
eyes like the tides



7 Years
03-31-2014, 02:59 PM (This post was last modified: 03-31-2014, 03:01 PM by Quintus.)
anyone from Valhalla pls <3

Quintus didn't know what to do when the earth began to shake. He had sought refuge by the lake, finding it more secluded than most of the lands Valhalla claimed. The lake itself was a rather popular area, but the outskirts seemed rather quiet. The boy was not yet sure if he was going to stay here, but it worked for now. But as he glanced up at the clouds, which had turned a menacing dark-gray, he wondered if he had made some kind of mistake.

The boy wasn't used to feeling fear, let alone having no one to turn to at such a moment. He watched with wide, sea-green eyes watching the trees overhead as they swayed and danced along with the earth's movements. A terrible roar seemed to rise from the earth itself, and he found his claws digging into the earth. He was afraid, having never experienced anything like this, and he had no idea what was happening.

"FUCK!" he shouted, his voice quivering with fear, hoping someone was around. The ground's quaking seemed like it might never cease, and he was frozen to where he sat, helpless as a child, despite the fact that he was nearly full grown and was beginning to look much more like a man than a pup.



04-08-2014, 01:17 PM

The day was serene, if a bit cloudy, and yet, Cormalin couldn?t seem to relax. Something told him that a bad thing was going to happen. He just couldn?t pinpoint it. It made his skin itch, and his fur rise along the back and shoulders. Not another storm, Luna?s teeth, please don?t let it be another one. No. It was worse.

A ghastly rumble started up. Not above him, but below his paws. And the earth began to quiver, like Obsidian?s hide when a fly landed on it. But worse. The older male staggered for balance as the shaking intensified. His eyes turned, seeing doubles of everything as the ground tossed and heaved like a restless sleeper. They landed on the lake, and in a moment of clarity, he saw the water, surface choppy, shaking and sloshing over the shore.

He heard a shout nearby, and his head whipped around. A young male stood frozen amidst the shaking. Erani had described this one to Cormalin, but in all the shaking, Cormalin took a moment to recall the name and put it to the boy?s face. ?Quintus!? Baritone voice called out, trying to be heard over the roar of the enraged earth. ?Quintus, lie on your belly! He followed his own advice, crawling toward the male. It was easier than trying to move on his paws. ?Crawl to me!? He called, hoping the young male would hear and obey.



7 Years
04-11-2014, 10:25 AM (This post was last modified: 04-11-2014, 10:25 AM by Quintus.)

Things had been pretty awful the last few months. Part of him wanted to laugh aloud that he'd been put in such a predicament, but he knew the situation as anything but funny. His claws continued to grip the earth as it roared and quaked around him, praying he would not go tumbling -- or worse, that something would not fall and hit him. From the corner of his eye he saw the water, normally still, now rippling and bubbling with alarming ferocity. It looked much more like the ocean at high tide than a lake, and he shut his eyes again just as quickly.

It was surprising when a deep voice called out his name. A man, and one he had certainly never met. He didn't dare open his eyes amidst all the commotion, afraid he might get dirt in his eyes. He gladly obliged to the stranger's wishes, his limbs seeming to give out beneath him as he dropped down. He shuffled forward like that -- quite a comical scene, if not for the earthquake that was happening all around them -- making his way toward the voice. After a long moment, he felt his head bump into the man's fur, and grew still, eyes still clasped firmly shit.



04-16-2014, 12:35 PM

Cormalin was relieved when Quintus began to blindly follow his voice, and called out again to the boy over the roaring fury of earth quaking and grating against itself below them. ?Good man!? He encouraged, until Quintus bumped into his side. Cormalin turned then, attempting to wrap his larger frame around Quintus?, to shield the young wolf from any falling branches that might have been shaken free of their trees, one paw draping over the male?s shoulders while he pressed his head over the others.

It seemed as though the shaking went on for hours, but really, it was only several minutes. Everything held in limbo; one terrifyingly long timeframe. Until finally, the earth began to slowly cease her shaking rage. The roar died to a deep, far away rumble, like thunder on the horizon, until? Silence surrounded them. Not a bird sang, not a cricket chirped. There was only the quick breathing of the two wolves, and the heavy, galloping thunder of their heartbeats. Cormalin slowly lifted his head, looking around at the world. Several trees were uprooted, roots clawing at the air like a macabre forest. The lake had settled, waves no longer slashing at the shore like trapped wildcats.

He looked down at Quintus, checking the young wolf over for damage. ?Are you alright, Quintus?? Luna, but he was shaking inside. He didn?t allow the shaking to spread to his body, instead forcing the fear aside to a compartment of his brain, to be dealt with on his own time. Mismatched blue and gold gaze was concerned. He was sure his own limbs would feel like water once he deigned to stand up.



7 Years
04-19-2014, 08:07 AM (This post was last modified: 04-19-2014, 08:07 AM by Quintus.)

Man, this was terrifying. Quintus couldn't help but wonder if his family was experiencing the same thing right now. His mother and father would protect one another, of that he was sure, but what about his siblings that had stayed behind in Valhalla? He wondered especially about Cassius and Amalia, as he hadn't seen them in so long. They had to be okay. He felt the loud drumming of his heartbeat in his chest, pounding in his ears, and he felt his head might explode.

The man that ushered him toward him was unfamiliar to him. His scent was familiar, in the sense that he was clearly a Valhallan, but he did not really know him otherwise. Quintus hadn't paid much attention to who most wolves here were, and he made a mental note that he really ought to start. He felt the man move over him, protecting him, and he was grateful for this stranger's help. Even if he was not really in grave danger -- but he'd never experienced such a thing and he was downright terrified.

But the rumbling subsided quickly, even though it felt like it went on for so much longer than it really had.

When the world grew silent, he slowly opened his eyes, peeking at Cormalin from behind his half-lidded gaze. "I.. I'm okay," he admitted timidly, his voice shaking a bit. It felt stupid to be so afraid, but he was too afraid to even try to hide it. He slowly writhed away from the older man, eying him. "Thanks, man," he offered gently. Still his voice wavered, and he found his limbs shaking as he slowly brought himself to all fours. "Who are you?" The Valhallans seemed much more aware than he was. Hell, half of them knew who he was and knew his name before he even saw them.



04-24-2014, 10:37 PM

Cautiously, Cormalin sat up as Quintus shakily pronounced that he was alright. His front legs did indeed feel as though they were made of water. They shook slightly, until he set them more firmly beneath himself. Was he ashamed of being scared? No. Fear was a smart emotion. To have absolutely no fear in the face of nature?s wrath was foolish. ?It?s alright to be scared. I am too. And I?m a veteran warrior.? He gave the boy a faint smile, nodding at the thanks.

As Quintus asked who he was, Cormalin chuckled. ?I?m Cormalin, and, through Erani, I?m your great Uncle.? Slowly, he rose to his fours, legs shaking slightly until he walked it off a bit. Mismatched blue and gold eyes gazed around at the carnage of trees. ?Hm, some of these have made good dens. A blessing within a moment of terror, eh?? He cast a glance to Quintus, before a faint rumble started beneath their paws again. He quickly lowered himself. This shaking wasn?t anywhere near as bad, but? He didn?t like earthquakes.