
Shelby Plots and Things



Easter Egg Hunt 2023Easter 2022Rapid Poster - GoldCoder - RainbowToys for Tots
11-13-2023, 09:21 PM (This post was last modified: 07-06-2024, 08:06 PM by Shelby. Edited 12 times in total.)
I have many characters that are lacking in plots and I need reasons to keep them around! I've listed all of the characters that are open to what I consider "big" plots, aka romance, invitations to packs, other various drama, etc. I've listed their ages, skills, pack, and if they're currently taken or not for quick facts. If you have a plot that you've been dying to do and just need a partner to do it with let me know! I would much rather you DM me on Discord than respond here or send a site DM. I'm just notorious for missing messages anywhere else!


Profile – Age: 4 Years – Skills: Fighting, Hunting – Pack: Obscura – Relationship: Single

This recently single Pringle is very ready to mingle. He had a pretty long term relationship that ended because of a difference of where he wanted to be in this state in his life. He's very much in that regretting life choices and distracting himself with all of the ladies that might be interested. Eventually I would like to find him a more serious relationship because in the long run he dreams of having a mate and family. Undecided if he's going to be the type to fall hard and fast for that sort of thing or need some time and convincing to be ready to settle down again!


Profile – Age: 2 Years – Skills: Fighting, Navigation – Pack: The Hallows – Relationship: Single

Aylin is a wide open book! No future plans, just vibes. She loves a fight, very paladin-inspired, very spontaneous. I didn't have anything preplanned for her when I brought her in, I just wanted to play another Ulric child so here she is. She's currently in The Hallows since that's where her half brother and sword teachers are, but I wouldn't be opposed at all to her moving elsewhere. (I have eight Hallows wolves so please give me a reason to move one of them xD) She's painfully bisexual, maybe even leaning more toward ladies, but is just a lover all around.


Profile – Age: 5 Years – Skills: Intellect, Healing – Pack: The Hallows – Relationship: Taken

I would love to find a student or two for Gwyn to mentor in healing. I'm planning on switching her specialty to professor so her lessons will be more useful. They don't have to be in The Hallows currently to be a student. We could arrange for her to travel to a friendly pack to teach for a while or have them come stay with her for a while. I'm going to consider her taken for the sake of plots even though her potential relationship hasn't been made official yet. Something I'd really enjoy for her is for her to adopt a rogue pup or something along those lines. She's wanted to be a mom for a while now, but I'm not sure when biological children might be on the table so this could scratch the itch for her.


Profile – Age: Pup – Skills: Fighting, Intellect – Pack: Elysium – Relationship: Single

I do have a long term romance planned for her already, but there's a lot of time between now and then that could be filled with puppy crushes, little teenage flings, and the like. I even wouldn't mind some competition for her future hubby as long as you're okay with them ultimately losing the fight. I did have the idea of having her in an arranged marriage that she either breaks off or her betrothed meets an untimely end... Lots of options there!


Profile – Age: 3 Years – Skills: Fighting, Intellect – Pack: Obscura – Relationship: Single

Calling all the gays! I would absolutely adore finding a little guy for him to dote on. Morendo can be a bit rough around the edges, but he’s a softie at the core. Picture the moody, sensitive musician type and you’ll get pretty close to Morendo. I don't picture him being very monogamous, but I could be persuaded to have him settle down with someone if there's a good enough chemistry. He most certainly takes after his father in that regard. He is a musician and loves to sing so bonus points if there's someone he can play music with or teach.


Profile – Age: 2 Years – Skills: Fighting, Navigation – Pack: The Hallows – Relationship: Single

Calling all the lesbians! She’s already spoken for as far as a long term romance plot, but it looks like it's going to be a while before that really gets going so in the mean time if there's any ladies that want a fun fling she could be your girl. I also need to get her interacting more with other wolves in The Hallows so she's definitely available for general skill threads or any other plots that might be centered around the pack.


Profile – Age: 1 Years – Skills: Fighting, Healing – Pack: Hemlock – Relationship: Single

Rúna is another one that I have no plans for, just vibes. She's still pretty young right now so she's still figuring out who she is, but I'm imagining her as eventually being very dommy mommy, very crush me big lady. For now though, she could probably use a few friends or more time with her siblings/extended family given the whole parents being dead/dying thing. I also wouldn't be opposed to some kind of drama for her or something that might pull her away from Hemlock for a while for one reason or another. I'm willing to throw her at anything!


Profile – Age: 1 – Skills: Fighting, Healing – Pack: The Hallows – Relationship: Single

Solaire is about at the age when I would normally be looking for crushes or teenage flings, but the boy is so clueless I don't know if he'd even realize someone is flirting with him xD I think it'd be really funny to see someone try! He's a very sweet boy that has a capybara as his friend and likes to talk to plants but also swings around a giant axe so... if he sounds like your type send them him way!


Profile – Age: 1 – Skills: Fighting, Intellect – Pack: Armada – Relationship: Single

Wynter was recently named an Armada diplomat and is going to be doing some traveling soon to learn and sharpen her skills for the task. I'd love for her to meet all kinds of wolves while she's out and about–and do lots of flirting while she's away from dad. I do currently have a long term romance for her, but it'll be a good while before that turns into anything serious so she's open for other things in the mean time!

General disclaimer regarding maturity level of plots: I will never shy away from more mature plot topics, but I will also never push someone who is uncomfortable with that sort of thing to participate in that either. I will ALWAYS tailor an idea to you or tone down how descriptive I am about certain things to match your comfort level if you let me know you’re uncomfortable with something.