was higher in the chain of inheritance, they would have died as well, leaving Carcassonne blood well in the running for rulership.

The other idea I had is where Thorax viewed Lefty as burdensome and stupid, and was planning to have a singular litter before killing them herself.

Its possible for them to eventually develop an actual romance here on Ardent, but back before they simply didn't have the time.

If you're interested, please reply with a personality writeup and describe to me Thorax's view on the relationship.

The concept of an incredibly slow burn is very appealing to me, especially because Lefty was slated for assassination-- but now, without those politician motivations, that doesn't need to happen. Thorax can be open to an actual relationship.

Please note this doesn't have to be a romance plot. They can wind up enemies or friends-- i just would like to see this character taken.

Thorax may be female or nonbinary, but may not be male identifying or Lefty would have refused the betrothal.



Toys for Tots
10-28-2023, 01:47 PM
As further incentive, any of my designs here may be used for this adoptable for free.

[*code]PERSONALITY: site minimum
AGE: 2-5 years only.[/*code]

Cherry OOC

11-08-2023, 07:28 PM
PERSONALITY: The Carcassonne family consists of wolves who have made themselves living weapons, and Thorax is no different.

She is a politician first, thrown into the grand scheme of things, and it's something that's been drilled into her head. She can talk her way around anyone, should she need to- having been raised to be a politician, she knows how to judge others. She knows what to look for, she knows how to be scrutinizing should she need to, and she knows how to maintain a friendly, professional air about her. Although, however, others may call her cold outside of political settings, and they wouldn't be wrong.

As much as Thorax tries to be friendly, there's always something almost unsettling about it, and those well-versed in similar, or that at least know her family, will know that it's all fake. She's a people pleaser on the surface, and, at best, charming enough to get others to like her. At worst, she's manipulative and isn't afraid to use others' secrets and well-kept fears against them in order to blackmail or bribe.

Despite that, she's never been much on the power, herself- her desire from it stems from being, for lack of better words, a mouthpiece for her family. While she'd be content stepping back and letting someone take the reigns, she's molded herself into a leader, unafraid to keep a commanding air should she need to, and her family's deep-seated knowledge of war and the more shady dealings of things. She's unafraid to do the dirty work.

In terms of her emotions, Thorax has learned to repress and in case that fails, repress more. She has a shocking disconnect to who she could have been, once, and who she is now- as she sees it, the only thing that matters is her loyalty to their family, and their goals. Her own emotions don't matter, and she keeps them tucked far enough away that she's unsure she could ever begin to wade through them. Not truly, anyways, and that's fine. They'd just get in the way. It's this same thing that leads her to push others away- all her friendships will, should she need them, be painfully one sided.

It's nothing personal, but being her family's soldier has lent her a stubborn willingness to not let anyone see her as weak or vulnerable.

Deep down, however, there is a part of her that wonders what things could have been like if she had been part of a normal family. It's just shoved down within layers and layers of compartmentalization and a refusal to acknowledge, even now, that she's more than just her family's weapon.

VIEW ON LEFTY: Thorax, at her best, has torn views on Lefty- she never hated her, exactly, but years and years of repression in order to be a good little soldier have left her at a complete loss when it comes to genuine, healthy relationships. She thinks she could have cared for them, once, if things were different- as it was, she never got the chance to do that, or un-repress anything enough to really even give Lefty the chance to know her. Keeping her at a distance was the best decision Thorax was sure she had made, considering Lefty was set for assassination, but there were times that she would debate whether or not she would miss them. Her loyalty to her family came first before her own personal feelings, however, and even when leaving them behind, it is something she'll cling to, making it even more hard for Lefty to get close due to some stubborn, clinging loyalty Thorax has when they finally reunite.

AGE: 2 years



Toys for Tots
11-11-2023, 08:41 PM
I'm giving this to Cherry holy shit lmfao I love this.

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