
Oh Haaailll No!


The Hallows

Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Tactician Tactician

1 Year
Dire wolf
10-28-2023, 03:21 PM

Clouds gathered in the sky as the wind picked up, swirling the grasses of the Starlit Plains around him in a mesmerizing dance. Nelu was out exploring with his companions. Aster tumbled through the skies while Samiri clung to his coat, nestled just behind his shoulder blades as he trotted through the plains. In the distance there were storm clouds gathering. They piled on top of each other into towers but Nelu didn't want to return just yet. He kept an eye on the storm and another out for the skeleton he'd buried.

Nelu had been exploring when he'd found the skeleton of a dead raccoon. At the time he'd already had a number of items with him and was unable to bring it back so he buried it and planned to come back for it later. Today was that day. He didn't have any specific plans for the bones, but they looked really cool and hew as sure he could make something interesting out of them. Maybe some tools or jewelry.

He arrived at the spot where the bones were when a boom of thunder rolled out across the sky. His ears flattened to his head. That was not good. Nelu paused and examined the sky. The clouds were darkening swiftly and starting to swirl. In the evening light he noticed the core of the storm taking on an eerie aqua colored hue. Definitely not good. "Perhaps it would be wise to retrieve these at a later time." He looked up to Aster who flew down and landed in front of him. Nelu had no problem exercising patience and retrieving his prize later. "Agreed. The storm is moving in fast, we need to get back to the castle."

Nelu was pleased to see that his burial spot had not been disturbed so it was not necessarily a wasted trip. Turning around he headed back toward the castle. As they moved the wind picked up, bringing with it a distinct chill. The temperature was dropping rapidly and the thunder grew louder. Nelu was approaching the border of the castle territory when Samiri screeched a warning. Just in time he saw movement out of the corner of his eye and ducked, just missing a coyote's fangs.

Wide-eyed in surprise he stumbled back, going on the defensive as the coyote attacked. Now six months old he was good sized and could more easily match the coyote's size if not its experience. Aster flew down, snagging the coyote's tail in his beak and pulling back hard, as the coyote spun for his companion Nelu leapt forward, fangs tearing across the coyote's cheek as he raced past. Another crash of thunder echoed through the sky, followed by rain. The coyote gave chase and Nelu spun to fight, drawing himself up to his full height. The coyote slowed, snarling and sizing him up. Crack, a bolt of lightning lanced through the sky and it began to hail.

Samiri squeaked and scrambled down his body, hanging under his belly to spare her fragile frame. Aster quickly dove to the ground. Shit! Nelu flinched as the hail pelted both him and the coyote. The coyote flinched and started to back up before suddenly leaping forward for his face. Once again Nelu ducked, flinching as the coyote's lower fangs cut across his forehead. There was little time to think, his body just reacted, searching for openings as he pivoted back around, keeping on the defense for just a moment more. The coyote braced, hind legs coiled as it prepared to leap but before it could Nelu lunged, diving underneath the coyote between its front and back left legs, fangs digging into the belly while he pushed up with his shoulders, pushing his opponent backward. Startled, the coyote screeched and was promptly struck in the face by a large hailstone.

Nelu released his shocked opponent, taking the opportunity to turn tail and run. Samiri held tight as he bolted across the grass like the lightning through the sky. Aster took to the air but kept low, on his level as they raced toward the border and into the castle courtyard. He yelped as a large hailstone bashed into his hip. That would certainly leave a bruise. Risking a glance back he saw the coyote in hot pursuit but he also saw fear in the creature's eyes. Was it in pursuit of a meal or hoping to take shelter in the castle? Either way it would certainly meet its doom if it did not turn back. Nelu turned his focus back on the castle. His primary goal was shelter and getting to the castle before his enemy for the guards would surely dispose of the coyote the minute it trespassed.

It felt like ages but in reality only minutes had based before he raced into the courtyard. He ducked under an awning, turning to face the coyote, only to see it on the border, moving uncertainly back and forth before dashing away.

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1. Oh Haaailll No! The Starlit Plains 03:21 PM, 10-28-2023 05:48 AM, 12-05-2023