
Like A Shimmer In Sunlight


Raiders Hollow

Master Fighter (305)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

1 Year
Extra large

11-25-2023, 03:57 PM

Tarnish watched the dark clouds rolling in overhead, their bellies sagging with rain. He tried to gauge how far off they were and how long he had to complete this hunt before he got soaked to the bone. He turned his eyes back to the task at hand, peering through the thick cover of tall grass. His prey were rabbits. They clustered around the tender spring grasses, chewing and hopping. One in particular seemed very alert to the threat of predators. It was this one that was making it difficult for Tarnish to time his attack. Now six months old he was ready for his first solo hunt. A proper hunt for more than just frogs, lizards, and other such game. No, he wanted to catch a proper meal for himself. It meant a lot to him to be able to keep himself fully fed and a rabbit was the first step toward that goal.

He scanned the horizon for Worc but didn't see the crow. That was just as well. A crow circling above, much like a bird of prey would cause the rabbits to scatter and he didn't want that. The question now was how did he approach this hunt? The rabbits were faster and more agile than he was. Without a partner to corner his quarry Tarnish knew he needed to get as close as possible. He crouched down low and started to stalk. His coat color was both a hindrance and a help but if he kept low, like a swath of shadow, he found he had much better success in his hunting. Looking for obstacles he could use to his advantage, Tarnish focused on a log nearby. As far as he could tell there wasn't a hole there for the rabbit to dive under. It could certainly jump it easy enough but if Tarnish could time it right that might be the one moment he needed to snag his prey.

Tarnish moved closer, pausing as his paw landed solidly on a rock. Thankfully it wasn't kicked or moved in a way that made too much noise but he still flinched as all the rabbits suddenly paused, one of them standing up and looking about. He kept still, agonizingly still until the rabbits started to go back about their way eating. He very carefully breathed a sigh of relief before looking back to the rock and considering his next move. The rock could be useful. If he could hit it in a way that it landed behind a rabbit he could startle it into jumping forward, possibly right toward the log. If he was able to have a rough idea of where his prey was going to bolt then he could make up for the difference in speed. He wouldn't have to guess or rely purely on reaction.

Tarnish carefully changed his angle, his legs coiling sharply beneath him like springs. This was going to take way more coordination than he'd ever managed to muster in his little life but he was still going to go for it. His paw pulled back and then with a powerful swipe he struck the rock, sending it skitter through the cluster of rabbits. They scattered, leaping every which way but it focus was on the one that had been facing the log. The gray rabbit leapt forward, thinking there was a predator behind it and it was partially correct for a split second after he hit the rock, Tarnish launched himself forward for the gray rabbit. Stride by stride he matched it but he was not quite fast enough to catch it as it leapt over the rock. He did however managed to snag it's left hind leg just slightly. His teeth broke skin and he was given the faintest taste of blood to drive him onward.

Leaping over the log after the rabbit he put on another burst of speed, gaining closer to the rabbit which had stumbled when his fangs had nicked it. It wasn't able to regain its lead for in the next stride Tarnish was atop it, fangs snagging the back of the rabbits neck. He held fast, shaking his head violently, slamming it into the ground to stun it. He shifted his grip around the creature's throat, using its stunned state to risk such a maneuver. Moments later the rabbits breath stopped. Tarnish didn't dare to release his prey, not quite ready to believe he'd done it but after a few moments his grip loosened. He'd done it! He'd done it!

Tarnish whooped in joy, releasing a howl of triumph. Surely this would do his father proud. Tarnish examined the kill for a moment before he picked up the rabbit and raced back to the pack lands, eager to show what he'd done as well as dig into his meal.

Raider Brats

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1. Like A Shimmer In Sunlight Algoma Prairie 03:57 PM, 11-25-2023 03:28 AM, 02-13-2024