
don't let your parents turn into pigs




Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
11-02-2023, 09:48 AM

He had wanted to get away for a while. Not to shirk his duties or avoid anything. Simply put, he needed a change of scenery. Someone new to fight, something new to see, someplace to explore. To feel a sense of adventure. One could say he was not typically an adventurous sort. He preferred to stay close to home and would only travel outside of the bamboo when requested to do so. Truthfully, he was still a pup. His first birthday wasn't for another season or so - he had time to grow into his own before wanting to take off to the far reaches of the world. Not that he would do that, but heading west toward the tall structure of grapevine was perhaps as far as he would go by himself.

Standing before the crawling and trail vines, he looks up at it. Lately, his legs had been growing at an absurd rate and with how much they had been aching lately, he wasn't sure he would be able to squeeze between the cracks. From what he could see, the only opening was rather small and though not dangerous, it still threatened to snag on his fur. He wasn't fearful of what was inside, more so he didn't want to get dirty on this trip. It would be work to get clean all over again. But as he stood there with an early spring warmth washing over his coat, his body begged for the shade.

Resolving he had no choice unless he turned back, Akito approached the cathedral-shaped structure and found a somewhat appropriate-sized entrance. Crouching slightly to enter, he returns to his full height once he is inside the dim interior. Within, shafts of delicate light shine down through the canopy as sparsely placed trees nearly choke with the surplus of grapevines that grow up their trunks and down their branches. The scent was sweet, but not overly sweet, just enough that it made your nose tickle. And it was quiet. So quiet that he wondered if he was the only one here...

akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
11-16-2023, 04:16 PM

Now that Clove was a bit older, she had been feeling more confident in herself lately. Not necessarily in her hunting skills, but in her ability to travel just outside of the pack lands alone. She typically didn’t go very far. In fact, she felt like she had a safety net, given her father’s ravens patrolled even the neighboring territories. And if anything ever happened, all she had to do was call for her mother or father, and they would be there to help her in an instant. This sense of security, it was false and dangerous. But given Clove’s naivety, she didn’t quite know that yet. Which gave her the confidence to travel so far as the grapevine cathedral, all by herself.

She was drawn to the mangled mass of trees, enticed by the sweet smell, and the fact that it reminded her of the wildberry grove back home. She had found so many delicious berries and fruits in their grove… so, what wondrous things were hidden in this forest, she wondered! Maybe she could find something cool to bring back home and earn some praise from her father. Slipping between the trees and into the forest was an easy feat, given how small and agile she was. And what was waiting for her on the other side, made her jaw drop.

The forest was massive. And yet, there was only grass that grew on the ground, making the expanse look that much bigger. For several moments Clove stood frozen, taking in the scenery. Trying to decide which direction she would go first. Right. Lets go right. Slow in her advance, she took her time inspecting things along the way. Noting how grapevines grew up the trunks of the trees, shrouding them in spots of purple, red, and even green. As she came around a bend, following a path. Clove was taken by surprise when the lumbering, massive frame of another wolf appeared in the distance.

She stopped, hesitating to move forward. Watching him from a distance, ears perked in his direction. He seemed like he was inspecting this place too… and, was maybe around her age? Which made her feel less intimidated. Taking a few steps forward, she felt compelled to approach him now. Wanting to know more about the boy in the forest. “Hello,” She said, calling out, trying to get his attention. "Do you live here?”" If this was his home and she was intruding, she would leave without protest.  




Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
11-17-2023, 07:46 AM

The quiet and contemplative boy wandered almost aimlessly. At least that was what it would seem like to another. Yet, he was on alert. His nose tried to sniff through the sickly sweet scent of the grapes for predators or strangers. His ears flicked back and forth to hear the sound of muffled paws against the grass. For now, he felt alone. Aside from the squirrels and rabbits that called this place, he couldn't sense another being until a soft voice called out behind him.

Turning around, he looks down at the smaller blue girl who asks if he lives there. His expression doesn't change from that stoic facade as he contemplates his answer. From what he can tell, she smells of the Hallows nearby. His teachings with Hattori had taught him to not willingly reveal where the bamboo was or that he resided there, but the Hallows weren't enemies of theirs.

"I do not," Akito finally responds after a moment. Though he is not at his full adult height quite yet, he is getting there and the way he towers over her is noticeable. So, as to not frighten her, he pulls his haunches beneath him and comes to sit. "Do you?" He asks in return, finding it only polite to continue the conversation.

akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
11-28-2023, 04:00 PM

Looking up at the boy, standing in the wake of his towering shadow, Clove couldn’t help but inspect him. It was rare for her to meet wolves outside of her home, and someone around her age on top of that. It was exciting, and maybe even a little intimidating. And this boy… man, he was a lot bigger than her. The musculature beneath his pelt had already started to form, and would mature as he aged. And on top of his head, he had horns! Similar to the antlers that ran in her family, but they only had a single point. And his pelt. It reminded her of the nighttime sky. Especially the view from Talyssa’s window, where they had watched the shooting star. It looked like galaxies were woven into his fur. And it was hard to look away.

