
These Are My Confessions



11-09-2023, 01:54 AM
Winter no longer clung to the earth’s atmosphere. What was once cold air sweeping through became replaced with warmth. Spring now taking its place center stage for life to return from a long hibernation. Grass broke free from drying soils. Branches began to show lead sprouts from their ends. White hares now started to brown over. Billowing breathe of condensation no longer could be seen with every exhale.

Khranbari found himself coming to the hot springs. Wounds from the large male puma he and Varushka fought still taking quite some time to fully heal. Three gashes were just now fully covered by a dried blood. Occasionally leaking due to the stubbornness of his need to still patrol Valta’s borders. Had the earthen woman not chewed his ear, he surely would have continued such actions. Choosing best not to anger her any further. It wasn’t like he was the only one hurt. She, too, endured a few injuries herself. The biggest one being on her hind leg.

Just like him, the Raitas felt as if it were time they soaked. Staying steal did nothing but make it worse. And due to their encounter, Khranbari found himself ready to express himself. More so than anything he’s ever felt in his entire life.

"Khranbari Chah Fao"



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
11-12-2023, 10:54 PM (This post was last modified: 11-12-2023, 10:56 PM by Varushka. Edited 1 time in total.)

Birdsong was welcomed back to the forrest the Valta pack called home. The long harsh winter had finally begun to subside and gave way to warmer temperatures. Snowmelt left the ground rather slushy but new greenery still found it’s way to the surface. The winter had been an eventful one for Varushka, she had earned new scars and blemishes. They did little to tarnish her natural beauty, but that mattered none to her. The wounds she had suffered were her proof that she was becoming a worthy member of the pack. Joining Khranbari today for a nice warm soak was just what they needed to boost their healing and soothe the aches of winter and let them melt away.

It was nice to take some time to finally enjoy being out and about again, Varushka had more than enough gotten her fill of snow and cold weather. As she approached the pools beside Khranbari, she was the first to stick a paw in. The warmth tickled her cold toes and a chill ran down her spine. It was only a moment before she had fully submerged her body in the warm earth heated waters. It seeped into her fur and warmed her to the bones. This was her first time coming here, and Khranbari didn’t have to do much convincing to get her to come along. A blissful sigh escaped her maw as she waited for him to join her. Though he didn’t say much on their journey here, she could tell there was something on his mind and perhaps this was his way of getting warmed to to talk to her.



11-12-2023, 11:28 PM
He watched in silence as she bypassed him to emerge herself into the warm waters. The steam coming off of that earthy coat a beautiful sight. And for awhile, he chose to admire the view. Varushka was quite the female. Since their first time meeting she continued to empress him in more ways than many. Khranbari knew it was time for him to open up to someone. "I apologize… for his I acted in the beginning." His body eased into the water. Muscles tightened from how wonderful the water felt. Such a large wolf like himself nearly felt odd inside of the springs. But, he said nothing about the matter.

"Where I was born, affection, interaction, they did not come quite easily. I had not been given the chance to be social amongst others. Only training and beatings." Khranbari let out a breathy sigh. Surely he knew him speaking so much would be quite a surprise for Varushka. "I was the oldest. Meaning, I would take the throne once father descended. He ensured I couldn’t embarrass the kingdom." He spoke as if reliving that moment. Staring endlessly at the ripples around them. "Mother turned her back to me every time father would beat me. My siblings… they despised me. Little did they know what having father’s attention really meant.”

Khran met her gaze, then. "One night, I’d grown fed up. He molded me into the perfect warrior. Something he should not have done. While they slept, I slaughtered them both." He continued to hold her attention. "Asla was the first I told. Honestly, she took it quite well. Here? They can not find me because they do not know of this place and I hope they never do. I tell you this because I want to ask you something, Varushka." The Valta Raita grew closer. His breath heavy as his voice lowered. Nerves shook his very core under what he said next. "Will you… be mine?"
"Khranbari Chah Fao"



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
11-13-2023, 01:47 PM

Wading close to the edge of the pool, she rested her head on the side as she waited for him to join her. The large silver haired male slowly submerged himself in the warm water beside her. She could see his features soften as he began to relax. This was exactly what they needed, to relax and recuperate. To her surprise, he was ready to talk to her too. He began with an apology, which she felt was fair. The circumstances of their meeting was rather unusual but she didn’t hold it against him. Especially since he hadn’t made any excuses other than that he had been alone for a while. She had too after all. But this was good, they could talk it out and get a fresh start. She nodded. “It’s okay Khranbari. I appreciate you coming here to talk to me now.” Letting out another pleased sigh, she dunked her head below the water’s surface briefly before coming back up. If she was going to be soggy anyways she may as well get completely soaked. A light shake of her head freed the fibers of excess dripping before she moved to lay her head on the side of the pool once more. Her eyes transfixed on Khranbari as he began to speak again.

