
Does Nobody Check Expiration Dates?!



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Healer (265)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

2 Years

11-08-2023, 09:49 PM (This post was last modified: 01-01-2024, 12:37 PM by Mariah. Edited 1 time in total.)

As the last cold spell of the northern winter faded away, Boreas had begun its thaw and shift into spring. She hadn't been with Valta for very long- maybe a week or so at best. But with the warmth brought on by the new year sunshine, this was the first day she had really felt up to doing something. As early morning shifted into afternoon, Mariah's attention came to settle on the previously loved herb stores that came with her guest accommodation. Letting out a deep sigh as she stood processing the mess, she was having a difficult time figuring out where to start. This space was nothing like the large cave she shared with her family back on Alias Island- the dug-out den was small. The quarters were a little tighter than what she and Malico were used to. But it was theirs. And theirs alone.

She hadn't paid very close attention to what the stores contained in the time that they had been there. They were shallow divets carved out of the earthy wall to make small individual shelves. But now as she investigated them a little more thoroughly, she was beginning to realize that there wasn't much to be salvaged. Pulling out what appeared to be scraggly clusters of Yarrow- they were in fact, so dry that they began to crumble upon touch. In one fluid motion, she swiped them off their shelf in onto the floor, moving on to the next with reckless abandon. The Mint, Lavender, Meadowsweet, Chamomile, and Marshmallow were all just as bad off. All at varying states of decay. Some of the ones closest to the entrance of the den had molded- and having to stick her paws into that nasty mess made her want to gag. But once she had gotten the worst of it scraped to the ground, she began bunching it up and kicking it toward the entrance. The dill and fennel fared better than their counterparts in terms of freshness- but their foliage was skeletal and wilted beyond recognition. Reaching for a last few stalks of what appeared to be parsley, they too crumbled away between her claws revealing a hollow stalk with barely any moisture trapped inside its remains. How long had this space gone unused?

Mariah let out a heavy, exasperated sigh as she surveyed the sorry state of the herb stores. The once vibrant and meticulously organized shelves now lay in disarray, the herbs withered and neglected. It was clear that neglect had taken its toll on this once thriving space. But Mariah was not one to be easily deterred. With a determined glint in her eyes, she set to work, determined to salvage what she could and transform this forgotten corner into a haven of healing herbs once again.

Mariah stood in the chaos of her den, surrounded by clutter and disarray. The desire to tidy up overwhelmed her, derailing her current objective. With an irritated huff, she began gathering everything into a bundle- collecting everything at once, and taking it outside to dispose of. She marched outside, braving the blustery spring winds as she dumped the mess into the nearby thicket. Without much thought or consideration, she scattered the wasted herbs amidst the shrubbery. Turning on her heels, Mariah hurried back inside, eager to escape the harsh gusts and get back to her original task.

Once back inside, she couldn't help but take a step back, her mind racing with ideas on how to breathe life back into the neglected herb stores. She knew that the first step was to clear away the remnants of decay and make room for new beginnings. Now that the floor of the tiny den was cleansed, Mariah turned her attention to the shelves themselves. She meticulously scrubbed each shallow divet, removing any traces of mold or dirt that had accumulated over time. The process was slow and arduous but filled her with a sense of purpose. With every stroke of her paw, she could almost feel the energy of the herbs stirring beneath her touch. As Mariah meticulously cleaned the shelves, she couldn't help but imagine the vibrant colors and intoxicating fragrances that would soon fill this once desolate space. She envisioned rows of neatly organized bundles, filled to the brim with freshly harvested herbs. Her mind wandered to the countless possibilities that lay ahead—potions to heal ailments, concoctions to soothe troubled minds, and remedies to invigorate weary souls. But then ... was promptly struck with a bout of sadness that none of this was hers. She was a guest. And just as she had come to breathe life into the space, it would die when she left it. But maybe .... she could find a wolf that would want to take over the upkeep of it. Did Valta have any healers needing extra space? She would have to find out.

Words: 813 / 800
"Mariah Mendacium"

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1. Does Nobody Check Expiration Dates?! Sunset Falls 09:49 PM, 11-08-2023 11:48 PM, 01-01-2024