As he reclines onto his haunches, Clove continues to stand. Now, they were more at eye level, which made her feel less wary of him. ”I do not.” Tilting her head slightly, her smile increased. Pearly white teeth poked out from her top lip, forming a warm smile. ”Do you?” “No, but I leave nearby.” She began, shifting her eyes towards the North, where the Hallow’s territory was. “I wanted to do some exploring-” A short pause. “-all by myself! No more tagging along with mom and dad, ya know?” They seemed around the same age, so surely this boy also craved some independence… if he lived with his parents, that is. "Where do you live then?” Curious and perhaps prodding, Clove wanted to know more about him. And, if he continued to be friendly, perhaps they could continue their conversation and explore the cathedral together.




Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
12-13-2023, 07:03 AM

His gaze follows her as she looks toward the north. Did she mean the Hallows or further north? Boreas somewhere? He wouldn't be surprised. He and his own brother had traveled together to their father's lands of Heidinn and even farther north to Armada. Yet, she was alone and going alone that far as a female was rather terrifying. There were treacherous creatures out there that indeed could not be trusted.

As he mulls over these considerations, he nods to her words. Yes, he did understand the want to travel without supervision. Having an adult tag along was a rather cramp in one's style, but Akito had been given a long leash from the start. Trust was to be built and he knew his companions would be on the lookout if he ever needed help.

Akito does raise a brow at her question. Content to allow her to lead the conversation, his own gaze turns southeast. He contemplates once more if he should be divulging where he lives. Hattori had warned him not to ever reveal too much, but with how far they had expanded, their presence surely was known. And he had been to the Hallows before so it wasn't like Hattori and Artorias didn't know each other.

"South of here in the bamboo if you ever make it that far," he answers finally after a few seconds as he looks back at the girl. "Do you live in the Hallows? I have been once before to meet a Vendrick," Akito gives her some more information as he knows it would probably be rude to actually allow her to do all of the speaking. Plus, maybe she knew Vendrick or the Hallows.


akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
12-15-2023, 01:49 PM

Clove was trying to decipher if this boy was enjoying her company by studying his expressions and body language. At the very least, he nodded at her statement. Agreeing that their independence was becoming more important as they aged. She even got an eyebrow raise out of him, when she asked where he lived. Part of her wondered if he was surprised by the question… or if he thought she was being invasive. If it was the latter, she would feel a bit embarrassed. She didn’t get to interact with strangers often. Was asking someone where they lived a weird thing to do? She could feel a lump growing in her throat, starting to feel nervous around such a cute boy. Not wanting him to think she was weird, but not wanting to come across as boring either. Being a teenage girl was so hard!

But alas, the boy would answer her question. Talking about bamboo… Clove had no idea what that meant. What the heck is bamboo? In the following statement, she was taken completely by surprise. He knew of the Hallows!? AND her brother? How was that possible? “Wait- you know about the Hallows?” Her little jaw had dropped open by this point, astonishment painted across her face. “AND you know my brother?” Now she was wondering when the heck did Vendrick slip out of the castle and meet this boy?

Letting out a little sigh, Clove wasn’t feeling like the cute, mysterious girl she was moments ago. “Well, cats outta the bag.” Legs shifting beneath her, Clove took several steps towards his right, moving past him a few feet. Wanting to prompt him to stand up and follow her so they could explore together. “I live with my family in the Hallows. My parents are the alphas.” Which made her a princess. “I get bored at home though!” Looking around, admiring the grapevines. She loved a change of scenery. “I wanna explore the world… go see your bamboo someday.” Whirling around, turning to face him again. She offered a warm, sheepish smile. “What do you wanna do, umm..?” She just realized she didn’t know his name yet.  




Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
12-21-2023, 07:55 AM

A normal wolf would have probably chuckled at her response. The jaw dropping, eye wide look she gave him was comical at best, but Akito was what one would say lacking in emotion. His stoic expression, with that brow slightly lifted, didn't shift as she sighed and moved about. Staying still, in his sitting position, he only, once again, nodded in agreement that yes, he did know about the Hallows and apparently, her brother, Vendrick. He supposed he could see the resemblance now, scent the pack smell upon her fur with her being so close.

When she move to his right, he turns his chin to follow her path. Ah, so she wanted to walk. At least he could take a hint. Bringing himself to stand as well, Akito gives his coat a light shake before turning to follow the smaller girl through the grapevine cathedral. Unsure why they called it a cathedral, Akito tucked it away to ask Hattori about later. Instead, he focuses on the girl and the words she is saying. So she was Artorias' and Briar's daughter, Vendrick's sister, a princess of the Hallows. Which to say was more than he was considering he wasn't a son of Hattori's. Did that make him beneath her in terms of hierarchy?

He understood though about getting bored. Spending most of his own time wandering other places than just the bamboo, he knew what it was like to feel pent up and locked up at times. Though he loved the bamboo and the way it sounded as the stalks knocked together during the afternoon wind, he also enjoyed the other areas Auster had to offer. Akito nods again, a silent agreement that she should come to see the bamboo. It was a beautiful place though dangerous if one didn't know where they were going. It was a maze after all.

