
Can't Make It On My Own [joining]



04-01-2014, 10:18 AM (This post was last modified: 04-01-2014, 10:20 AM by Dayton.)

The feminine brute stepped through the trees, blending in like he always did. His long legs moved easily around fallen branches, leaving no trace of his passing. As he left the cover of the forest, however, things began to change. Dayton began walking across the frozen expanse of the Kennocha Lake, watching the glow of plankton under his feet. It was magical, as if his every step brought the dormant lake to life. Never before had the young male influenced something so greatly. It was subtle, but it meant something to him. It was beautiful.

As Dayton continued to cross the solid lake, the pack scent became more prominent. The smell of Tortugans flooded his nostrils and overwhelmed his mind for a moment, giving him pause. His foot hung above the ice as he breathed in the unfamiliar air, letting its scent wrap around him. This was a feeling he was used to. Submission.

With a sigh, the earthen male tilted his head to the sky and let out a call. He was out of his comfort zone now. Never did the delicate boy call attention to himself. But this was necessary. If he wanted to join a pack - if he wanted to survive - then this was what he would have to do. Still, he managed to wince a bit as the howl bounced over the Kennocha Lake. Hopefully the leader of Tortuga was a kind one.




8 Years
04-01-2014, 12:58 PM


in defense of the innocent

Once more on the borders, this time Qanik was pacing the thin strip of land connecting their gorge territory to the lake, the most distant of their lands. It was not an earthquake that interrupted her patrol this time, but the rising of a thin, unfamiliar howl from the lake area. Though it was not her duty nor her privilege to accept new members, she altered her path and speed to carry her in that direction. Partly it was curiosity, and partly it was caution. It was her duty as a warrior to protect the borders and to protect her alpha, and Roman would no doubt also appear at the call, if she were in the territories. So, it would be best for her to be there, as backup if nothing else.

Her steps slowed as she came into sight of the lake and the wolf there among the ice pillars. On the small side for a male, though taller than she and long-legged. A runner, she would guess, not a fighter, though she'd known wolves of his build who were quite fierce in battle so she would not discount it.

Pawsteps quiet on the ice, she slipped ghost-like among the structures as she approached him. Stopping near him, her thick ears were back though her posture was mostly relaxed. Ready, but not frightened or threatening. Confident.

"You know you have trespassed on Tortuga's land?" she rumbled. Eyes studied the young male with veiled curiosity as she evaluated him. His coat would blend well in many seasons, though perhaps not so well in the parts of the north where ice held sway year round. A good hunter, perhaps, with training. "What is your name, wolf?" Her question was brisk, firm though not harsh. She didn't want to terrify the boy, after all.


cowardice is the only sin



04-01-2014, 01:26 PM (This post was last modified: 04-01-2014, 01:32 PM by Dayton.)

His brilliant ochre eyes drifted around the area, taking in the dark beauty of the ice. Soon he heard the sound of whispering footsteps approaching. Dayton turned his attention in the direction of the snowy female headed his way. She was shorter than he was, but had a stronger, bulkier frame. Luckily, her body language did not seem to hint at any kind of aggression. She moved toward him openly, pinning her ears back only as a precaution. He shifted slightly on the frozen lake and dipped his small head in a bow. The boy was suddenly very aware of how vulnerable his scars would be when he did this, out in the open for the female to see. Heat filled his cheeks before his mind could catch up. Many wolves had marks on their faces, it told nothing of his past.

With a sigh, Dayton lifted his head again and struggled to smile. It looked natural, he was sure. He snuck a glance at his reflection in the deepness of the ice. Yes, it was acceptable. He kept the friendly expression on his face as the girl spoke. "Yes, miss," he replied. "I know I have trespassed here. But it is with good reason."

"My name is Dayton. But, if you wouldn't mind, I prefer to be called Day." The nickname was new for the young male, something he had decided to try. Maybe it could help him forget his past. He moved his ears very slightly to the side, showing that he was relaxed and confident. He may have been putting on a show, but this maiden didn't know that. It was only that Dayton wasn't used to speaking so openly. He had refined his skills for hiding and running, but his speaking could use a bit of work. Hopefully, he thought to himself, It will be enough.

