
Eww and Yuck and Gross



Raiders Hollow
The Scion

Master Healer (245)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

1 Year
11-15-2023, 01:22 PM

One day, while nosing around the pack's storage den, Siduri discovered a troubling sight and smell. Some of the herbs that the pack relied on for medicinal purposes had gone bad, overrun by insidious molds. This was a matter not just of inconvenience but of the pack's health and well-being. The responsibility to rectify the situation fell upon Siduri's tiny but determined shoulders. After all, no one else was going to do it. Did they even have any healers?

With a sense of purpose, Siduri set about the task of cleaning out the spoiled herbs. She meticulously sorted through the storage, separating the ruined from the salvageable. The air was filled with the earthy aroma of dried leaves as Siduri worked diligently, her keen eyes scrutinizing each bundle.

Once the cleaning was complete, Siduri faced another challenge: replacing the herbs she had discarded. Determined to contribute to the pack's well being, she embarked on a journey through the Archipelago. The young wolf pup moved with obvious intent, her white fur almost glowing in the dappled sunlight.

Her first stop was near a crystal-clear stream where Broadleaf plants flourished. Siduri carefully plucked the leaves, knowing they would be essential for crafting bandages. She envisioned the healing power these leaves would bring to her packmates.

Moving deeper into the Archipelago, she found a patch of Mullen leaves. Siduri understood the importance of these leaves in soothing wounds, and with each careful collection, she felt a sense of pride in her contribution to the pack's healing arsenal. They would owe her for this.

Next, her paws led her to a field blanketed with plantain leaves. Siduri knew these leaves could be turned into soothing salves, providing relief for various ailments. She gathered an ample supply, envisioning the remedies she could create for the pack.

As the day unfolded, Siduri ventured toward the center of the pack's territory, where the communal firepits were scattered. Here, she gathered charcoal remnants from the night's previous fires. The charcoal, once ground into a fine powder, would serve as a crucial element in wound care.

Returning to the pack with her bounty, Siduri felt a swell of accomplishment. The storage den, once tainted by mold, was now filled with the wholesome aroma of fresh herbs. The pack, unaware of her endeavors, would soon benefit from her diligence. Though one might think her quest had been a noble one, Sid quite liked the idea of being in charge of the health of others. If someone slighted her, she could slide them an herb to make them shit themselves. It wasn't within her to do anything worse than that... maybe, but she would definitely make someone poo.

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1. Eww and Yuck and Gross Dove Island Archipelago 01:22 PM, 11-15-2023 07:45 AM, 02-17-2024