Suddenly, his paws brace against the dirt as she wheels on him. A sheepish smile in his direction as she prompts for his name. Oh, yes, how rude of him. "Akito. I have not decided what I want out of life," he answers promptly, an almost shrug in his shoulders as he peers down at the girl and her sheepish expression. "And you? Who wants to explore the world, does she have a name?" One might have thought there was a whisper of humor in his tone finally, but he only offers her a hint of a smile on those dark lips before he takes a few steps around her to continue their walk through the grapevines.


akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
12-29-2023, 04:41 PM

Watching him shake his coat before falling in stride beside her, Clove looked at him for a while before turning back to the path; taking in the scenery while they walked, enjoying the sweet smell of the grapes. There were red, green, and purple grapes. Each vine intertwined with the next, creating beautiful splashes of color across the vines. Part of her wanted to reach out and grab a mouth full… but she refrained for now.

And when she whirled around, perhaps taking the boy by surprise. He stopped suddenly, peering down at her before giving his name. Akito. It had a nice ring to it. At his joke- at least, she thought it was funny- she giggled lightly. “My name is Clove.” Warmth spread to her cheeks, and he looked away from his gaze. Feeling a bit shy, for some reason. “I hope you decide what you want out of life.” Her gaze lifted again, as he moved to step around her. "So you can tell me all about it, when I come to explore your bamboo." And she quickly fell in stride beside him, having to move her shorter legs faster to keep up.

As they traveled deeper into the territory, the grapevines became thicker, having weaved themselves up the trunks of the trees, creating a canopy that shielded much of the sunlight. Those grapes kept calling her name… and finally, she caved. Slowing to a stop, she sniffed at the vines closest to her. “Have you had one of these before?” She asked, wondering if they were tasty or not. And regardless of his answer, she would reach out and grab a mouthful to try.




Master Fighter (305)

Master Intellectual (330)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

1 Year
Dire wolf
01-31-2024, 12:06 PM

Clove. Did her parents believed she smelled like clove? His mother kept some in her stash and the girl walking beside him smelled nothing like it. If he were to lean in ever so slightly so she wouldn't notice, he would scent notes of peony and other vibrant flowers. It was refreshing in the cathedral of grapes that smelled all too sweet and overwhelming. He doesn't notice her shyness, it goes unnoticed as he glances around their surroundings. Too busy figuring out her floral scent to pay attention.

Her next statement though brings him back to their conversation. A noise that sounds almost like snort or he's clearing his throat answers her statement. He was sure he would figure it out eventually, but not yet. It would take time. When he was ready, he would know. "I will look forward to showing you around," Akito replies, a ghost of a smile on his lips before it fades immediately. Another clearing of his throat as they wander deeper until the cluster of grapes grow thicker and fuller.

It appears they're both on the same wavelength. When Clove stops, so does he. His gaze turns from her to the grapes as she asks if he's eaten any before. "I have not. We typically have lychee available," he adds as he too steps closer to a cluster of grapes. There are several different colors of grapes and he wonders if they all taste different. His gaze moves to Clove once more to see if she'll try them and it seems like she will. Akito reaches out then to grab a light green grape between his teeth and pull it into his mouth with his tongue. The bright burst of tartness has his face scrunching up.


akito's companions are to be assumed nearby unless stated otherwise.


The Hallows
Rookery Ranger

Advanced Hunter (100)

Advanced Navigator (105)

2 Years
01-31-2024, 03:13 PM

Taking in a mouthful of grapes, Clove rolled them around in her mouth, savoring the different flavors. It was sweet, but had bitter undertones. Wasn’t this what adults made wine from? Maybe that’s why it tasted so different. She liked it, though- it was different from other fruits she’s tried, like apples and oranges.

Akito was trying them as well, his face scrunching up, likely from the bitterness. Clove giggled, licking the inside of her lips and teeth, to make sure there wasn’t anything in her teeth before she smiled at him. “Funny taste huh?”  She said, before asking a question. “What’s a lychee?” He’d mentioned it right before he tried a grape. Was it some fruit that bamboo grew?

Before he could respond, a distinctive caw rang out within the cathedral, followed by a flapping of wings as a raven dove through the trees and landed in a branch above them. Looking up, she recognized it immediately. Dad's raven, Corbin. Speaking to her in  Carpathian, she was instructed to return home for immediately for dinner. A little hmpf left her, a pouty expression morphing her face. “That means I gotta go home.” She said, looking at her new friend. “But I’ll see you again, promise! I’ll come to see your bamboo!”  Little did she know, their next reunion would take place seasons from now- when Clove was a yearling and had grown into a beautiful, young lady. “Bye Akito!” She bid him a farewell, waited for him to do the same, then took off back towards the kingdom.



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1. don't let your parents turn into pigs Grapevine Cathedral 09:48 AM, 11-02-2023 02:05 PM, 02-01-2024