As he paused with these thoughts, he noticed the white maiden examining his build. Did she approve of what she saw? Dayton had no way of knowing the answer to this. But thinking about it only worried him more, so he tried to cast the thoughts away. His legs were long, his muscles were young, and his bones were lithe and flexible. He could be anything this pack wanted him to be. Hunter, runner, spy, virtually anything his body was capable of. As for his mind, it could be persuaded into nearly anything. Again, he was young. Impressionable. So impressionable... dark thoughts attempted to leak into his mind, but he shook them away once more.

"I come here to seek a place in your pack. May I speak with the leader of Tortuga, please?" His voice faltered only once. So far so good.




8 Years
04-02-2014, 04:31 PM


in defense of the innocent

She cocked her head to the side as he spoke. Friendly, polite for a trespasser, the young wolf was well-spoken. "Rarely is there good reason for trespassing," she noted. "Had you chosen a different pack's lands to wander you may not have been given a chance to explain. Crossing pack boundaries are not to be taken lightly, youngling." Warning laced her words; he would do well to heed them, for she had seen many a seemingly gentle pack turn on an intruder and destroy them. "It is considered polite to call from the other side of the border, not within it."

There seemed something... off about the young man as he smiled and spoke to her. Not enough for her to feel it necessary to run him off, but enough for her to be watchful. It could be that he was just unused to social norms, rather than anything sinister. "Day," she greeted, dipping her muzzle slightly. "I am Qanik."

He spoke of wanting to join the pack, to speak with the leader, and Qanik considered it. "I see no reason you can't speak with her," she assured him. "Though I cannot guarantee you will be accepted. That will be, of course, her decision to make. Excuse me."

Qanik moved a short distance away, her attention still focused on the boy in case he tried anything. Her square muzzle pointed to the sky and a low song arose, a call specifically for Roman. If she'd heard the boy's first call she was probably already on her way, but Qanik wanted to be sure.


cowardice is the only sin


04-02-2014, 06:27 PM
The ivory woman had found herself on the opposite side of the territory, at the waterfall peak when she heard the first summoning call. She turned towards the sound, curiosity bubbled in her chest. The call wasn't anyone that she knew. Would it be another politician or perhaps a member seeking entrance? Dutifully, she lunged forward, her stride breaking into an easy lope that would carry her across the vast empire. Another call reached her ears as she ran, and she felt a bit of concern as she recognized Qanik at the source of the sound. Putting on a burst of speed, she shot off across the territory- her tail behind her like a rudder. Soon, she could see the form of the white female, and she looked unharmed. She relaxed slightly, slowing to a trot- then to a more regal prance as she approached. "Qanik." She greeted warmly, giving the woman an easy smile.

Her focus turned to the other- an intruder. Violet eyes danced over the male, and she spoke. "I am Roman, the alpha of these lands." She introduced herself briefly, before going on. "You're trespassing. I hope it is with good reason." She spoke neutrally, her body relaxed. She didn't see this stranger as a threat- no, Qanik didn't seem ruffled by has appearance. She found herself trusting in the older woman's judgment. Waiting, she would settle back onto her haunches, glad that her wounds from the earth-quake had been healing well. She wasn't moving as stiffly as she had been- and the run had loosened her hip up.



04-02-2014, 07:55 PM

Dayton let his tail relax as he waited. But before he could relax completely, interactions began to flood his uneasy mind. He kept up, only trailing a beat behind as the white female seemed to scold him for trespassing. He blushed a bit and lowered his head in apology, still listening closely as she introduced herself. "Miss Qanik," he whispered, a smile coming easily this time. "What a nice name."

Then a nervous energy prickled in his veins. His eyes lit up with a mix of panic and excitement, watching the maiden called for her leader. Everything seemed to be moving too quickly for the small brute, but he knew that this was all necessary if he wanted to join a pack. His fears would be drowned. Confidence would take their place. Air slid into his lungs as he drew in a deep breath.

His bright eyes caught movement near the edge of the ice. The alpha came into view, moving at a graceful jog. Her fur was a shining white with unique markings on her face and hip. He was mesmerized for a moment, staring into her amethyst eyes without realizing it. Honestly, this entire scene was beginning to seem like a dream to him.

"I am Roman, the alpha of these lands." Her voice was full of authority. There was, again, a feeling of natural submission in his bones. That would prove to be useful in this case. He exposed the scarred surface of his head again as he bowed, lower this time. He was speaking to an alphess - she deserved the upmost respect. "I am honored to meet you, my queen. Thank you for speaking with me. My name is Dayton."