He spoke for a while, explaining some of his past to her with a far off look on his face. His eyes staring at the rippling water as he recalled the memories, and she could see it pained him. She couldn’t help but feel slightly bewildered by how much he was speaking. She had never heard him talk so much before, but she knew it was a good thing so she gave him her full attention. Some of what he said was hard to hear as it was rather sad, but she of all people was one to listen to the troubles of others even if to just make them feel better by being heard and listened to. Then, he met her gaze as his story darkened. He did not hesitate to explain that he killed his own parents. Varushka lifted her head from where it lay, a shocked expression on her face but her eyes remained locked with his. As the thought of it, she didn’t exactly think of Khranbari as a killer. But she wouldn’t put it past him to end anything or anyone who threatened him or what he cared about. She wondered if his mother was deserving of such a fate, his father sure, but she decided not to question him. It was a lot to take in, and Varushka remained silent a while after he was done. She was glad at least they were safe here, and surely Khranbari wouldn’t let anything bad happen to herself or anyone else in Valta.

She seemed to snap back from her thoughts as he addressed her. He moved closer to her, his breath disturbing the steam coming off the water. “Will you… be mine?” Yellow eyes betrayed her surprise and she was still for a moment unspeaking. She cared about Khranbari, she even chose to sleep with him in his den rather than be on her own. She often found herself thinking of him, or admiring his strength and stature. The silvery male had not exactly made it unclear that he was attractor her. Varushka knew quite well he was fond of her, so why was she so shocked to finally hear it? Her features softened, and she leaned forward to touch his nose with hers. ”We can work on it Khranbari. Just promise me you won’t keep anymore secrets from me okay?” she smiled at him with a warmth that made the water around them seem cool in comparison.



11-14-2023, 03:00 PM
A sigh breathed from him in relief. The gesture he knew sweeping across her close features in a warm breeze. She hadn’t said no; however, he could hear the silent yes that lingered behind her words. There was to be a trust between them to be built first. He knew this as his recent actions of withholding things did not make things go so smoothly as of current. So the moment their noses touched, Khran gave a nod of understanding. "I vow this to you. No more secrets." His chest ached when he moved a bit to better look at her. Earthen coat drenched from the dip she took. So beautiful she was in crib of him. While he shown like a gloomy night, she beamed warmth. "If you would like, we can train together."

Her determination made him smile. Lips tugging only on one end in a proud smirk. She was willing to become stronger. To learn just to find her place within the pack. By his side. Varushka’s mere personality gave him hope of their future together. How easily she handled him. Chastising the large monochromatic male whenever he did too much or stepped out of line. Already they were portrayed to be the perfect match. He took a dip himself waiting on her answer. Resting beneath the surface for a moment, before coming back to the top. "Besides fighting, and hunting, have you thought of any other skills you’d like to learn?" Khranbari knew how much she wished to be interpreted into Valta. Not just having joined for him. If she didn’t wish to continue on with hunting, perhaps she would enjoy healing others? Or maybe being a scout for them? He didn’t want to pry too much or even push her in a direction that was not her own choice. The main reason why he asked.
"Khranbari Chah Fao"



Novice Fighter (15)

Beginner Hunter (0)

4 Years
11-14-2023, 08:22 PM (This post was last modified: 11-14-2023, 08:22 PM by Varushka. Edited 1 time in total.)

Pride swirled in her chest of Khranbari finally beginning to open up to her. He met her words with a vow to keep working on his communication and to not keep secrets from her. Even an invitation was extended from him for her to join him on a training expedition. Gratitude shone in her yellow eyes and she dipped her head.
”Thank you, Khran. I would love that.” she cooed. A smile crept onto his features and Varushka’s tail swished in the water. She had never seen him smile before. It was a good look on him, she thought. It made her happy to know that she made him feel happy too. He was a good pack-mate and his loyalty was unmatched from all she had seen of him. Truly a fearless, stone strong, guy who would do anything for the ones he cared about. She didn’t care what his past was, it was who he chose to be now that was the most important. Varushka felt that she could trust him, and maybe it was that yearning for someone to trust that brought her back in search of him that late autumn and lead her to join a pack that she too could give her undying loyalty. Together they would ensure their pack was a safe place for all its members big and small. Another question tickled her ears as his words brought her back from her thoughts. She considered for a second, pleasantly surprised and engaged by his query. ”I have been thinking about that a bit lately.” she confessed. ”I think I’d like to learn some basic things that seemed to have proven useful around here. My family was rather.. old in their ways. I never learned how to craft or cultivate a fire. Or really how to make anything useful.” embarrassment heated her cheeks as she looked away. Being a crafter even if just sometimes to make useful items for the pack would make her plenty happy. Aside from hunting to feed them, and fighting tooth and claw to protect them. Maybe she was just an all around kind of girl after all.


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