He hesitated for only a second when speaking his name. This was a more formal meeting. He could bring up the topic of his nickname at a later date. Now was the time for business. "You're trespassing. I hope it is with good reason." Dayton nodded at her words before replying. "I am aware, Miss Roman, and I apologize for the inconvenience. I meant to speak with you about joining your pack. I passed the boundary line by mistake, the wind must have disrupted the scent a bit."

Dayton felt the breeze ruffle his earthen pelt as he gave the regal woman another smile. Things were loosening up for him more and more as the conversation went on. "Would you be so kind as to consider me? I would be happy to fill any position you have to offer."




8 Years
04-03-2014, 08:18 AM


in defense of the innocent

It wasn't overlong before the pale shape of the Tortuga alpha appeared, and Qanik relaxed slightly. Though she'd not been truly concerned about danger from the young stranger, the situation called for a higher rank than herself and she was happy to turn the whole thing over to someone who could handle it according to the pack's laws. She returned Roman's warm greeting with a more reserved dip of her head, though there was nothing unwelcoming about her manner. "Roman," she murmured, her tone soft. The alpha was less and less of a stranger to Qanik, and she was growing fond of the younger woman, and learning to respect her for more than her status.

For now, Qanik remained a few steps removed as Roman moved to speak with the boy, silently observing and ready to intervene should it be called for, though she knew Roman could take care of herself and the boy was little threat.


cowardice is the only sin


04-04-2014, 11:07 AM
In her time in Tortuga, the ivory woman grown fond of Qanik. Something about the older woman, seemed calming to the young queen. She flashed a kind smile as Qanik greeted her, nodding her head at her. Roman was growing to respect Qanik's quiet sense. Qanik would go far in Tortuga. She noted how the woman gave them some room, but hung around in case she was needed. Roman turned her attention back to the male in front of her- her eyes studying his frame. He could make a good hunter or a decent fighter with some work. She watched his demeanor, as he introduced himself as Dayton. Dayton, what an interesting name. She would be a fool to turn him away, with the pack numbers dwindling so much. Tortuga needed members, and the young wolf seemed respectable. She felt as if she should question him a bit more- but he seemed so young, as if he didn't know much of his skill. And he was willing to fill any position.

Alas, she had to ask him more questions, though at this point she'd probably accept anyone. She had to at least seem to consider him further. "Do you have any skills, Dayton?" It would be good to know where she would have to start with the young male, was he already experienced in something?



04-04-2014, 12:05 PM

The delicate boy held still as again a pair of eyes examined him. This time he managed to keep his face from heating up, but a flutter of nerves unsettled his stomach. It was so unlike him to be in the spotlight - it was making him anxious. The fluttering only intensified when the royal alphess asked about his skills. Once more a flash of warmth arose in his cheeks.

Dayton nodded politely, cracking a smile. "Yes, ma'am, I do." This was difficult enough for him to admit. His demeanor was normally so quiet and humble. But now was the time to be open. The young boy squared his shoulders. "I am very fast and agile, providing skill as a hunter or a runner. I am also quite clever and good at hid ing, so I could serve as a spy - that is, if the current state of Tortugan politics led to such a need." His mouth curled into a companionable smirk.

In the short silence that followed, Dayton let out a sign. Had he really done it? Had he talked himself up? It seemed so unlike him. His armor was beginning to fall away. Well, desperate times call for desperate measures. The male smiled again at the thought as he waited for his queen to respond.



04-05-2014, 12:01 AM
She internally chuckled when he called her 'ma'am', though it was a sign of respect it made her feel.. old. She wouldn't correct him on it though, it was kind of cute. She nodded as he spoke of his skills, and she chuckled slightly as he suggested being a spy. "While I hope not to need to use you as a spy, I suppose it is a helpful skill to have." She commented lightly, her tone gaining some warmth for the young boy. The young boy had talent- hopes to make a fine hunter, maybe a decent fighter. She could not deny that, nor did she want too. "You sell yourself well, Dayton." She paused. "Welcome to Tortuga." She said as she pushed herself back onto her paws. "You'll start off as an Ancillary, which is a rank given to let you find your niche in the pack." She paused for a moment, unsure of what to say next. "I would like to see you sharpen your hunting skills, and fighting skills." She noted, more so on the hunting skills. The pack needed hunters. "Our laws are rather lax, contribute, be respectful to your pack as they will become your family. I think you'll do well here." She said, her tone warm, she flashed a smile at him.